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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Okay, I'm coming back *Hits head on roof of elevator, falls back down, screams*
  2. I strap boosters to your hill, kick you off, and stick it in orbit. My astronomical hill.
  3. They are amazing as probe final-stage engines. My Joolian probe had one, and it is powerful enough to really change your orbit.
  4. 541: This floor has large electrical arcs coming from towers in the middle of the room, connecting the walls and the towers together.
  5. Probably false. The user below gets this reference:
  6. Banned because I'm in school right now.
  7. Sepatron motors on massive asparagus rockets are VITAL. Otherwise, you can kiss your main engines goodbye.
  8. "There's this moon, made of honey. Well, it's not really honey, and it's not really a moon, in fact, it's slightly carnivorous, but there are some great views." --The Doctor
  9. So far, the best logical argument I've seen. I have never de-orbited a station. But if you're going to, take screenshots galore of it in space, and all the steps toward the ground.
  10. I hollow out your hill and build a testing facility. Me Science Center!
  11. Hey guys, I found a plasma torch! [proceeds to cut hole in floor] *falls, screams* [DEATH] The "[DEATH]" thing is from Portal, if you're wondering.
  12. Nope. The user below can state a paradox
  13. Banned for an animated profile pic.
  14. Yep The user below me is not mrrpamplemousse
  15. True, and I didn't about, oh, a week ago. The next user can name the game this came from:
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