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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Granted. It tears you apart (because dark matter is pretty much anti-gravity) I wish I had a better battery on my computer.
  2. False The next user is on the game forum now.
  3. Banned for refusing the help of others.
  4. Banned for praising me. EDIT: are you new here? I think you are, because in the game section, briansun1, mrrpampelemousse, aceassassin, and I are usually on the top 5-10 newest post areas. Often there are massive chains of responses between us.
  5. False. The next user is on the game forums a lot.
  6. First of all, you need (as far as I know) more than 5 posts before you get full forum privaleges. Otherwise, use a site like Imgur or Tinypic to upload pictures. Copy the BBCode and paste it in your post. Hope this helps. Welcome to the forums!
  7. 10/10 Probably explains a few things.
  8. This is my first Mun lander in Career Mode. At least I think it was. I'm pretty sure, there were a lot of failed attempts, you see..
  9. I unplugged the internet. No more memes... Yet.
  10. Granted, but bronies are so few and far between that hardly anyone comes and they are cancelled. I wish that all the threads would stop derailing into ponies less often. Notice that I didn't say they should stop forever
  11. Have you noticed that this thread has completely derailed? It turned into a general discussion!
  12. 8/10 "It took Eragon a moment to find his voice after so nearly lopping off his toes. "Does the sword have a name?" Angela laughed. "Of course. In the ancient language, its name is Albitr, which means exactly what you think. But I prefer to call it Tinkledeath." --Inheritance, page 286 That series is great.
  13. Careful! The Thread is dissolving! Somebody post a picture, quick!
  14. Banned for not using existence as proof of awareness (because who says it can't be the other way?)
  15. If you can get there... *Evil laugh*
  16. 10/10 If you're only half-brony, what is your other half?
  17. Happy birthday! Enjoy an awesome background I made:
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