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Everything posted by I_Killed_Jeb

  1. Landing on the Mun atop the engine of my lander following a RUD of the landing legs mid-flight
  2. Indeed, a major concern... I feel it takes 90% of my development time to get that last 10%, to ensure consistent reliability and usability, as opposed to coaxing something into orbit once. BTW how'd you get the tiny fuel tanks to surface attach onto the wings?
  3. Add fairings and it'll look sweet! I made a mini-pollo as well some time ago. I recommend clipping in two command seats into the capsule, and you have yourself a genuine apollo mission Recently I've been working on an SSTO and its interplanetary mothership, the design's finished but getting the mothership into orbit has been a WIP. Nearly complete, however... I'm also very off-and-on for the past year working on the Super Guppie, the most nonsensical SSTO concept I could come up with, but alas this poor pup can barely leave the runway
  4. I remember reading that one of the features for 0.22 or 0.23 was that we'd be able to fix broken landing legs like we can with rover wheels. The trouble is I've never managed to break a leg short of have the entire part break off the ship. Anyone been able to "fixably" break a leg?
  5. so.. when are we going to tell the OP he's not that good at KSP yet?.... ;-) Just kidding, of course. I feel once the initial barrier is overcome, everything really opens up quickly
  6. They'd strip out all planets for 1.0 release and force you to get KSP Premium for an additional $50 if you want them back This forum would be terrrible and crawling with teenagers raging about the rocket balance
  7. Mods who warn you for responding to a sick video with that most dastardly of words, "Sick"
  8. Do you always launch payloads with the thrust plate configuration?
  9. Almost invariably build top to bottom, like most everyone who's posted so far. The lander/orbiter is almost always the most interesting part of the design process and as such for me it takes 90% of the work. Then it's just a matter of strapping on enough dV to take that into orbit.
  10. also, if you have not done so yet, i challenge you to build an ssto
  11. I think you can ably visit a Joolian moon or two
  12. doesn't explain why your maximum altitude was over 3K. in your screenshot at 989m your plane is descending at a rate of ~10 m/s. Not that I don't believe your entry, just pointing out the gaps.
  13. if they'd stay open on the ground they'd have a lot of use in stopping planes on landing, too bad they're automatically cut off. it would be really useful when landing planes on duna with its super bumpy terrain
  14. is your COM/COL relationship stable with the empty tanks? the SPH is actually a very versatile tool. with tweakables you can see the COM shift with fuel use, and by pitching the plane up and down (shift+w/s) you can see how the attitude changes where the COL goes. often times even if the COL starts behind the COM, if you pitch up/down enough, it'll shift to be in front of the COM, causing a deathspin
  15. interesting concept, but needs a bit more polish for a challenge, like win conditions, and the aforementioned exploit bans
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