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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold”
  2. “Any resemblance to a swimming pool is purely coincidental!”
  3. Well, that all comes down to semantics. What many people call an explosion is just rapid uncontrolled combustion. But if the right stoichiometric mixture is present, then you get a detonation, complete with shock wave. A ruptured propane tank doesn’t explode; it rapidly combusts. But if a tank has time to leak just the right amount into an empty room, then the room can explode. The ET attached to Challengerdidnt explode; it ruptured and the propellants rapidly combusted. But the general population calls it an explosion. I guess I’m walking a thin line here. I tend to consider an actual explosion to be a detonation, but AFAIK a detonation generates a supersonic shockwave and/or combustion front. I don’t know if all fuel-air explosions fit my understanding of a detonation. The definition of explosion tends to be a little looser. I think I just confused myself
  4. So you basically need to make the standard automotive gas tank rupture onto a tepidly hot surface so it can vaporize before being sparked...
  5. Remember, you generally also need a 10m heatshield at the back end (relative to entry direction) to keep it from flipping. I ended up using airbrakes, Vernors (ok, I probably didn't actually need those), and an inflatable heat shield to keep my beast hot-side-forward.
  6. I was watching my teenager play roller hockey on a men’s team last night; my legs felt leaden just watching them.
  7. That's my preferred mod for that sort of thing. Does a few other things too. I tend to forget which things weren't stock.
  8. I can't believe I haven't posted this is this thread yet...
  9. Although, later in the movie Arnie was strafing police cars with a minigun, and not a single one exploded until he pulled out the grenade launcher... I once read an account of a train engineer stuck under the burning locomotive of a derailed train. He decided he was safer in the pool of spilled diesel. It kept him cooler
  10. LOL nobody can top "Smelly Cat," eh? Well, I hit random on the stereo and one of my favorites came on...
  11. Okay, so I have today off and I'm watching T2: Judgement Day. I just finished watching the first chase scene. I'll ignore the fact that when the T-1000 drove a Peterbilt tow truck off the overpass into the spillway I could clearly see the front suspension was destroyed (some classic Dukes of Hazzard magic there). But then a few minutes later it crashed and exploded. I'm pretty sure spilling diesel fuel can't be ignited by a 12V or 24V spark. I'm even more sure it wouldn't explode like that, in those conditions. But hey, just more Hollywood magic at work. Without the explosion they couldn't have put in the cool liquid-metal-man CGI effect, which was so cutting edge at the time.
  12. If you have MH, you can set up a simple mission in the Mission Builder for testing...
  13. If you have MH, you can set up a simple mission in the Mission Builder for testing...
  14. Oh well, if you're going to quote Yoda... "I've got a bad feeling about this..." - Just about every Star Wars character ever (well, the good guys, anyways. It would be interesting to hear James Earl Jones say that line...)
  15. Hollywood? or Bollywood? (I'm never completely sure what someone means when someone says Indian these days. I assume it means south Asian, but with a typical North American bias I can never be completely sure) Edit: I guess it's time for a new pic. Christmas morning comes too early when you have kids Edit March 6: I suppose I should mention the mug was a custom-printed Christmas gift
  16. The number of times I've made a burn while controlling from the wrong point... Luckily I usually quicksave before executing a maneuver node. Usually. This just inspired a meme... E:
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