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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I thought that the rings were being replenished by cryovolcanoes on inner moons and moonlets
  2. Or the opposite, like that moment when you're sitting facing the general direction of the Sun, and someone is standing nearby talking to you, and you're looking up at them with the Sun near their head, and it's like "Dude, take a step to the left, I need a full melon eclipse here!"
  3. It would probably work better as a toll highway similar to the 407 (IIRC) tollway around Toronto, where one could pay a toll to take the tunnels under the gridlock, saving loads of time. This way the tunnels shouldn’t get overloaded if the tolls are priced right, but it would still reduce traffic on the surface streets and freeways. The elevators would probably work pretty well for pedestrians, as the vehicle could load up with people on the surface then drop down and crank the hyperdrive.
  4. Dang it, I can only give that one like. One of my favourite songs
  5. B1054: “Boss? I... I can’t feel my legs, boss. Where’s my legs, boss? And my arms fins are numb... where’s my grids?!? I have no grids! Something is very wrong here boss...” Yeah, I’d say they have some unusual sensor readings...
  6. It is hard for the eye to figure out what it’s seeing. So they covered half of the trunk with shiny solar cells?
  7. I dunno, it only looks a little off-white to me. But the trunk also looks like a Hitchhiker module to me
  8. Musk has said in a tweet and/or interview that he'd like to go to Mars
  9. Went to upgrade a bank of coat hooks, only to discover that a screw holding the old one on had pierced the main drain line from the bathroom upstairs. The pipe itself was an easily patched with epoxy, but now I have two holes each about six feet long and six-inches wide in the drywall to fix
  10. It seems reasonable that if they took steps to protect the inside from casual seawater splash and spray, and that it lands softly enough to not do structural damage, then reuse should be fairly straightforward. After all, a fairing half would make a decent boat hull and has to protect the payload from rain and thunderstorms. I start to think they could add a small electric outboard motor (and a sail if the winds are favourable), some solar panels, maybe some keel ridges, and it could sail itself home. Maybe they should buy a boatmaker to make self-returning fairings lol
  11. That worked well, I was able to spot Dragon chasing the ISS before the freezing-rain clouds moved in. It was farther behind than I expected, the other chaeses I've seen were closer together.
  12. Yeah, this townhouse complex isn't very dim either Checks watch.... Oh hey, it's a clear night and there's a pass in 22 minutes! Sweet! Good time to take the dog for a walk, or vice versa!
  13. I've seen that twice, and the first time I was able to drag my whole family out to see it the first time. They thought it was pretty neat. I know there's a website to tell when it's visible, but I haven't used it in awhile. I need one that'll text me!
  14. Wow, thanks for that great video! I’m sure at the end you were thinking “Where’s the kaboom? After that descent there should be a (an earth-shattering) kaboom!
  15. Well, it’s about time they made those flights more interesting, since it was starting to get ho-hum. These B5’s must be pretty beefed up since they now appear to be able to handle the “ body-slam” of tipping over. I wonder if it could survive a droneship topple without exploding. Not flyable, of course, but no kaboom... They should have enough time to dry it out to be a candidate for the MaxQ abort test Now here’s a question: are the engines’ control systems designed to redline the remaining engines if one fails?
  16. My biggest question for manned BFR is where do they plan on getting the ECLSS from? Building their own from scratch or using NASA’s design for the unit developed for the ISS? For that matter, where did they get the unit for Crew Dragon?
  17. Undead pawn to H4: Moooooore Brraaaaaiiiiiinnnssss!
  18. Built a Duna Salvage Rover w/tug (carefully checking TWR with KER), then went to my subassemblies, found the tried-and-true "Space Camp Booster," and stacked it underneath. The numbers still looked good, although I thought this payload was heavier than the ol' Bus. What the hey, load up a crew, and launch the suckers. Then watched as the Mammoth surrounded by Mainsail boosters roar to life as they sink down to the pad and everything explodes. Because I had been checking the pad TWR against Duna's gravity.... Back to the drawing board for a super-heavy booster. It was about time to update old designs to include the new parts anyways
  19. Wow, I rate a special thanks? Sweet! Glad I could help, and congrats on reaching the kilopost plateau. Now we just have to get you into the Rep Grand Group!
  20. Colonel Mustard in the library with a candlestick
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