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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. But wouldn't a mercury globule evaporate in the +200oC of direct sunlight?
  2. And that’s why my mother insisted her kids would never ride a motorbike if she could help it... Although as a kid I did manage to smack my head on the pavement at least two different times while riding my bicycle. No concussion that we knew of. Thank the Maker for those flexible kid skulls.... Yeah, I started wearing a (hockey) helmet when I rode my bike after that second one, long before it was the thing to do. Before there were (affordable) bike helmets! Hope you’re back in the game soon!
  3. This sounds like a good idea. I’m guessing an ideal “bullet” would be frozen mercury (Hgun?), if you don’t mind the toxicity. Electromagnetically launching it could (almost) melt it which should reduce target fragmentation. If it’s almost melted, the impact pressure could liquefy it, hopefully reducing splatter. Edit: Not sure how the bullet fragments would behave, however. On the night side they would freeze, to melt again on the day side. Would they vaporize completely? Not sure how much of a threat molten globs of mercury would be to other spacecraft.
  4. I like Rhino transfer stages. I’ve also come to like transfer stages with 3-4 Wolfhounds. Let’s see, you don’t have enough propellants, and you’re doing the transfer burn with partially empty tanks. You should go the other way and cram every tank you have with LFO, then transfer it from the lander to the transfer stage when you need it for Dres orbit insertion. . If that’s not enough, add more tanks! If the stack is getting to heavy to make orbit, then launch with some empty tanks and refuel them in orbit. And since you’re refuelling in orbit, don’t be afraid to use the transfer stage to circularize your Kerbin orbit; less space debris that way. All my interplanetary launches lately need a tanker visit before leaving Kerbin. Later, half-empty tankers dock together and consolidate propellants before de-orbiting the empty.
  5. The air is hazy, the light is orange, and everything smells like burning wood, even inside. Yup, I’m living in a giant campfire known as British Columbia, where we’re smoking out the province next door. Sorry Alberta, but that’s what you get for ramming a pipeline expansion through our backyard. And you want to send more fuel for the fires? (600 wildfires or so burning in our province. Not the firenadoes of California, but still...) At least I’m not in a fire zone... yet
  6. Congrats on getting Mission of the Week! Now where was this during the "Destroy KSC" challenge?
  7. And now I know why you picked that username....
  8. I proposed something similar in this forum a few years ago. You’re forgetting the most important thing that will cut down the wait list: revenue! Sell time on the rovers! My I dea was to have a Lunar Racing League with reasonably fast, more durable rovers. And yes, dealing with the time lag would be part of the challenge. OTOH, this could be done with just a computer simulation, with simulator champions allowed to drive the real ones. There’s more to the idea than that, but that’s the core of it. The key is to sell time on these units!
  9. I wonder what the max theoretical ISP is of Polish Spirit (96% ethanol) and HTP (high test peroxide)? edit: note that HTP is nasty stuff. Polish Spirit merely kills taste buds
  10. I had heard last night that she was on her deathbed. F RIP
  11. And Lucas wanted Chewbacca to be Ewok sized, but was overruled on the grounds of being too cutesy. But he got his teddy bear fetish on in ROTJ. Note: Ewok is a wordplay on Wookie
  12. The first rule of communication: Use "I" statements instead of "You" statements. "I have an issue with how you do things" makes it your problem, not theirs. "You did it wrong" just puts them on the defensive and they shut down and block out.
  13. When it come to these "satellite in specific orbit" contracts, the An/Dn on the target orbit will show your relative inclination, but is not affected by maneuver nodes (until executed). While burning normal/anti-normal will change your inclination, it will also tend to raise your orbit, requiring some retrograde to compensate. Another handy mod for plotting this sort of maneuver is Precise Maneuver, or the similar mod (fork? clone? takeover? not sure which is which anymore) Precise Node, which has a button for changing inclination without changing the Ap/Pe.
  14. That sucks, hard. But what if all 70+ of you walked out? Either quit or wildcatted? Not an optimal solution, but they shouldn't be allowed to get away with that. Or sock them with a ton of bad press. It's amazing how fast companies change their tune when the media gets a hold of a "big bad company" story. Edit: or is it one of those situations where the company needs to do this to stay afloat?
  15. Well, it doesn’t have to be a Kerbal movie. Just use the KSP engine and ships ( or mod in new ones) for the spacecraft.
  16. Yeah, I have Tourism Plus and run “Space Camp” missions on a 23-seat bus, which leaves room for additional tourists to pay for the launch. The big payoff from Space Camp is the three new kerbonauts, which are worth quite a bit in the later game. My Bus has oodles of dV to make Mun orbit, Minmus landing, and a peek into solar orbit, so that the new kerbals, and any other trainees or rescuees, come back as 3 star kerbals. Heck, I have one Bus on the way to Duna right now. Stacking as many contracts as you can into one launch is the way to go. The Bus often hauls a satellite secondary payload as well.
  17. That said, I would imagine that if T2 and the relevant mod makers were promised a share of the profits or revenue, licensing the use of KSP-RO for a big screen production should be a possibility.
  18. My sons are wanting to start playing D&D (I never did; but I played similar things a time or two). Seems kinda expensive to get set up, from what they’re looking at. Not sure it’s all necessary. Figurines at CAD40 ea?
  19. Science Fiction these days seems to have more fictional science than real science...
  20. But I go straight from the VAB to the pad (less memory leaks that way, or so I've heard), and warping megaton-class vehicles on the pad tends to be.... risky This is actually the second time I've done it, but the first time was in alpha, when the dV requirements were higher but there was no heat, and no ISRU
  21. Been binge-watching The Ranch lately. Now the theme is stuck in my head.... And while I was looking for that, this popped up in the sidebar...
  22. WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Finally, my Eve ascent is complete!But I don't know if my F9 button will ever be the same. Ok, so I did cheat a little bit, by using infinite propellant to so that my Gilly Miner could get the EAV fueled up in one go. I did prove I could get a significant load of props from Gilly to the EAV, but I didn't see the point in wasting tedious time doing ten or more trips to get it fully fueled. But the descent and ascent was fully legit. I'll spoilerize the rest of the story, since there'll probably be a lot of screenshots.... There were many fails and misteps (some are posted above) on the way, like when I jettisoned the airbrakes after landing, but before I collected the science from the instruments mounted on those decouplers. *sigh, reload, land it again...* Many quicksaves, (Dated Quicksaves are so useful!), many quickloads, and many, many funds. This took me a few months worth of RL time, from when I started building the first EAV. I had to send a shipload of parts to try and make the first EAV work after the first attempts failed. Then I had to test and send the second EAV (15-20 minutes for each gentle entry attempt!). While waiting for those transfer windows I had other missions to take care of around Dres and Jool, including a failed Laythe return with my Tylo lander (reload, pretend I never tried, Wolfhound sucks on Laythe) and a successful Tylo return mission. Silly things like family and work kept getting in the way. There was also the headache of getting that science into the capsule, when I couldn't just transfer the science into it. I tried hacking a science box into the capsule by editing the save file, but that didn't want to work despite the fact that I had done it before. A little searching and I found Ship Manifest, which let me transfer science that way. Thanks, @Papa_Joe! Of course, I didn't actually need the science, but I had to get something for my troubles!
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