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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I had trouble moving stuff around if the destination was too far from the storage, until I figured out the strategy of attach - move kerbal - detach and re-attach closer - rinse/ repeat until in range of where it was supposed to go. There's probably an easier way, but that worked for me. It also helps to bring along ladders and/or handholds. Those square containers can also be used as backpacks, somehow someway (dropping it into inventory? Not sure, haven't actually done it).
  2. Well, here's the wiki link on NTR's. It seems to boil down partly down to political will to push it past the anti-nuke crowd, which objects to the risk of an in-flight accident, and partly to the lack of funds and need after plans for manned Mars missions and more manned Moon missions were shelved.
  3. Is that vacuum or ASL? and what about the SRB's?
  4. PC players are in the same boat on that one, there is no way to easily and accurately move "half a tank" of fuel or oxidizer. And good luck getting them to both stop at the same point. @GrouchyDevotee: I should add that the best way to move a smaller amount of propellants around is to have a smaller "stash" tank somewhere that you can use as a "measuring cup"
  5. That probably also fits @linuxgurugamer every time there's an update or patch...
  6. Third time's the charm? Hope it's more like three strikes and they're out! (as in the whole solar system is the strike zone)
  7. Add-on Releases:
  8. Post funny stuff in the right places, like here: or here:
  9. Delicious and nutritious, tastes just like chicken! No? More like Soylent Green, maybe?
  10. BBC (British Broadcast Corp) vs CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) Dunno what Breitbart is tho... (google...) Hmm, a news and opinion network / website... hmm, what to counter with....
  11. Relevant Larry Niven short story: Flatlander (Wiki plot synopsis link)
  12. Yup, mass production FTW! It always takes longer doing something for the first time. Then you can apply lessons learned to the next unit, and by the time you get to number ten, the builders know what they're doing and have figured out the best way to do it (hopefully). (This is getting dangerously close to politics, and probably the wrong thread for this, but...) This is the problem every gov't faces; they just can't win. Everyone complains taxes are too high / shouldn't be raised / need to be lowered, and then complains that the gov't won't fund necessary programs enough / pay gov't workers enough, and/or that the gov't is in deficit / under crippling debt. To top it all off when they finally want to do something they get NIMBY'd or BANANA'd.
  13. I just saw the movie last night, having never read the book (soon, it's in the house; just waiting for my daughter to finish it) and thought it was great. I think I prefer it that way, since I wasn't expecting anything from the book to be in the movie. I loved all the pop culture references, some subtle, some smacking you upside the head. Too many to mention or even remember them all. Things that stood out:
  14. This is probably relevant to both the Tesla crash and the Uber/pedestrian accident: There usually has to be more than one failure for an accident to happen. When all the "holes" (failures) line up, bad things happen. I guess Musk was trying to point out that the Autopilot wasn't the only thing that failed, but it sounds like he wasn't supposed to go public with it (yet)
  15. Good drivers adjust their speed so they can stop in the road distance that they can see, whether it be curves, dark, fog, or other low-visibility conditions. Also sometimes referred to as "Driving within the range of your headlights"
  16. Why didn't Harry Potter get married to Katniss Everdeen by Admiral Adama aboard the Enterprise, and then take the Love Boat to their Honeymooner on Fantasy Island....?
  17. The thing that really helped the use of steel-belted radial-ply tires become widespread was when Francois Michelin figured out a way to bond rubber to steel. The stiffness of the steel allowed wider radial tires to have a flat tread across the crown, instead of rounded
  18. Yeah, I think I posted this in the KSP memes thread, but it's more of a forum thing, so...
  19. That is a seriously wicked-looking skull in that picture. As for my response...
  20. So much this, but I suppose there should be an addendum... 272 (a): Hating on people wishing for multiplayer
  21. Actually, it is quite pertinent, as the SLS is using essentially the same SRB's (same segments, just one more; no recovery system) on a rocket that is expected to be manned. The major difference is that the crew is above the tankage (where they should be) instead of beside it.
  22. Was chaperone at a school camp with my kid. The cook also played guitar. So now what’s running through my head is.... Sloppy Joes, Sloppy Sloppy Joes
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