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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. "Forgotten and unknown now..." You're not kidding. I'd never heard of them, and the song was not at all familiar to me, although to me ti certainly had a Beatles influence. So a little wiki and I came across a title that did seem familiar. Totally different from what you posted, and it's been covered many times, which is how I recognized it...
  2. It's missing the foundation of thousands of factory and warehouse grunts.
  3. Now they need a diamond planet to shine on....
  4. I dread when someone gets the bright idea of replacing Alec Guinness with Ewan McGregor. No offense to Ewan, but that would be sacrilege and an insult to Sir Alec. Er right. Back to funny/interesting. Um, didja know rubber can be de-vulcanized? Yeah, okay, probably only of interest to a retread like me, but here ya go...
  5. Clarification: Hayden was added in the DVD release in 2004, "to establish continuity with the prequel trilogy." I knew it wasn't the SE because that was before the PT; SE was a testbed of the CGI work as a precursor to the PT. Thanks to @TheSaint's link for refreshing my memory.
  6. @VanamondeMore commonly known as the Special DVD Edition I believe. At the end of RotJ, the “Force ghosts” of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin appeared. The original had the original Vader actor (in the faceplate off scenes, his name escapes me) as the Anakin ghost. The Special Edition (added scenes, some upgraded f/x) had Hayden Christensen, the prequel Anakin, as the ghost
  7. They did. What they did not test, apparently, was hitting the door with a sledgehammer then throwing a ball at the window… I’m guessing what was not tested was how many times they could throw a steel ball at the window before it broke. Even so-called “bullet proof glass” can only stop so many bullets before it fails. In vehicles, the idea is that you’ve driven away by then
  8. I know that many alloys change properties at cryogenic temperatures. Stainless steel gets stronger. A materials test in my university days showed that a steel plate that is punctured by a bullet at room temperature can stop the bullet if first cooled by liquid nitrogen. Some the energy goes into transforming the steel into a different type (into martensite IIRC, which I probably don’t) While I’m sure SpaceX knows this, it may be tricky to get right. I still haven’t seen confirmation of if the FTS fired late, or fired earlier but didn’t do the job. You’d think they’d have tested that…
  9. Forty years ago (minus three weeks; close enough) my mom pulled me out of school so we could see the release of Return of the Jedi without facing the worst of the movie-going hordes in downtown Vancouver. At this moment I am taking my 19 and 16yos to see that same movie in the theatre for their first time. Being a limited re-release, we had to drive 45 minutes to where it is showing, but it’s worth it. It should be starting in a few minutes E: Enjoyed it, but it was the Haydenized edition
  10. Yeah. I never connected his name to any songs, but now that I'm going through his list it's like "Oh, yup, that's a good one... Another good one... That too? Wow... And..."
  11. Nope, not pretty at all. Especially after learning the AFTS was supposed to fire sooner. I’d like to say more data gained, but since they say they lost comms, very little.
  12. I was thinking along the line of color-coded orbits based on number of orbits, probably on a log scale. But it would basically amount to every planet having its own color. Perhaps by having the colors be in rainbow order, moving down the wavelengths? Integrating that with multiple milestone "planetary fingerprints" (I also like that) could make it even more colorful. E: Extra challenging if trying to color code the milestones,. Hmm. Would numbered milestones be big enough on a mug? How much interest would a poster print generate, with more room for legends and such?
  13. Landed. One of the best landing cams I've had the pleasure of watching live
  14. IIRC there were range limitations, and part of the summer stand-down a few years ago was for range upgrades to support a higher launch cadence.
  15. Considering we’ve been considering getting a mug press to put custom images on (compatible) mugs, this sounds like a good idea to put on them. We were brainstorming ideas, but that’s one thing that never came to mind
  16. Hmm, yes, I can see how a covered flame trench for several meters would lessen acoustic loads on the rocket Oh, I dunno, they'd be perfectly fine as a station taxi, when the Optimus production line is churning them out...
  17. Old one. Reminds me of my old cat when he casually tried to make a routine jump from the bar onto a ledge. I hear “scrabble scrabble scrabble thump” and see him casually walking away from the big scratches down the wall. Getting fat there, big guy?
  18. "If you don't find yourself adding parts back in, then you haven't removed enough parts!"
  19. I didn't even have to click play. I just read the title and it started playing in my head...
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