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Everything posted by AlbertoKermov

  1. You could add the mechjjeb directly to the cfg of the the LOK. That's what I do for TMA descent module, progress and MIR probe. Add this after the lift support module on the cgf file EDIT: Missing TechRequired attributes (not showing up on carreer mode): - Soyuz TMA Descent Module - Soyuz TMA Orbital Module - Soyuz TMA Service Module - SoyuzST Fregat - SoyuzST Shroud - SoyuzST decoupler Missing Parts - MIR Probe Also, TMA doesn't have crew report nor experiment storage. Missing this part: I fixed them quickly on the cgf files Quick Question: Is it possible trhough cgf editing to add the deploy antenna to action groups? It doesn't show up in the action group options, only right clicking. Right now I press 5 and the panels get deployed, but it'd be great if it'd also deploy the antennas. Awesome mod though! This adds a whole new level to immersion!
  2. Does anyone have templates for the EVA/IVA suits by any chance? Thanks in advance.
  3. Those screenshots look beautiful! Can't wait to get my hands on it.
  4. Meh, I think the IVA makes it way more immersing and cool.
  5. Nope, it's a "hybrid" of Sokol, Orlan and Strizh. I think only the helmet looks like the Sokol. They're meant to be a pressurized bubble basically. More like ascend/descend suits. Not really for EVA. Are there any templates for suit textures?
  6. That MM sounds awesome, and the whole O/CO2 system looks amazing!!!! Excellent job! Now the Progress have more use than refueling. I wonder if later on you guys will add general supplies or consumables. Keep up the good work!
  7. Just have to say this has been an amazing mod! I have a Mir on earth orbit and building one over the moon with a couple docked LOK modules for landing operations. I did modify the .cgf files though, to add a mechjab module so I don't have to see those ugly transmitter outside of the beautiful Soyuz spacecraft. Now I just need to send a Lunokhod around. I think the only "suggestion" I have is about the Soyuz TMA cockpit, dunno if you guys plan on implementing the new Neptune Panel?
  8. Hello, I've been playing around and having a lot of fun with KSP. It's amazing! And this mod opens a whole new world to modding. However, my Photoshop skills are minimal and I can't find if anyone has made a Sokol suit at all. A Sokol/Orlan hybrid would be awesome too! But I'm wondering, has anyone made one like it? And a video
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