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Posts posted by m1sz

  1. Nice write up.

    That twisted one, that's impressive. They're all impressive, really.

    Careful with the next one guys, your voices, and fonts and preferred music makes your videos identifiable. This may push the rules...

    ↓↓ Click here for team Jedi's Trophy and stuff ↓↓


    yeah Tw1, we know that, it's a shame but we will be working with new stuff!! It's a hard challenge

  2. Big pleasure competing with all of you

    and big hug to all A-Team members, specially if they are nerd girls!!!

    On a side note: We will be doing some explanations of our design in our forum post here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83782-Kerbal-Cup-I-Think-We-Broke-Team-Forum-Threadsplosion-2000

    Our cup (forum team 4) wasn't modded!, It was made using procedural wings, with more than 1.000 parts!, was sad to read some kerbanaults thinking it wasn't VAB heavy :P



  3. That one Reddit submission of orbits--does it even count? Rules say "Make a craft - any craft". Last I checked an orbit is not a craft. Or are we cutting them slack because we expect a certain amount of illiteracy from Reddit?

    I'm pretty sure they asked Rowsdower, I would if I were in that team.., and it's a cup img after all..., I would allow it, but be more specific in the upcoming rules (even if that means, stating that you can be creative)

  4. I asked Rowsdower myself on IRC the last day, I'm gonna copy the question as I think it won't matter to him and it's good for every team to know!:

    - - - Updated - - -

    m1sz rowsdower!, hi, I have a quick question about the kerbin cup

    [20:25] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:26] Rowsdower_ sure

    [20:26] m1sz Aside from the cup, we've been working on a promotional video for our creation, with a lot of effort from one of our members (Wooks)

    [20:26] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:26] m1sz team I Think We Broke It

    [20:26] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:26] Rowsdower_ ok

    [20:26] m1sz I've just read what you wrote on the forum, thread

    [20:26] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:27] m1sz that the voting will happen without anyone knowing who made the entry

    [20:27] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:27] Rowsdower_ yes

    [20:27] m1sz so we wont be able to release the video until the voting is done, right?

    [20:27] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:27] Rowsdower_ correct

    [20:27] m1sz no advertising for us this time then =)

    [20:27] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:27] m1sz thanks a lot!

    [20:27] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

    [20:27] Rowsdower_ heh alright

    [20:27] Rowsdower_ np

    [20:28] m1sz bye

    [20:28] == Rowsdower_ is away: I'm busy

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