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  • About me
    Maxed entropy
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    where light is no more
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    astronomy, cosmology, advanced physics and more ...

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  1. 3 June 2017
    Last time with the KSP community and moderation team.
    Always tried to be respectful of others, to ensure mutual respect among members.
    Didn't always receive respect in return, sometimes hate.
    Now hate is enough to extinguish my light.

    1. Papa_Joe


      I'm so sorry to hear that.  NEVER let anyone extinguish your light.  They are not worth it.

  2. The universe as it appears to us holds many misteries. But we can only see 4 spacetime dimensions and many things escape our grasp.
    The universe we know is just one in the multiverse, its dimensions more and elusive.
    Entropy, as time, flows in just one direction in our universe. Which appears doomed to expand forever and vanish at the end of time.
    Accounting for some other dimension, entropy and time may well appear cyclical; a parallel universe condensing to balance expansion in ours.
    Sum of mass and energy never change in our universe... unless there is a transfer across some unknown dimension to another universe.
    Sum of mass and energy never change in the multiverse. Let's consider our knowledge of physics is still incomplete, don't rule out something just because current theories say it would be impossible.

  3. ops, you got me! maybe, is @Deddly around too ?
  4. ok, thanks for that latest log. It still shows the pagefile being = 0 MB, though I'm sure you noticed. Actually, pagefile serves to allow RAM be swapped between applications, without that any other process loaded (even if currently inactive) stays resident in RAM and can't be swapped out. Meaning, the effective RAM available for KSP to run is even less (indeed, was reported as 725 MB free with that last error.log). With a pagefile large enough, OS swaps RAM content of inactive processes to disk, so to let all RAM available to the process in foreground. Am I right your system is Windows7 32bit? 32bit OS can only map up to 4GB memory with any application; however the low 2GB of RAM are by default to the system itself. Is possible to change how the system reserves RAM by use of 4GT and /userva system settings (info here). Glad you see launching in OpenGL works, indeed that mode takes less RAM. But if you observe the amount of RAM used by KSP (e.g., from a Task Manager reading) you'll notice to be quite close to the limit; anything like a complex game or add-ons will push over that. Indeed, before KSP_x64 was stable, I also had to use OpenGL with the 32bit versions of the game (plus some add-ons to reduce textures size, now no more required as KSP changed the format of those files to be smaller).
  5. Could you please show a new error.log after having set the pagefile? Previously was reported the OS had allocated only 2GB address space to the application, and KSP really can't work with that low amount of memory. I hoped the pagefile could allow the address space be increased, would like to see if the issue is still that or a new one.
  6. Someone feels not able to speak freely here...
  7. Falling through ground is the result of missing or wrong colliders with the model of the part (same would be for moving through other vessels). If the tanks fall bottom-first, would be a collider for the bottom missing or oriented improperly. This could be an issue specific with the Procedural tanks add-on, if confirmed with only that add-on installed on a stock KSP install (plus all required dependencies for Procedural tanks to work properly, of course). In that case, better to report in the proper thread for it.
  8. Please provide us something to look at (what listed in this guide would fit for starters).
  9. Happy the workaround worked for you Thanks for DXDiag.info, interestingly in Diagnostics section it also reports a problem with KSP_x64.exe. However I'm not able to find hints in there showing the real cause, sorry. Believe at this point the cause be tied to that d3d9.dll, though it seems fine to me. Should you have other games using DirectX 9, those also may encounter issues (not necessarily all, sometimes a copy of that dll is installed with a game folder so to not depend on the one in system).
  10. Yes, I was allowing myself a bit of humour. But you did well to alert me about the mood, sometimes I lose the meaning in such messages
  11. Believe that won't happen. Squad still has a partnership about KSPEDU, a spin-off devoted to schools. That one can't be rated 18+ anytime and I'm sure Squad will honor that agreement making sure the base game doesn't either.
  12. Thread is too old, the issue has changed with all revisions of atmo drag and thermal effects in KSP since then. Should a similar question arise with a current version of KSP, users should open a new thread instead. Locked.
  13. Glad to know you solved it, thanks for sharing the cause. From now on, will have to insist to get info about BIOS and overclock settings too when it is a system issue, instead of just one with KSP.
  14. What about Squad services (this forum in particular with all the content from community members) ? Will these still be Squad property or transferred under T2? In which case, rules will change to suit the new property (hint) ?
  15. Thanks for that, it's all I need to feel better.
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