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Everything posted by leafty

  1. The goal of this challenge is to dock two ships together as fast as you can. Rules: 1) The two ships must be either airborne or in space from launch to the moment they dock together. (Docking two rovers is not really a challenge.) 2) The docking ports cannot be aligned at launch. (This is about piloting skills, so you are required to pilot the ships.) 3) Both craft are to be manned. This is KSP, you dock or die. 4) No obviously overpowered parts (from mods). 5) No auto-pilot or piloting help mod allowed. You are the pilot, it's not the computer's job to do it. (SAS is fine.) . Scoring: You score is the time it takes in KSP time from the launch of the first ship to completion of the docking maneuver. Please be careful here, as MET time and flight logs will most certainly not display it. As a proof, I encourage you to record a video or to use a mod like TAC Atomic Clock to provide something reliable. Notes: 1) You can launch both ships simultaneously or sequentially, just keep in mind that the timer starts when the first ship is launched. 2) Recording time seems to be a bit problematic with this challenge, please be honest and don't cheat. My own submission: 4:35 (being generous here) Leader board: 1) 00:07 Kasuha 2) 04:16 Dave Kerbin 3) 04:35 leafty
  2. My entry for the Better Aeris 4A challenge, the Aeris 4A - Aerospike Edition:
  3. The Aeris 4A - Aerospike Edition (45 parts): This is the Aeris 4A with the following improvements: - Aerospike engine instead of a LV-T30. - Cleaner action groups. - More fuel lines so that you don't need to transfer it for landing. (One of the major flaws of the original craft.) - Replaced front winglets with advanced canards. - Moved the front wheel back to sit under the docking port. - Batteries and solar panels for prolonged orbit. The downside of using a aerospike is that I use more fuel to get into orbit. With the original craft: With the Aeris 4A - Aerospike Edition: I don't know how to build a "better Aeris 4A" since the original is already quite good for sending one Kerbonaut into LKO while keeping a low part count and a craft that stays easy to maneuver.
  4. This should be stock only (no MechJeb), as I don't see the point of using it. Also, can we use staging and drop stuff before landing?
  5. Today, Jeb and Bill went to space. Oh, wait... I'm thinking of making a challenge out of it.
  6. My entry, the RovoBot: Craft file | Craft file with rocket I tested it on the Mun and on Duna, and I'm pretty sure it can land on most celestial bodies in the game (except Tylo of course). The rover itself is quite stable, you just have to make sure it doesn't flip and isn't going too fast on slopes.
  7. In stock parts, we trust. The Minimi did it with 25 fuel left. Sorry, I forgot to take a screenshot at take-off and I missed the island runway ><.
  8. Fans of Starcraft, here comes the Kerbivac! If you're lucky you can get 4 or 5 Kerb Marines at a reasonable distance to your target location. I don't know if this still qualifies as it has no detachable part and there was one casualty (it's really hard to drop them intact).
  9. leafty is sad because is named is mistyped. My fourth screenshot show 36:35 like 700NitroXpress said which is not what the log says. I don't care about the 2 seconds but I thought I was at full stop. A bit odd.
  10. With my Zarkan, I managed to do it in 36:37. I started to go down too soon, so I think I lost at least 45 seconds going from the mountains to KSC below 600m/s. Also, notice how it was comfortable with only 4.4G max .
  11. I used something similar to a skycrane to land mine on the Mun. The bottom part is not that useful but you can used it to deorbit and slow down and feel comfortable with lots of fuel left in the crane for landing. Landing gear is here to avoid damaging the rover while landing (as it will fall a little when you detach the crane).
  12. I wanted to have a shot at this challenge with a very kerbalistic plane. Unfortunately, I failed, but let me present you the concept. We, at the Flying Kerbal Initiative, have taken very seriously the need for kerbals to fly around the world at a very cheap price. Leveraging the know-how in aerospace gained by C7 was no laughing matter and early on we were facing the problem of flight safety measures since the cockpits designed by C7 were very safe but too expensive to use for commercial flights. H. Kerman, researcher at our labs, found that most safety measures were taken to avoid the permanent death of Jebediah Kerman. "Since our ship will be piloted by him" he said, "we'll only need to have a safe cockpit and and an unsafe cabin. There's no flying safety regulations whatsoever on Kerbin, anyway." A. Kerman was promptly promoted director of the research on unsafety measures on board and given ticket 001 for flying our first plane. Today, the Flying Kerbal Initiative is proud to present you model FKI-KB001 also known as The Kerbal Box mark I The thing failed miserably with only 10 passengers, but I want to try and see if this concept can manage to bring a handful of kerbals around the world. It's only stock parts and can fly pretty well without passengers, so maybe I can try with only 5 of them. Feel free to experiment with the concept if you like.
  13. Hello everyone, I've been playing KSP for the past three weeks and managed to unlock everything in career mode (thanks to MechJeb for interplanetary transfers). The game has been so enjoyable so far, it's really great. Now, I think I'll have a look at the challenge section in the forum and try to beat them while continuing my adventure into space. (I still have to rescue some folks I stranded on Duna )
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