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Everything posted by Jaxx

  1. heeeyyy you should let people give you money :D

  2. I wish EVERY mod used it. The sophistication of the current system (bookmark or just keep a tab open for every mod you currently have, check religiously for any updates and continuously cross reference them with your own. Repeat forever.) is just dumb.
  3. yyaayyyyyy i forget, this automatically makes the necessary tweakables appear on B9 gears, right?
  4. Any word on "official" .24.2 compatibility?
  5. i'm a dumb dumb, i just didn't look in the OP hard enough. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69540-Making-high-contrast-nav-ball%21?p=969741&viewfull=1#post969741
  6. So....I'm sorry, I read it all and I'm still not sure I grasp it, basically it's one tweakable part that functions as a mobile launcher of other ships, but without having to have their parts loaded? You can just launch them whenever?
  7. I know, it's just I'm operating on limited bandwidth and a 200 some meg download is extremely wasteful when I'm only going to keep one file.
  8. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the high-def navball stand-alone? Or do I have to download the whole pack again and remove everything else?
  9. Looking forward to all three updates then! Thank you!
  10. Customizable lists are a planned feature as mentioned in the OP.
  11. Let us know how it works. I'm waiting to do my tsunami of mod installs until either Interstellar or KAS get an update, and this is a new one I would very much like to add to that collection.
  12. Would you be able to point that out? I've been looking for something exactly like that for a long time now. Plus it'd keep your mod on my radar for when it does get closer to release . i'm a dumb dumb
  13. For that matter, not giving everyone an actual week for some of the larger mods ( or in this case the singular mod that 95% of the KSP modding community depends on to not break everything ) is exceptionally unfair.
  14. OK, thanks, I was just wondering. The issue only happens when I load up the VAB first-time anyways, so I can just work around it.
  15. License is always under source, which here is on github in OP.
  16. I honestly just got sent over here by him since he wasn't quite sure what was happening either, but he said that EL and TE weren't playing well. And it wasn't to do with SAS specifically, it was something about two MM config files competing adding a module, since EL adds the workshop and TE technically adds tweakable SAS. Anyways, here's the output log, I did a quick search and there's copious NRE's at line 64k ish. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/output_log.txt
  17. Would you be able to add some MM config options to make sure this and TweakableEverything get along? Using TE, the pods have absolutely bonkers SAS values because it's being modified by this after it does what it does, as opposed to the other way around. Could you make a config option to ensure EL always loads before TE?
  18. We can only hope when it dies down a bit for you, you come back to us. I greatly appreciated what this mod did.
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