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Everything posted by Prismatech

  1. yes confirm _Bug engine can i see in partmenue real but on Vehicle is the part purple.
  2. have the problem from @jah1985 too. at science ar build in . the survive way funktional by me too. Output and Ksp log With ckan installed and german language played Edit: dateien change
  3. Hello i have this bugmessage: Failed to connect to repository. Exception: Trying to write E:/Steamssdgames/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Resources/ModuleFuelJettison.cfg but it already exists. Have test delet (copy to a other dir ) this but not help. Have you a tip to correct this or is it a bug from interstellar ?
  4. very nice that is what i every search station parts can weldet in space.
  5. A littel wish can you build a roll function behind the start with set high option for beginn
  6. little wish of change .the jobs are difficult to read when they are lines to 2. half the 2 line disappears half. littel more space are needet. sorry is googeltrans.
  7. yes is nice but no intergate dock system .need system to build first the truss then the module. to release must i use docking ports to connect too thruss.
  8. Idee a thruss system with integrate docking funktion (hook system) and and a tunnel with outer rotate with docking for gravity system a version with 2 ports and one with 4.
  9. Proposal all 1.1.x updates are pure bugfix. This should not not be considered as basic update. and thus not a block versions compatible lead the 1.y version.
  10. hello i have a wish it give modmaker that make here mods as standalone with a dir that use all singlemods . but the problem is that files use in multible singel mods can not overwrite from ckan that bring error that ckan not overwrite a overwrite per user wish where nice. example cantares mods.
  11. no you can help with littel work files that any modul from you use place example contares common modul and all only modulfiles in the modul that debind problem for overwrite that ckan not can. i have him ask to build in a overwrite function on demand or wish. he have say that he can that not do. sorry for bad english.
  12. littel wish ckan have a problem with overwrite existen file. I can not install or upgrade example: Contares CA-1 Canadian Arrow Suborbital Space-Tourist-Launcher 1.0 when other modul have install first this: CONTARES_TweakScale.cfg have follow bug message:
  13. Have a problem when steering the engin and i have no fuel then is the fx from emiss on when engin stearring. think is this a bug by aies engins ? sorry for bad english
  14. hmm then is ckan buggy Karbonte is not listet in ckan. ok ist now fixed
  15. hello little problem is karbonite now intregratet in plus can not see karbonite not more at can
  16. it give a cfg for rt 2 that can use as ground com system
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