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Posts posted by michaelhester07

  1. My val's first flight was sub orbital. Broke at least 20 records on the way. Her second flight she got to terrorize some poor tourist who thought she was just going to have a short sub-orbital flight but went orbital.

    I guess some girls just want to watch the world burn (around them during re-entry).

  2. I worked on it last night. I need to wait for extraplanetary launchpads to update before a full release though. There is good news though:

    Regolith went stock. I imagine RoverDude was under NDA for it too. It took a little bit to fix my code to use the new "stock" resource system but the civies are back on track. The only thing left is the EPL branch and it's good to go... that and updating the converter on the drill for overflowing resources.

  3. The slowed science progression and reduced science from contracts is eating into me more than the new aero. It's still possible to launch some crazy designs (I just did a science bomb). You just have to change your ascent profile so that you don't drift too far from your surface prograde till you're above 30km altitude. If you drift too far your rocket will flip.

    The new progression has me doing new designs. Thankfully they made all of the early parts cheaper too (all the liquid fuel rockets are cheaper than .90 from the feel of it). I'm using structural fuselages to make large engine clusters rather than using single engines for jobs, all with LV-t45 ("swivel" now) so that I have attitude control to prevent flipping.

    Science bombs are back. There are two types that I brought back:

    - Low altitude EVA reports: I had Valentina go outside every so often to take a report over each biome on the Mun.

    - Probe bombs: I bought back the Artemis design from 2013... one main ship with several small probes each carrying small experiments. All of the small probe stuff unlocks earlier now

    I had to do the mun mission without solar panels too (never did it in .90 without solar unlocked).

    Noticed that regolith became stock so it's been easier to update my civ pop mod. I want to test it more before it goes out the door.

  4. Grab a data readout mod (Kerbal Engineer, MechJeb, etc) for DeltaV. Before you even do that though... getting to space 101:

    Ship design: stages: (Left to right, stack top to bottom)


    MK-16 parachute, Mk1 pod,


    TR-18 stack decoupler (matches the size of the pod),


    FL-400 tank, 3x 100 size batteries, TR-30L Engine,


    Stack decoupler,


    3x FL-400, TR-30L engine


    Radial decoupler (pick any type)


    4x RT-10 SRB, Nose cone on front of those, Winglet on the outer edge of those.

    When this is built right it will look like a normal rocket.

    - Tweak the thrust on the SRBs to about 50%: Right click on any of the solid rocket boosters, click in the Green thrust bar and drag to the left to tweak the thrust.

    - Move the TR-30L from stage 4 to Stage 6.

    - Launch it. (I'll post pics once I get home to play with 1.0!)

    Launching 100: how to launch

    Many players vary their launches but there is a general way that it works. Here's how to launch this rocket.

    0. Set throttle to max. Press Space bar to begin the flight. (count down if you want... it's not necessary).

    1. Launch up till about 10km on full thrust. (I'll probably change this part with the new aerodynamics)

    2. The SRBs will cut off around 6km up. Once they do space bar to cut them loose. Note the center engine will still be running.

    3. Start angling your ship to the East on the navball (90 on it). Align with the small center ring on the 90 line.

    4. burn to 20km, then angle to the next line east on the 90 degree line.

    5. At 35km aim to the "45 degree altitude" line, the middle of the nav ball between the dot and the brown area, on the 90 degree line.

    6. Your main engine will cut off somewhere around here. Set it loose, and activate the next stage.

    7. Angle your ship toward the horizon on the 90 degree line once you pass 55km altitude.

    8. Switch to map view, click the gray arrow on the bottom to bring back the nav ball.

    9. Watch your orbit on the map for when the AP reads at the desired orbit you want. Shoot for 75km for this launch. Once the AP is at 75 km throttle to 0 ([x] key on most installs).

    10. Let your ship coast until about t-10 seconds from AP. keep it aimed on the horizon. Once you're within 10 seconds of AP, throttle to max ([z] on most installs).

    11. Burn here until you see the PE marker on the map. Tilt the ship toward the blue or brown to keep AP at 10 seconds out. Toward the blue pushes AP farther out, toward the brown pulls it in. If you pass the AP burn toward the blue.

    12. When AP and PE switch positions cut the engines.

    13. Double check that PE is above 70km. if it is you're now in orbit.

    What you did is a "gravity turn". On Kerbin you have to burn above the bulk of the atmosphere before you do the turn. On Mun and planets without atmospheres you can burn straight into the gravity turn. Every ship you launch has to do a gravity turn. SSTO space planes don't really turn, they just get to high enough altitude where they can burn the engines to get orbit.

    Having a data readout mod will make rocket design much easier. 1.0 should supposedly have one. You'll need around 5000 m/s dV (delta velocity, or deltaV) to get to orbit. I'll leave you to discover the rest.

    Also read about a rendezvous tutorial for docking.

  5. Paid mod wouldn't become proper DLC for at least two reason I can think of:

    - No dev in their right mind wants to fully support a third party developed project. It's already a PITA to support their own material.

    - No mod player will pay $29.95 for player made DLC (what proper DLC will end up costing if what I paid for the Skyrim DLC is any indicator).

    I wouldn't want to price my mods at the same cost as full games. I'd want to charge 99 cents (if that) so that you don't get sticker shocked away from my material.

    That said I'd probably never charge for KSP mods as I'd have to provide my own backend rather than use public frameworks to avoid licensing issues.

  6. I'm expecting a wrecking ball going through Civilian Population. It will take some time for me to update it too:

    -I have to see what changed in KSP stock 1.0

    -I have to fly Valentina around for the first night cause hey... you'll do that too. Take the girl out for a spin.

    -Then I have to load up .90 1.3 civ pop and see what breaks.

    - Regolith will need an update thanks to the stock ISRU resource system (hey.. it's regolith but stock!)

    - Once I figure out what's broken I gotta fix it (expect a night of fixing things)

    I suspect 3-4 days to update my mod for 1.0. Thursday I have no time for that thanks to the NJ government needing a jury so I suspect by friday I can get an update out.

    That's my schedule. I can't imagine how other mods will go but I suspect the same song and dance for mods: KSP modded state gets released a week after the stock update.

  7. I wouldn't mind being paid for my mods. If I could devote 8 hours a day on just that and work it for a living I'd be able to make much higher quality mods and still have time to play. Not only that I'd have time to support my mods too. I'd love to work from home selling mods. I've always had a knack for finding the things people like to see. One of my first mods was long ago for Dungeon Siege (if you recall that... good for you) where I made weapon packs including some Lord of the Rings weapons. Sadly im not the owner of the Skyrim version of that pack. Hearing that skyrim mods can be sold I may go back to work on my wheel weapon mod. Here in Kerbal Space Program I have Stanford Torus and Civilian Management, both are fairly popular mods. Civilian Management could have been worth $12000 last I checked on its download count assuming it went for $0.99 like most iphone apps. Even if squad takes 60/40 for that I could have had $5000 for it. If I made money like that from a mod I'd have much more incentive to work on it.

    I feel like I have a lack of support for my Civilian Population mod because I don't get much free time for that. Truth be told on that one I've been waiting for 1.0 to do another update. If I can make steady income off mods then I can have time to support them properly. I'll definitely be updating my mods for 1.0 (I finally made the kraken killer for Stanford Torus) but that will take my free time next week.

    I doubt I would have had the popularity in my mods if they were pay to play that I do now. I notice this with most gamers is they're rather... frugal when it comes to paying for in-game things. I'd agree with that sentiment. I was actually disgusted yesterday while waiting in line at a restaurant. These kids were playing a frogger clone on their iphone. Every time their frog died there was an Ad for $4.99 in-game purchase. If I saw that I'd take the game away. I'd hate to feel that game mods are going the same way but it makes sense from a business standpoint. Make a Madoka Magicka mod for Skyrim... get 100,000 downloads. Bethesda goes "hey.. that could have been $100,000 profit that we didn't get!" Modder goes "hey i made the mod I want a cut of that". Bethesda then goes "sure... we get 50%, steam gets 30% for hosting it, and you get 20%". All invested parties win, players have no trouble dropping 99c on a mod.

    At that point it becomes this question: should someone be allowed to live off modding games?

    For me if a mod is good enough I'd pay for it.

    As far as KSP goes though... a lot of mods for it wouldn't exist without certain framework mods. These mods are only useful so long as the remain free and easy to license (Creative Commons makes that easy). My CivPop mod wouldn't work as well as it does if I had to use my own code for it.. at least not quickly. I'd eventually get there.

  8. I'd like to think that's what this thread is about: Should we do something other than the planned mission?

    I vote for going back to the Moon but not just for going back's sake. We should establish a colony there. By establishing a colony we gain knowledge of what it would take to build a colony on Mars or beyond. We'll find out how to harvest resources from the Moon and refine methods that can be used on Mars from finding the resources to building a sustainable base.

    The Moon is ultimately an easier place to launch from for missions like ARM. Figuring out how to launch a rocket from the Moon would be a tremendous boon to society as a whole in space exploration. The moon can support bigger payloads with lighter gravity. The need for fairings or aerodynamics goes away. Launches can go directly into the gravity turn with no air resistance to stop them.

    I do like the idea of the asteroid recovery mission too. The idea is to figure out how to redirect an asteroid that could end up destroying life on earth. With a moon colony we have an extra blanket of security against that outcome as humanity would not be confined to a single spot. You don't have to launch an asteroid's resources once you recovered it. That's a big plus for building things in orbit. I place more value in the Moon base though as while we can recover an asteroid and mine it we can't really colonize it and expand our reach.

  9. I'll leave her on the mun operating the Flagspitter 1 (PG version of the ship's name). She'll also end up marking the location of my first 1.0 Mun city after I update Civilian Population for 1.0. It's better than Jeb's usual fate these days (getting stuck in orbit in an obsolete tin can cause there's no point bringing him down).


  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_ag2O0IQABwaThQa05LakRIYlU/view?usp=sharing

    Here's a craft file that shows a simple full working civilian loop. Craft needs Kerbal Engineer and Civilian Management, but is otherwise stock. It uses parts from a fairly deep tech tree so try it in sandbox or a fully unlocked career mode.

    It can also qualify for a 5 man ground base or spacestation (6 crew capacity, power, docking port, antenna)

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  11. From the pic your ship doesn't have any civilians onboard. You need a civilian dock in order to receive them while in kerbin's SOI. If you're outside kerbin space or don't have the civilian dock your population onboard will not start growing unless you have 50 or more civilians on the ship, assuming all of their needs are met.

    The farm missing inputs... I'd suspect something is incompatible as your ship has the biomass and water. The farm requires electric charge too (the stock one). Do you have another mod that uses either of these? There could be a resource definition clash.

    The recycler missing inputs is usual. It takes waste and converts it to biomass. Since you have no civilians you're not getting any waste output.

    It is also very likely if you activate more than one farm that one will be resource starved.

  12. I'll miss this one. Maybe i'll make a mod that keeps it.

    The round8 has been the cornerstone of all of my small conventional engine probe designs... for probes where I'm okay with 5000 deltaV and only needing 1 RTG to power it. It was also the core of my Hermes lander from 2013. I love that it's like someone took a tire inner tube, put some foil on it, and filled it with rocket fuel.

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  13. I don't think a ksp MMO would be possible due to time warp requirements. There are two distinctive warps:

    Online warp: players who are online and in the same instance need to agree to timewarp together (that was easy). Time warps at the slowest selected speed of all players online. If one selects 10000x and another 2x, it warps at 2x.

    Offline warp: offline players are updated to the current time. KSP online games would process ships while logged off as time progresses. Other players might interact with the ships if they're "authorized" to, otherwise they can't interact with them or even collide with them.

    The problem with sync is this:

    once you catch up to the guy in the lead you're now ahead of his time. He needs to sync to you now. You'll warp 1-10 years past his time. What happens if you interacted with his ship (you docked to his space station, dropped off supplies and then left, or you left your ship connected and time warped 2 years).

    How I would think of handling offline KSP play:

    - The game universe time updates as any player passes it. If one player is logged into the universe then time passes in that universe , including warp.

    - Players may authorize interaction with their ships or not. If offline interaction is authorized then any player may interact with that ship, including docking to it, undocking their owned modules on it, and potentially destroying it. If a ship is not authorized then it will not be possible to collide with it or dock to it.

    Offline burns: handling long trips with multiplayer

    - If players planned offline burns then their ship should simulate the burn as if it happens in real time. It would thus be possible for a player to plan a trip to Jool out, then log off while another player passes time. Their ship would arrive at Jool as expected, assuming it had the capacity to perform the burns that were planned.

    - Stages can be marked as "thruster" stages. When their ship executes burns offline the thruster stages may be separated to get additional deltaV. It would be like cutting loose a transfer stage.

    KSP online would have some things for players (space agencies) to remember:

    -Make sure all orbits are stabilized and won't possibly interact with another body's SOI. If a ship clips a planetary body's SOI it may get thrown out of orbit.

    -For long trips make sure burns are planned ahead of time.

    - double check closed loop resource systems

    Could KSP online work? Yes. MMO? no. The logistics of handling timewarp with that many players is stupid.

  14. The farms are one part of a resource loop:

    Food cycle

    Biomass (farms grow into)-> Food (consumed by crew/civies produces)-> waste (recycled in farm recycler produces)-> Biomass

    Water Cycle

    Water (farm consumes to produce food, civies/crew consume, produces)-> waste water (recycled by farm into)-> water

    Air cycle

    oxygen (consumed by crew/civies)-> carbon dioxide (farm recycles) -> oxygen

    The food cycle has a secondary resource loop:

    Crew biomass loop

    food -> Civilians (reproduction)

    Civilians(death) -> food ("Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!")

    No burials at space here. Civies will have resource mass recycled into food. Resources will leave this system if you recruit from the population.

    Resources may leave the loop when the waste overflows. Overflow waste is dumped into space. Resources will enter the loop from the laser drill which can add water, CO2, and Biomass to the system. Other mods may have converters that make these resources too.

    If your farm isn't working make sure you have the full cycle supported on your craft for the three main resource types (food, water, air). There are surface attach tanks for resources from all parts of each loop. The farms do not contain biomass, CO2, or Oxygen by default. Space for these needs to be provided through the resource pods.

    If your farms aren't working then make sure you have at least one of each of these pods on the ship:

    Fertilizer pod

    Gas pod

    Waste pod

    Civilian quarters each have space for 1 kerbin-day worth of waste for each of their population capacity (if a pod has 8 civilian capacity it has 1 day of waste storage for 8 civilians, or 8 days of storage for 1 civilian). The surface attach resource pods except the fertilizer pod have storage for 1 week for 2 civilians each. The fertilizer pod has storage enough that when maxed out you can produce about 70 kerbals (7 tons of mass). When using it for smaller ships you may want to tweak the biomass down so it's lighter to launch.

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