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Posts posted by michaelhester07

  1. I like it and i love to incorporate it into setting up a permanent base/city on Minmus. I do have some questions about it though.

    I'm assuming everything needs to be connected to each other in order to work (f.e. garden connected to appartments). Is that true or can the parts be spread out and is proximity enough to sustain the occupants?

    If they do need to be connected can that be done with KAS?

    Since i'm already using a boatload of other mods i'm rather hesitant with adding yet another mod.

    KAS is certainly an option for connecting everything. It's actually part of the reason for the huge landing gear, so that any shift in angle doesn't destroy your base. The cities shown in the screenshots at the bottom of the first post are connected with the KAS pipe from MKS.

  2. As a start to a new expansion project to Civilian Population I decided to target the time frame from the year 2300+. Pure future.

    In this future stable fusion of deuterium makes fusion drives possible. This paves the way for large cruisers of several thousand tons. Cruiser parts will integrate to Civilian Population, Extraplanetary Launchpads, and possibly other mods.

    Here's an early look at the overall design.

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    Planned parts to come:

    Docking module

    Central main engine

    Biomass, mining tank

  3. I launched the Galactica II





    2 because 1 was scrapped for being too bulky. The core of the generation ship had to be welded to cut down the part count. Went from 400+ to 200, and most of that 200 was in the lifter that got it to orbit.

    Galactica 2 has karbonite sweepers to refuel in orbit before headin out. I'll send it to Jool probably.

    Funny thing (i should have screenshotted) was watching one of the engines fall off right before the launch... yea i scrubbed that one and went back to bolster the bottom a bit.

  4. Anyone tried to walk inside the torus while on EVA?

    Also, would be nice for a plugin to spin up the torus to the same rate as before, after all the time warps, loads/saves etc. Otherwise the amount of propellant consumed for spin-ups would be crazy.

    Makes you wonder eh... how someone would spin up a stanford torus so that there's 1G worth of gravity inside.

    During a test with my biosphere framework I found that centrifugal force actually does work in the game. I had a kerbal inside a biosphere while the ship's thrusters were lit up and it put the ship into a rather strong roll. The only thing left would be making the kerbal believe he is landed. I wanted to have real gravity effect in a stanford torus but couldn't figure out how to do it.

  5. These are looking really good :)

    My concern would be launching them... something tells me FAR will not be impressed with giant spheres going supersonic xD Maybe an option for a foldaway construction that packs into a 3.75m tube and pops out to full size on demand? ^^

    You really want to trust Bob with an acetylene torch?

    I'd hope a ball would fly well. I'll need to grab FAR and see what happens.

    The biodome framework is done. I decided against making them smart enough to remove kerbal helmets. I've turned my attention to the cruisers and generation ships you'll end up with by making some new gigantic structural parts:




    The structural girders you see are Netherdyne's Jumbo Truss Girder line. Parts included:

    6mx6m cube hub, with and without 3 meter core

    18mx18mx6m L girder (seen in the first screenshot)

    18mx6mx6m Long truss

    The truss parts are light because they're mostly welded iron pipes but give a sturdy surface to build generation ships and cruisers out of.

    There is also the cruiser landing leg (seen in the last screenshot), which lofts a land base or cruiser up off the ground by up to 8 meters to protect it from the base kraken.

  6. I got a new shipment of jumbo truss girders from Netherdyne (I designed some new structural parts to enable making huge generation ships) so I took them for a test flight. Also started a new city on minmus (it's not done quite yet)

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    The Cruiser landing gear (seen in the base builder screenshots) is a new landing gear piece designed to allow placement of humongous bases on a planetary surface without the fear of the base clipping into the ground (cause i'm sick and tired of the base kraken, which consumed Ares city 1.0). Now all parts are at least 6-8 meters off the ground and only the cruiser legs will contact the ground. With about 3 meters worth of suspension there should be no problem with clipping glitches.

  7. If you're in a career mode focus on getting the research unlocks from the screenshot with 8 and 4 on it. These unlock the Probodobodyne Octo which has basic SAS and the OX-STAT solar panel, which will power your probe.

    These techs will enable you to do satellite launch contracts. Satellite launch contracts are probably the highest profit margin in the game for the ship it takes to fulfill them. A satellite can easily have 3000+ deltaV with Tier 4 tech and be light enough to launch on a LV-T30 with some boosters. That's enough deltaV to fill any kerbin SOI satellite contract.

  8. I'm rather impressed that it gets there at all :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Shameless or not, it looks awesome! Do you have a dev thread going for these?


    That's the dev thread. The biodome framework is going to be in 1.2 of my civilian population mod. I'm planning to make the biodome system smart. Each dome part will detect if it's sealed and allow your kerbal to take his spacesuit helmet off (or more).

  9. Now that 1.1 is flying high I've turned my attention to the city that you'll be flying places... or building on the surface. With that comes a custom biodome/biosphere framework.

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    I've always wanted kerbals walking around inside a biodome park (it was my first mod even). Now that I'm better at this stuff I can see to making that happen. In that set of screenshots the parts provided allowed me to construct a biodome where my kerbal can walk around inside of and also a biosphere he could fly around in space.

    This will be part of 1.2 (which i'll save releasing for a while) along with the IVAs for all the civilian population modules.

  10. This is a nice framework. There is something I'd like to request about it.

    Would it be possible to add a flag that you can set which switches all of the recipe number to be in units of mass rather than ingame resource units?

    This came from when I balanced the civilian population resource rates. I want to be able to define the inputs and outputs in mass except when mass is invalid for an input (like electricity, sort of like this

    //input string


    //output string

    //resource, amount,unitisMass,dumpExcess

    recipeInputs = CarbonDioxide,.0001,true,ElectricCharge,1,false

    recipeOutputs = Oxygen,.0001,true,false

    Once that's set have the resource converter/broker use the density of the resource to calculate the amount of it to use. I'm seeing all of that community resource pack talk and I'm thinking that by the time it comes to update that I'll have to rebalance all of the converters so that they obey conservation of mass. I'd like to be able to avoid doing that.

    Edit: I'd rather not have to inherit the converter to adjust this in my own plugin if it can be helped.

  11. I gave Bob the most metal death ever...

    He crashed a powered up nuclear Power distribution unit on the mun. The nuclear fireball could be seen from KSC. 2 minutes to midnight... more like 30 seconds realizing the skycrane on the unit had one of the engine's exhausts hitting the flight computer causing the ship to tumble.

  12. Before I release 1.1 Im going to add some things

    - My generators from the stanford torus mod are coming over. These are the cnc mill, the smelter, and the karbonite smelter. They all get unlocked at the same time as the 60 person apartment building. The reason these come over is to allow the construction of a type 1 civilization's base or space station with technology they could reasonably possess (robotic manufacturing).

    - Civilians will now generate "Rent" at a rate of 100 funds per civilian on a ship per kerbin day so long as their needs are met.

    Plans for 1.2

    - Future expansion to this mod will add "morale" and a government building, which turns the rent into adjustable taxes. You can increase the taxes on your base to pay higher at the expense of morale, or reduce taxes to get more morale.

    - Morale will change the rate that resources are produced/consumed on your base as well as effecting how much money you actually get out of taxes. Details of this are still to be brainstormed.

    1.1 released! check the front page for the update.

  13. All of my recent burns are all based on the current apopasis.

    Burn straight up till APO > 20km, then 70 degrees until 40km, then 45 degrees till 60km, then 0 until APO is where I want it. These are vessel altitude reading.

    After that for orbit I adjust up or down during the insertion burn to keep my APO at my ship for a circular orbit. Most orbits I target for 75-80km. If you burn above the prograde marker (in the blue) during this burn the APO location will move forward. If you burn below it (in the brown) the apo will shift backward.

    I use the Kerbal Engineer mod to read out the APO but the same reading is on the map if you're pure stock.

  14. Do you use the rocomax stage decoupler (2.5m decoupler, not the stack separator one)? If so you'll need to strut around it as that's where the wobbly comes from.

    As far as strutting. Remember that engineers love triangles, so setting up your struts in a triangular method (with a rocket part acting as one or two of the sides) is the strongest strut pattern.

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