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KSP2 Release Notes
Posts posted by michaelhester07
I finally got some play time with my civilian management mod and built a base on the mun with it and MKS.
Base parts:
2 farm biodomes, 1 flight school, 1 apartment complex with civie dock (airport), 1 movie theater, 1 university, 1 mks hub, 1 power unit, and a robotic mining/processing rig that costed 1 million spacebucks to launch and land.
Food/Oxygen/water has been added. The old Civilian resources are gone.
I've successfully "Regolithified" this mod. I'm no longer using my own code for resource management and the civilian population regulator is working wonderfully inheriting from the BaseConverter class in Regolith. I'm going to do some play testing before I drop the changes though. I don't suspect it will do anything to ships or bases where you've used my mod already.
I've also regolithified all the converters from the stanford torus mod and those will be included here, unlocked when you unlock the 60 kerbal apartment. These parts will accelerate your base building as by the time you unlock them your kerbals have advanced technology to build bases that way.
Great Work By the way, but how do you build stuff in space with the construction module? I have the mod needed I thought you just bring it into space with some rocket parts and build, but i tried that and no menu or anything came up ,as I thought it would, to select what I wanted to build. Do I still need to bring up a lunch pad or workshop?
The construction drone requires Extraplanetary Launchpads to build things.
1.0.1 release: patches a performance problem with using multiple farms.
I may be able to generate better performance in the future on my own generators but I'm planning to see if i can move everything over to regolith now that I know about its features. For now i need to get some play time. All i've done this week is mod.
I should have said that they won't work with the civilian population regulator class that I had to make from scratch.
Edit again: OnFixedUpdate() is not being called when I override it. What do i need to set to get it called?
Are you using Update or FixedUpdate?
Unless you're updating for graphics related issues, you want FixedUpdate which runs at 20x per second. Update is specifically linked to refresh rate and runs as many times per second as the player's refresh rate is set to. (so if it's set to 120x then Update is running 120 times per second)
Physics and game related functions runs every FixedUpdate and uses fixedDeltaTime for scaling.
Thanks for the tip. I'll check that.
- - - Updated - - -
Awesome mod. This is fun stuff.Just for clarification: By this, do you mean that it isn't balanced to those two mods but they work fine, or that it will break something in them or in the civilian unfocused simulation (if they are installed/exist on the same ship)? Eg. could the Civilians take all the food and Kerbalnauts starve before both of the simulations get their calculations sorted out, or vice versa?
What this means is probably the opposite: the crew will take all the resources and leave the civies with nothing.
My unfocused ship simulation runs when you get back to the ship and simulates what happened with the farms and civies while you were away. I designed this independent of other mods which do a similar thing as there is no existing public framework for unfocused ship simulation. I didn't do too much testing with MKS and TAC LS installed so I can't confirm everything that will go wrong, hence the blanket statements.
I did notice on one ship with tac ls that when i went to do an eva all of the vital resources 0'd out. I don't know if it was me or TAC LS.
Look for a 1.0.1 patch tomorrow. I was playing with the parts and found a huge performance hit. I'm going to play test it a little more tomorrow morning. So far i was able to optimize the farm generator code so that it's about 80x faster. Turns out vessel.getActiveResources is fairly expensive.
I finished the laser drill model ahead of schedule so I decided to drop the release tonight. Now i can do some playing! Hope you enjoy.
Did you check the "boundary" option on the wireframe modifier to see if it made a difference?
Also check the normals on the faces before you added the wireframe to make sure they're pointing the right way.
I'll make it an expansion pack. There's so much work since I last updated this. The last thing to do is add a laser drill which you can use to collect water and substrate and process the substrate into biomass. All of the other parts and systems are done. I'm shooting to release early tomorrow.
Been working on the whole rebalance of things and now that it's finally squared away I got to making the Flight school and university parts.
Flight School:
The landing pads are attach nodes so you can actually dock something if you wanted (dock not included)
The university has a lab in it to process science experiments.
I rebalanced the load last night on resources such that 1 civilian kerbal will consume 1kg of food and 1kg of water every kerbin day. I'll add tonight the use of oxygen and CO2. I noticed the consumption rates were configurable for TAC so I can't really balance the civies around it. I thus balanced them around the above metric. It changes some of the key metrics in my mod:
Civilian Growth will consume 105kg worth of food when it happens. This obeys conservation of mass.
Civilian death through decay will produce food equivalent to their mass. It's like dune I guess.
Civilian population no longer decays when there's less food than pop. It will start decaying when one of their needs is not met. That is food, water, or oxygen are 0.
Each farm module is scaled to support the size of kerbal population it was intended to.
Small hydroponic farm supports a population of roughly 10 kerbals and carries food store enough for 10 reproduction output. (1 ton of food/water)
Small biosphere supports 25 kerbals and has food store for 25 reproductions (2.5 tons of food/water).
Large Biosphere supports 50 kerbals and has food store for 50 reproductions (5 tons food/water)
Farm biodome supports 60 kerbals and food store for 60 repro.
Recyclers can convert the waste produced by kerbals back into biomass/water at a rate of 1kg /3hours. Should the recyclers not be able to keep up with waste production excess waste will be discarded into space.
all farms will convert 1kg of co2 to 1kg of o2 every kerbin day at the rate to match the size of population they support.
This ends up with the netherdyne farms being very efficient at supporting a crew and sufficient for the size of population they match. You'll need extra farms to cover the reproduction cost if you plan on your colonists reproducing.
Don't worry if you already launched a ship with my resource system. I'm going to make my mod able to give you the equivalent mass in the new resources (food, water, waste) that was in the old resources.
I have to update this part. I worked on the resource consumption balance all tonight, and its too much for me to make good on this statement. I expect to release the new version by sometime Sunday, depends on when I get the models done for the movie theater university and flight school.
Some points of thought.
1. Have you ever watched or read Dune? On Dune, Water is precious, when some one dies, they are vacuum desiccated and their water is recycled. Instead of spacing the kerbals (A loss of water and food in the system), may be have them "processed" back into raw materials (Water and Mulch).
2. Since you are using a different water and food system (for good reason and I like it), are you planning on a module or converter in one of your existing modules to take Water, Food, Snacks...what ever, and turn it to civi_water and civi_food? This way mining operations with water production could transfer water into the system (once implemented)...or out of the system as needed.
I'm planning to go back to the existing water/food systems in the community resource pack, mostly because I don't want to have to recreate all of that work of finding the resource and harvesting it. I'm slowly incorporating some suggestions I see here and I do like the recycling kerbals thing. There is a kind of morbid thought with that. If you were on a generation ship what would you think about eating and drinking your grandparents? You'd have to do it, there's nowhere to get the resources that are in someone's body in the middle of space. It would be easy enough that when a civie dies to starvation (or later life span) to have him generate a refund in "food".
I used the different water system because initially I don't want to break the balance of existing life support mods. I'm getting into Tac life support which is the big one I'd want to balance with. I was able to fix my generators to not use floating point anymore so I can properly integrate. With those two things, the Civie population mod will be finally transitioning to the existing food/water/biomass/waste as already exists.
Don't worry if you already launched a ship with my resource system. I'm going to make my mod able to give you the equivalent mass in the new resources (food, water, waste) that was in the old resources.
This looks good. I was thinking about how I could create/breed kerbals from my mature offworld bases. I am glad someone else has taken care of that.
If you recruit a kerbal, does the civilian population size change?
Does the population size stay constant (Provided they are provided all the necessary resources) or do they have a life expectancy? If they do have a life expectancy, are they recycled back into the resource system? I can't imagine jettisoning them makes sense if a space colony is trying to conserve their resources. I am not an expert on kerbal burial practices, other than the fact they sometimes explode or poof into nothingness.
Growing a space colony is great. I am wondering if there is an endgame or advantage to growing the colony other than the challenge and kerbal recruitment. Kerbal recruitment alone makes this worthwhile for me.
It occurred to me that if space tourism is involved, could this be used to generate funds?
Recruitment costs 1 population. Future releases will have the recruits cost additional resources of Inspiration and Education or Flight Experience, where you can recruit specific kerbal jobs directly.
Population size will stay constant assuming you have resources. I don't have plans to implement life expectancy. It's assumed that your civies are reproducing to maintain population size. They'll reproduce to grow more when your population is big enough. There is no burying a kerbal in space. There's Koylent green. If I do have life expectancy then the dieing kerbals will produce the waste resources. Right now and in the next release if they die from starvation they'll be jettisoned.
I originally built this mod to fill the one niche I didn't see filled. There's all sorts of in-situ resource mods (and this will start using those ISRU soon as I have a feel for the balance now) but none of them allowed producing new crew members. This mod fills that hole.
Space tourism right now is not used to generate funds but may eventually be. The space university and flight schools that will be in the next release will generate reputation when you recruit from them.
On the question of conservation of mass I've come up with the solution to that one: Having a new kerbal "born" among the current population will cost his mass in food. This removes mass from the water/food cycle. You would have to get more water to have more crew. When in kerbin space with the civilian docking pod growth won't incur his expense as the new civilian is "shipped" in from kerbin.
Why can't you have a civvie becoming a pilot? All it takes is him watching the trench scene from star wars and he'll be like "I can do that". I'd bet that's how Jeb got started.
Update from last night (I'll get that question too)
I fixed all of my generators to use double instead of float as that's how all the resources are handled. The generators no longer have floating point errors! This is big because it allows me to finally use the Community Resource pack resources of Food and Water. Along that lines it will become possible to use existing life support systems to feed your civilians. I've gotten into using TAC life support which will be the big integration here. Here's what will change.
Integrating into the existing resources, changes coming
With the generators fixed I can integrate at the proper consumption rate with TAC Ls. Note that TACLS will not be necessary to have civilians. They'll use the same resources though.
Civilian population will grow so long as you have food. You'll no longer have to have a certain amount of it on hand, just that it's around. They'll eat food way slower than before, closer to TAC LS default rate. In later releases they'll consume air and produce CO2 as well. They'll produce wasteWater and probably consume water too.
The farm units will have recyclers on board which can convert waste water back into water. They'll also have always active co2->o2 converters cause they're filled with plants!
When your population grows through reproduction there must be 105kg worth of food on hand for the growth to occur, which will be deducted from your food supply when the growth occurs. Growth through the civilian contractor dock will not incur this penalty so long as it's in kerbin space.
Kerbal Recruitment: Recruiting specific kerbals
A random kerbal may be recruited from any Civilian module. This is functionality you enjoy now.
This random kerbal will have 0 experience.
A specific kerbal job may be recruited from a Movie Theater. Kerbals recruited here will be level 1 (they think they understand how to do a job based on the movies they watched). This will require 50 inspiration(which the theater generates as it operates). You can play any of 4 types of movie with bonuses to each:
- Racing movies: bonus to engineer recruitment
- Scifi movies: bonus to pilot recruitment
- Documentaries: bonus to scientist recruitment
- Love movies: bonus to popultation growth
Changing the type of movie removes all the inspiration from a movie theater.
As of this point the small movie theater is done.
Yes, there will be a 20 screen multiplex biodome because I can't leave it at just a ball with Movie Theater written on it.
Universities and Flight schools will also be available. These let you recruit level 3 kerbals.
5000 education (if recruiting from a university)
5000 flightexperience (if recruiting from a flight school)
Universities are not done yet.
Update from tonight
I've made my farm generators scalable. They can take any number of input resources and generate any number of output resources. The Civilian regulator does the same thing with the civies. This lets me balance it all.
Civilian Kerbals will consume 1kg of food, 1 kg of water and produce 1kg of waste and wastewater per day.
Farm modules will take .2kg of water and 1kg of biomass and conver them those to 1kg of food and .2kg of waste water per 20 hours (slightly out paces the matched population).
Recyclers on the farms will take 1kg of waste and 1kg of wastewater and convert those into 1kg of biomass and 1kg of water every 12 hours. (so you only need half the recyclers running as you do farms).
No part will have more than 2 resources on it due to that zooming in bug. There are new tanks that you can attach to your ship in addition to pre-existing containers from other mods.
Farm has: Water/Food
Civilian modules only have Civilian population
Water/food (sustenance container)
Waste/WasteWater (waste container)
Biomass/Water(fertilizer container)
- Racing movies: bonus to engineer recruitment
That got me thinking... I'm going to address the whole conservation of mass thing. I also rechecked the weight of a kerbal. Here's what's going to happen.
Civilian_food now comes from Civilian_water, a blend of water specific to the garden and farm modules. Density of 5kg per unit.
Food gets a density of 5 kg per unit, and civilians produce Civilian_waste, also same density, which can be recycled.
When you recruit a kerbal there is a new cost of 21 food (note: a kerbal's mass). This gets taken out of the water cycle, conserving mass. I'll probably use regolith to let someone farm the civilian water in situ.
The automated construction drone uses my dll but has a config. (civilianmanagment/parts/constructiondrone/part.cfg) My dll extends the ExWorkshop class to allow adding productivity when the part is powered. So long as the drone is powered it will produce productivity.
Interesting note: surprisingly there is no module missing exception when you use this mod without EPL installed.
Bumping for 0.1.2 update.
I'm no longer clashing with existing life support mods!
Wouldn't be cool if I could add a civilian airport to the space complex screen
. Make it look like the Virgin Galactic spaceport even. Alas that's something I'm afraid to touch.
Glass on the gardens won't show up. The problem with this is I can't guarantee that anything behind the glass will get lit right or even be visible. I had problems with making the ring on my particle accelerator invisible while making things behind it show up.
As far as the contractor dock... I plan to do an upgrade for the model. Right now it's like the stock kerbal can (the 4 man one) but I want to make it so you can actually dock a ship at it if you wanted. I'll borrow squad's claw thing for it.
Sounds nice. So basically they can manage their civvie population, and periodically 'recruit' for a new Kerbonaut
Yep. I don't want to interfere with the balance in yours or other life support mods too. Crew life support management is already a matured feature with balance setup.
I was thinking of my idea to integrate TAC and MKS for balance and I thought a different route. It would be easier for me to separate out the civilian resources from the crew ones. This will be happening tonight. This way I can avoid having to balance with existing life support systems for crew.
Food => CivilianFood
Right now CivilianFood will be a singular resource encompassing all of their basic life support needs : water, air, food. This opens a door for me to add these later. Look for the update to drop sometime around 6-7pm east today.
Also i'll fix the door on the medium civilian quarters, the ladder isn't working right now so whoever you EVA from it is stuck outside.
Now that I launched this I saw some suggestions. I'll work on the first of the few. Seems that the biggest questions are about how this interacts with TAC life support and MKS. I developed this independent of those mods but the first thing to do will be to integrate with them. Specifically I'll integrate with the concepts in them.
TAC life support and MKS
Currently the Civilian population only requires food to survive.
I've decided to separate the civilian resources from existing life support resources. Those systems are well thought out and it's easier for me to adjust the civilian population balance without breaking those systems by separating the resource.
Entertainment, Schools, etc (brainstorm)
Ideas were brought up and I had them too for entertainment and schooling for the civilians. I'll expand on this for the next update (which will probably come this weekend). I need some play time on TAC and MKS afterall!
Civilian kerbals are easily distracted my flashy movies. Movies would inspire them to become pilots, scientists or engineers. A movie theater module would provide a new "Inspiration" resource. This resource would be required to recruit a kerbal with a specific background (pilot, scientist, engineer). Otherwise the kerbal you get is random (the current "recruit kerbal" method). Kerbals recruited from the movie theater can be of a specific background but will start at level 1. Movie theaters can choose the type of movie they play granting a different bonus for each. Changing the type of movie clears generated inspiration for that movie theater.
Movie Theater options: (cost reductions only apply to kerbals recruited at that movie theater)
- Play Love Movies: Inspires the Population to reproduce, doubling the growth rate for reproduction. Does not produce inspiration.
- Play Racing movies: Inspires engineers, generates Inspiration and reduces the cost of recruiting engineers by 10%.
- Play Scifi movies: Inspires pilots, generates inspiration and reduces the cost of recruiting pilots by 10%
- Play Science documentaries: Inspires Scientists, generates inspiration and reduces the cost of recruiting scientists by 10%
Only available in large size components a civilian university on your ship allows you to recruit Scientists and Engineers with level 3 experience. Kerbals recruited from the universities will add to your agency's reputation. Universities generate an "Education" resource which is required to recruit the scientist or engineer. Universities would be able to train existing crew as well.
Universities may also process science experiments (counts as a lab).
Flight School
Only available in large size components a Flight School allows the recruitment of pilots with level 3 experience. Will generate a "Flight experience" resource. Kerbals recruited from the Flight School add to your agency's rep.
Recruting a kerbal with a specific job
- Recruiting a level 1 kerbal of any job: At the Movie theater, will require 50 inspiration per recruit. May be reduced by the bonus based on the movie type playing.
- Recruiting a level 3 kerbal scientist or engineer: At the university, will require 5000 education, 500 inspiration per recruit
- Recruiting a level 3 kerbal Pilot: at the flight school, will require 5000 flight experience, 500 inspiration per recruit
Training crew at university: Only crew in slots at univ may train, will require 1 education per second for the job selected. Crew cannot be trained beyond level 3.
Training at flight school: Only crew in slots at flight school may train, will require 1 flight exp per second for the job selected. Crew cannot be trained beyond level 3.
- Play Love Movies: Inspires the Population to reproduce, doubling the growth rate for reproduction. Does not produce inspiration.
Normal maps giving me grief
in KSP1 Modelling and Texturing Discussion
Without a screenshot all i can say is make sure in blender you've assigned the same material to all of the faces on the model, and if you didn't use materials make sure you selected the same texture for all of the faces in the UV editor. Do both actually if you used one of either of them.
If the above is done correctly in Unity you'll see the mesh render component only have 1 material listed. If it has more than 1 listed you need to go back to blender and fix the materials.