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Lord Nihilus

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Everything posted by Lord Nihilus

  1. @pincushionman yep, but mousewheel is not listed as bound to that function and there's no way to unbind it for some reason. @Snark I have used 3d mouse since they first implemented support in 0.25(?), stopped playing when beta broke it. This was fixed in 1.0 and has been working flawlessly since. This is not an issue with the 3d mouse itself, but the game, albeit a very minor issue on the grand scale of things. Reason I'm asking here is simply to make sure I have not missed a setting somewhere and/or some obscure edit in some config file somewhere I'm unaware of.
  2. Is there any way to disable mousewheel in the editor? I use a 3d mouse to do all the camera work and whenever I scroll parts (or anywhere in the editor) it will mess up my current camera angle. This is incredibly annoying to say the least. Have tried the WASD mod, but that does not play well with 3d mouse.
  3. You are not alone. Not being able to use the 3d mouse in vab means I don't play the game.
  4. Not sure if mentioned and/or fixed already, but the only thing I care about is a fix for the 6dof VAB bug. Have not had the pleasure of playing the beta because of that bug. Regular mouse just doesn't cut it in the VAB/SPH
  5. Winamp with my trusty Amon Amarth playlist(s)
  6. Eh? Broken? since when? Have not played the beta yet, did something change?
  7. Keyboard Mouse 3d mouse (3d connexion spacenavigator)
  8. My curiosity got the better of me 'bout a year ago, and there just ain't no going back.. Camera control is vastly superior in VAB/SPH Great for fine controls during docking, as in actual control of craft, not just camera position. If you have nothing else important to spend money on, why not? Depending on where you live, there are options to return it if you are not satisfied?
  9. Cold. Calculated. Effective. I approve.
  10. This is a bad idea. As stated by so many before me, and most likely by more after me, any change in thrust/fuel eff/heat etc is a very, very bad idea.
  11. Congratulations! Cheers to the crew for making this happen
  12. From the mod FinePrint. Those markers are waypoints from an aerial survey contract.
  13. Offtopic and really uncalled for. If it was the case, something I seriously doubt by the way, do you feel good about yourself for making such a comment? On topic, I usually go for the explorer(ish) names myself. Can't go wrong with Discovery
  14. This issue is confirmed in the bug tracker so I would hazard a guess that a hotfix is in the works. At least I hope it is, game is pretty much unplayable without proper decouplers. Here is the thread for this in support/bug http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88026-Radial-Decouplers-3-75m-Decoupler-Issues-%28Return-of-the-Kraken-0-24-2%29
  15. Given the Kerbal way of doing things, I suspect the per contract funding is the best approach. The Torgue Corporation (or, rather, Mr. Torgue himself) would be proud of all the fireworks that come out of KSC. But I see no reason why our highly skilled modding community could not implement it in some way. Tied to the reputation system perhaps? More reputation = more funds per annum or somesuch.
  16. If you have cash to burn, I see no reason not to get one. I will never play KSP without it again. Game changer? No, probably not.
  17. I use it exclusively for ksp Although I have tried it once in google earth And to actually answer your question (that somehow eluded me), no, you cannot use it as a regular mouse. (At least as far as I know.)
  18. Under Input tab go to "Other" and there you see 6-dof device. I have not had the time to explore settings and such yet, although I do believe I read somewhere that it won't work with beta drivers (if you are using that).
  19. Just got mine today, and wow! This will certainly require a few hours training to use effectively, first time user and all that I have about an hour ingame with it, and it is awesome in VAB! Not tried it much as flight controller yet, but it seems to be very decent for docking control. As I said, not tried it a lot yet, but with some tweaks in settings and a few hours to get to know this device, I'd definitely recommend this. It is an expensive piece of hardware, so weigh your needs before purchase.
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