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Everything posted by merendel

  1. I may have found a slightly unintended behavior with the custom missions. I was starting a new career and had to do the customary first launch to gather the first few science to unlock the first nodes. I figured if I was going to be charged for the rocket I might as well have a mission for a testlaunch so I made a simple crewed mission with a landing on kerbin. Once on the launchpad I had jeb get out for a moment for EVA science at the pad and the mission instantly compleated as it determined I'd landed on kerbin. While technicly it was compleat, I had 1 kerbal and I was landed on kerbin, I'd think it would want me to actualy launch the rocket first
  2. There are also a few missions where probes are a preferable option. Most common ones would be an eve lander or something diveing deep into jool's atmosphere. While you can land on eve and return its alot easier to send a 1 way probe and transmit at least some science back than it is to send a maned return vessle. Any high dV mission is a good choice for a probe just due to weight. Ever kilo of weight you shed from payload is alot of fuel you dont need to bring to meet the requirements.
  3. The video was pre .235 so back then the only stock solution was to release the rotor. It wouldnt be that hard to have the claw with its pivot unlocked to keep the rotor attached now. It would require some redesign to acomodate the claw but the funtional principles should still work. However with the rotor berring attached you end up with another problem. A small rocket is used on the tail to counter rotation, previously you used the trottle to ballance out the spin. If your useing rockets on the blades to induce the spin mucking with the throttle will adjust both at the same time. you might have a hard time adjusting the turn rate of the roters while balancing the counterspin on the tail. It will probably require some realtime adjustment of the tail rockets tweekable throttle. Either that or redesign with lots of reaction wheels for stabalization.
  4. Its been done stock, ScottManly did a spotlight on the design MeticulousMitch came up with. you can watch the video here. You have to play very fast and loose with the term "Controllable" it can be steered and such but its like trying to parallel park while falling down drunk and with the controlls reversed.
  5. I think your going to have to apply a liberal dose of HandWavium to justify the senario you described either way. In particular your goal of minimal tidal forces paired with a close pass of a gravitational body big enough to kick the earth onto an escape trajectory are prety much mutualy exclusive. Anything big enough to impart that much acceleration in a single go will most likely kick off massive tectonic activity. The resulting earthquakes on a global scale would prety much flaten our civilization. there might be some survivors of the initial event but dont expect many buildings to remain standing. This is also assuming that the close flyby didnt have other nasty consequences like striping a big chunk of the atmosphere. I wouldnt expect any significant infrustructure like a geothermal plant to survive the initial pass of the planet. I also wouldnt expect the temp to remain warm enough for any survivers to have time to rebuild. Months at the outside, mars is prety cold compaired to earth and by the time we started geting out to jupiters orbit we would be beyond the frost line, the point where solar radiation is insufficent to keep water fluid. it does depend a bit on the orbit we get kicked into. It might be plausable for it to kick the earth into an ecentric orbit where we get some freezing and thawing cycles over a few orbits before jupiter slingshots us out of the system although the second kick might wreck any rebuilding that survivers managed to compleat, asumeing they survived the cold perioids.
  6. Most of the time kerbal alarm clock to get close to the right transfer window. From there I just setup a manuver node with the aproximate dV requirements and tweek the timeing till the intercept is in the right ballpark. Depending on how nasty the inclination change is I may get close and stick a second node at the AN/DN to make sure a viable intercept will work before doing the transfer burn. That second node obviously will need a recalculation once the first burn is done but can give me a good idea of the total dV reqirement to get an intercept and make sure its close to what it should be or if I need to do further refinement on the departure.
  7. Seems like it would be easier to just attach a drive core to the rocket and give it a few thousand dV in some random direction that wont cause an imediate crash. particularly if you manage to accelerate it solar prograde it will very quickly reach a point where it will be years before it returns to a recoverable location. If you make sure you burn off or otherwise depleate all fuel that probe is effectively dead unless the owner either quickly sends out a rescue mission with very high dV to retrieve it before it gets to far or waits till it swings back around
  8. Probes last indefinitely, They normaly become depreciated over time due to finishing their primary mission and eventualy not haveing sufficent fuel remaining to do anything else. Realisticly they would eventualy break down but that is not simulated at this time and they were all but abandoned after runing out of fuel anyway so I dont worry about it. I run TAC life support so crewed duration is limited by avalible supplies. I'm not going to worry about any mental issues for the kerbals at this time. Frankly they already should be riding the short bus considering they alowed themselves to be straped into some of the craft I've launched and longterm isolation cant make them any worse. I generaly leave debris in orbit if it gets there at all. Most of my designs minimize debris causeing the majority of spent stages to deorbit on their own. Orbital debris I want to get rid of needs a ship sent out to it (normaly an EL recycler ship). Debris that is landed on kerbin I do nuke from the tracking center just because I'd asume that someone would have eventually salvaged that stuff. I'll also sometimes nuke debrise that should have been destroyed on its own but for whatever reason didn't. AKA parts that survived that impacter probe and managed to achieve orbit or a spent stage that is orbiting in an atmosphere but not low enough to auto delete. I generaly dont bother sending missions out on kerbin's surface that are more longterm than go get science from that biome over there, or launch this craft and make sure it does not explode prematurely, so your last 2 questions dont really apply for my playstyle
  9. The extent of my design normaly revolves around sending up a core that is little more than a largeish fuel tank with docking ports and the nessicary power and attitude control. The station grows organicly from there with one end of the core being reserved for new core extentions and any modules sent up attach to radial connections on an as needed basis.
  10. Stock no way would I have the patience for that. Once maybe but it would take hours with dozens of refuel missions to get even a single class E into the moholes. if you mod in KSP interstelar each individual mission may not be too bad with warp drive and antimater powered tugs with crazy high ISP but it would still be a very tedious exercise dragign who knows how many out there to try and fill that thing. Asumeing things dont glitch out and start cliping through and destroying the roids you'd probably have no framerate once you had a few hundred landed in there.
  11. well I'm prety sure it was .21 that added the hitchhiker interior so if your right and manley was refering to snacks in .18 the meme predates the hitchhiker. i'm not sure how far back or where it started though.
  12. If you alow some form of propelent, even RCS it could be done. With no drive force once in vacume you prety much cant enter a stable orbit as you would have no way to raise your Pe. The only way you could do it without some form of space drive is to eject with enough velocity to do a Mun flyby and get a gravity assist to kick your orbit up (or enough to escape kerbin's SOI altogeather). I'd be quite impressed if someone did manage to infiniglide into a mun encounter, that would take some skill.
  13. Try KSP interstelar and use a thermal rocket on beamed power. pump 100gw or so into the network and you can burn out a jumbo in a couple of seconds. Last time I did it I had around 2 seconds of thrust, had reentry effects almost instantly and still got up over 20k ballistic despite the absurd drag. I dont think the engiens were still runing when it flew past the 1k mark.
  14. Neat concept but otherwise its needless weight. I testlaunch rockets with empty modules to make sure its not going to blow up within the first 30s of launch. If it takes more than 30s for a problem to show up I've either got plenty of time to stage off the remaining rockets and engage parachutes or the the disaster is going to be something with a near instant kaboom with no opportunity to eject. Normaly a single seperatron on the side of the capsule will tumble it off an uncontrollable, runaway rocket well enough if I built tall instead of wide. heck I've riden a runaway stage into orbit a few times, or at least near orbit.
  15. I tend to end up with a fair number of stations scattered around orbiting various bodies. My current save has a station with attached fuel depot and shipyard facilities (extraplanetary launchpads mod) around kerbin minmus and Mun with another one being shiped out to jool. I generaly dont do elaborate ground bases. At most I land a kethane refinery ship and sometimes a dedicated tanker if the refueling needs at that location warent more than the refinery makeing a couple fill up and return loads to orbit. All sorts of probes and various mission ships get scattered about the system
  16. Oh that will be nice for deploying the first large solar array in low orbit around kerbol. Normaly ones after the first could get a prety good charge off the first one if you timed things right but the first one usualy had either LOS issues or just weak signal if you had enough relays deployed already.
  17. Well they are a standard part even if they have a rather high impact tolerance, you smash em togeather fast enough and they'll break like anything else. The part file says 80m/s for crash tolerance although its possibly that gets modified by whatever system sets the size when they spawn. I do know that at least some roids will survive landing on kerbin because terminal is slower than their impact rating.
  18. I'm not even bothering with rocket part storage on my shipyard now with progressive build enabled. the workshop can convert metal to rocketparts faster than a 10 kerbal crew with 0 stupidity can use them up. I just ship metal to the station, not a big deal from minmus, and use the built in storage of the workshop to handle what little is needed. A good sized ship could require several containers full of parts while you might not even use up a full container of the same size of metal made as you go.
  19. put the DLL directly in the game data folder. It not being there would definitely cause the problem with the accelerometer. It would also break alot of other mod mechanics hence why I assumed you'd have more issues if it was missing but its possibly you've just not noticed any of them yet. Most of the time you can get away with simply merging the game data folders when installing mods. AKA drop the mods gamedata from the zip into the main KSP folder and tell it to merge/replace as needed. Personaly I tend to open both game data folders (main one and modpack) and copy the files over from there. This is only so I'm more likely to catch something like a mod comeing packaged with an out dated module manager DLL or one of the other common mods that come bundled. This also makes it easier to delete old folders before copying the new one in. This is as good a place as any for the questions you've asked as most pertained to your KSPI issue. If your haveing specific issues with other mods its better to ask in that mods thread or over in the general addon affairs subforum.
  20. I'd think he'd have alot more problems than just the science not working if he didnt have that installed and it normaly comes packaged with KSPI as I recall. Still could be possible. Might also be possible there are two versions in his gamedata folder, cant see that doing you any favors although never tried that before. Actualy along that line of thought flip are you sure you installed KSPI properly? are the KSPI parts showing up in the tech tree/VAB? No common mistakes such as placeing a gamedata folder inside a gamedata folder.
  21. If you want to be extra safe move all science from the modules into the command pod. If you sent an unmaned mission out there instead of haveing it land have it capture in a low kerbin orbit and send a kerbal up to grab the science and return in his pod. As long as you dont forget parachutes those pods survive landings much more easily than science parts. Also you could probably skip the claw if you really wanted to although it would be harder. Send a ship out to intercept it outside kerbins SOI with a pusher head made out of girders or something. just place the head agianst the asteroid roughly in line with the COM and give it a push. you may slip off a time or two but if you can intercept a week or two out you only need to add a meter per second or so in any direction to make it miss cleanly. May as well send out an unmaned low tech probe(once you have solar pannles) to make the attempt ASAP. keep working on teching up to the claw in case the attempt fails. Just launch the probe on an intercept corse and continue doing science while it travles.
  22. Look in your warpplugin folder (the mod folder you added to your gamedata folder) there should be a file named "science.cfg" Open it up in a text editor and confirm that this line is in that file !MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] If that line is removed from the file the accelerometer reverts to its default functionality.
  23. I have to disagree on the new parts. Its prety trivial to get huge payloads into orbit with or without the new parts. The only real limiting factor without the new parts is how many parts your computer can handle. anything you can put into orbit with the new parts you could also put there with a large cluster of LV-T30s. The T30s take a bit more effort I'll grant you but its mostly the busy work of runing all the fuel lines and makeing sure you've got enough struts to hold it all togeather and plenty of cooling for your poor PC.
  24. Ya I know you could launch that thing with FAR just wouldnt be easy without proc fairings and doing it with fairings your prety much resigned to launching a really silly looking rocket. Technicly you can launch almost anything with FAR if your willing to go prety much strait up and quite possibly very very slowly. I prefer my rockets to look simi realistic however.
  25. Untill you try to launch a monstrocity like that with FAR . I generaly dont like launching mobile craft with lots of spokes just hanging out there on a single beam. A multi core design where 2 or more additional stacks are attached to the central core are one thing but radially attached spokes tend to be rather floppy without a fair bit of strutting. Its different with stations assembled in orbit but those dont tend to move around much with weight on long arms and the IRSU is pointless in orbit, may as well use the inline.
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