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Everything posted by lxdengar

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply! Yes I'm hitting space twice, and looking at the engine, no fuel reaches it. Here's another pic with the problem in flight. As you can see, the solid boosters did decouple nicely, but no fuel is getting to the main engine: http://postimg.org/image/4hxfzciyd/
  2. Hi all, I looked through the forums, but haven't really seen a good answer; I'm just getting started in the 'career' mode, and I've been having intermittent issues with fuel getting to later stages of my rocket. For example, the main fuel stage doesn't get any fuel here, nor does the final stage. Here's a pic: I must be doing something wrong, but its a pretty simple rocket, so I'm not sure what. I moved over the stages diagram to make it smaller: http://postimg.org/image/4hxfzciyd/ Thanks for the help! I'm just getting started, so I appreciate tolerating the noob question.
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