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  1. CC @Crzyrndm - Didn't want to clog up your release thread with this. KSP: 1.0.5. - 1028 OS: Ubuntu 14.04 64bit - Proprietry NVidia Drivers I have a very heavily modded 64bit Linux Install that loads up perfectly fine and is playable, but a soon as I add FilterExtensions to the mix (almost required due to the number of parts I have) it crashes about 10 seconds into the load. I've tried with both a CKAN install and manual install and it seems to failing loading the icons according to the logs. It works perfectly fine with just Stock 1.0.5 + FilterExtensions so there is obviously some conflict somewhere with one of the other many mods I have. It may be a problem with FilterExternsions, or something else I'm not sure, but it only occurs with FE installed. I've attached the log files and below is my modlist. Now I know this is much to go on yet, what I was hoping was if you could point me in the direction of some mods to try removing from the list of 100+ below that are likely to be conflicting, so I can try to bisect the conflict. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dorz0nx2z4vesej/FIltExtBugLogs.zip?dl=0 Modlist: Thanks in advance for any help anyone gives. Edit: I've started doing some bisecting anyway and found that FE + Chatterer cause the problem. Removing Chatterer allows it to load to the start, but Stock + FE + Chatterer seems to work fine, so maybe there is third party involved. Will keep bisecting down! Edit 2: So now I'm confused after some more bisecting, I thought Hullcam VDS might be involved for a little while as uninstalling it allowed Chatterer + FE to work happily together, but I don't think so as reinstalling it and they still all work happily together. So now it might have been one of the 30 or so Mods I removed 1 by 1 before that. :/ I'm just gonna put this down to KSP going a bit weird when you pile it high with mods. I can live without Chatterer in favour of FE. If anyone has any particular insight feel free to let me know, but otherwise consider this resolved.
  2. Jebediah Kerman First KERBONAUT By Walter Kerman – The Daily Planet – Eelops 1, 720 The first day of the new year sees an exciting new breed of Kerbal. At the Kerbal Space Center, Jebediah “Jeb’ Kerman becomes the first Kerbal to become a kerbonaut. The new title refers to crew members of the Kerbal Space Center's (KSC) fledgling space program. Jeb, as he prefers to be called, has been a test pilot before joining the KSC in the role of kerbonaut pilot. He was tasked with being the first kerbbed crew on a rocket propelled vehicle. The new vehicle, titled Kerbin I, was launched into the sky on a plume of smoke and fire in the early afternoon. The rocket travelled 10km into the sky before slowing down and returning to Kerbin’s surface. The return was aided by a parachute on the top of the “command pod”, a gum drop shaped capsule on top of the rocket. The kerbonaut and his vessel broke height and speed records on this historic first journey. Gene Kerman, Flight Director for the KSC said that this mission was an important first step for future space exploration. Gene said, “Kerbin I, while only going up 10,000 meters, proves that we can use rockets for powered launches. This one small step is actually a giant leap for all kerbals.” Gene also stated that this launch will be only the first of many with the goal being an actual Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin. After his return, Jeb Kerman described his historic flight. “The lift off couldn’t have been more perfect. I was slammed to my seat and felt some gee’s [Gravitational Force] like I haven’t since my test flying days.” Jeb also talked about the sheer joy of knowing that his experience would allow kerbals to explore the space around Kerbin and in time, the other planets as well. When asked if the program could really reach other worlds, Jeb said, “certainly. Getting into orbit is half way to anywhere you want to go. We could get to Mun before the end of the year.” Whether the claims of kerbals on Mun are the stuff of science fantasy or within the grasp of the Kerbal Space Program, one thing is sure this day. The new year promises to be an exciting ride. Profile of a Kerbonaut Jeb Kerman is a decorated test pilot. Flying everything from prop-powered crop dusters to turbine propelled jets, it was once said that “if we could get a tin can to lift off, Jeb could fly it.” He joined the Kerbin Space Center (KSC) as a consultant on aerodynamics and flight controls. He eventually spent more time in simulators than designing them and the decision was made to make him part of the “First Four” flight crew. Gene Kerman said that Jeb’s natural bravery, coolness under pressure, and willingness to “push the envelope” made him a perfect fit for the “First Four”. “Jeb was a Dev send. When he came on, we were mostly scientists and engineers. His flight experience and degrees in Aerodynamic Theory and Avionics have been crucial in both kerbbed and remote piloted endeavors,” Gene said. He also stated that Jeb’s skills helped the KSC solve problems they didn’t realize they had. During his off time between design and piloting, Jeb gives tours around the fledgling KSC to school groups. His ability to explain the complex concepts of Thrust to Weight Ratios and Orbital Mechanics to primary school students is incredible. Often, young kerblits are seen leaving the KSC campus looking up. Jebediah “Jeb” Kerman. First Kerbonaut. The Kerbin I An unassuming craft. The Kerbin I, named after its home planet, is a simple looking piece of hardware. A Mk1 Command Pod sits atop a RT-5 solid rocket booster. On the top of the Mk1 pod is an industrial grade parachute. Along the bottom of the RT-5 is a set of four control fins. Gus Kerman, head of Operations, said that the Kerbin I is the last leg of a long line of smaller rockets and the first step in a new breed of larger rockets. “We have been testing with sounding rockets for some time,” Gus said. “But this beauty puts them to shame.” He explained that the capsule is state of the art with guidance data licensed from KER, vacuum rated hull, and life support systems provided by Umbra Space Industries. The RT-5 has a maximum thrust of 162.9 kN of force on the launch pad. Gus Kerman was quick to point out that the RT-5 was not set up to maximum thrust for the Kerbin I launch. “With SRB’s [Solid Rocket Boosters] like the Flea [nickname for RT-5], we have no throttle. No control on the gas except for how much it can push”, Gus said. He explained that tests at maximum caused “poor results” from test bags of potatoes. As work is completed on Kerbin II, the next vessel in the program line, the RT-5 and Mk1 Pod will continue to be a stable of KSC exploration. Mod List
  3. This is my mothership, Alpha station, on it's maiden voyage to Duna. After being constructed literally in orbit, courtesy of extraplanetary launchpads, it's ready for the grand tour. Unfortunately, on the way to mars, I found out it that it's unbalanced, and laggy. So now I want advice as to improve how it looks, reduce part count and reduce rcs usage. Since I have all these mods, anything is possible for me. I can reassemble part by part, or (once I get my mono refueled) move whole modules around. My only limitation is all my crew is tied up, especially engineers. My first step is to refuel, and I have a seed ship ready to land on Ike to build a refueling tanker + refinery. I think I want to convert everything I can into either rocket parts, or shoved inside KIS storage containers. That allows me to have the cleanest ship but with maximal potential since I can just build anything I need out of rocket parts and spare modules inside KIS containers. Is it easier on my computer if it's inside KIS storage? Or will the game still take it into consideration?
  4. Forgotten Space Program Latest Post: 2021-07-07 - Legitimate Salvage -- It's happened again. Those well meaning kerbals ran off and completely forgot about their space program. Maybe there was a global crisis. Maybe they ran out of funds. Maybe the Kraken ate the ship Jeb and the Bs were in. Or maybe it was just snack time and the cheese dip was really, really good. Unfortunately nobody remembers what went wrong because nobody remembers being there. Space? Whazzat? And so years pass. Eventually an eccentric millionaire stumbles on the ruins of the long-forgotten program. Trailers. Sheds. Run-down labs. A dirt runway. Factories scattered here and there in the nearby countryside. Exploding barrels of fleas. Sharp metal bits. Gumball machines. Nuclear waste. The usual rust of a long forgotten industry. A few quick phone calls and some thousand signatures later and The Boss became the owner of their very own space program. And that's when the fun started. -- Thread of the Month: May 2016 -- Table of Contents Volume 1: Forgotten Volume 1 Sequence 1 2015-12-03 - Forgotten Space Program, The Hydrogen Flights (this post) 2015-12-04 - Hydrogen's Last Blast, Noble Helium, Orbital Helium 2015-12-06 - Sweet Lithium, Beryllium Spheres, Boron to be Wild 2015-12-10 - The Age of the Universe, Boron Into The Mün, Beryllium Relic 2015-12-11 - Carbon Testing, The Carbon 6, Carbon 1 2015-12-16 - Carbon Scoring, High Carbon 2015-12-17 - The Dangers of C-4, Carbon For Who?, Beryllium-Coated Lies 2015-12-20 - More Boron Contract Missions..., :C=C: 2015-12-22 - 95 Years, 139 Days, 27 Minutes Volume 1 Sequence 2 2015-12-24 - A Nitrogen One, Thing C 2015-12-26 - A Little More Nitrogen, And A Dash Of Oxygen 2015-12-29 - Fluorine 1 2016-01-01 - The Six Moons of Kerbin, Nitrogen T-4, Thing A 2016-01-02 - Fixing Kelgee, Walking on Thin Nitrogen, Nitrogen Take 6, More Fluorine For Better Teeth, Oxygen Perfected 2016-01-05 - Nitrogen T-7 Volume 1 Sequence 3 2016-01-11 - The Bright Bright Neon Lights, Neon Sizzle, Neon Clones, Under The Heavy Neon Glow 2016-01-12 - Delayed Return 2016-01-16 - Salty Minmus 2016-01-18 - Taking Pictures For Fun and Profit 2016-01-20 - Release!, Return to Flight 2016-01-23 - Asylum Run, ... By Lunatics, ... Running An Asylum 2016-01-25 - Ferry Ride 2016-01-28 - The Aluminium Gang, Aluminium X-0 1, Aluminium X-0A 2, Aluminium X-1 3 2016-01-31 - Strange Request 2016-02-02 - Sonic Sensei, The Mother Of All Space Telescopes, Nitrogen X 2016-02-04 - Aluminium Cans of Boom, Housekeeping 2016-02-06 - More Housekeeping Volume 1 Sequence 4 2016-02-13 - Mission Improbable, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Nitrogen TC-12, Silly Silicon 2016-02-14 - Balanced Imbalance, Some Assembly Required 2016-02-16 - More Silicon More Recycling, Some More Assembly Required 2016-02-21 - Queen of the Airwaves, Tour of the Junkyard, Trafficking Hot Goods 2016-02-23 - A Phosphorescent Return to the Mün 2016-02-26 - Second Verse Same As The First, A Little Bit Louder And A Little More Rehearsed 2016-02-27 - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Mün 2016-03-05 - Slow Moves, Nitrogen Transfers 2016-03-08 - Memories of Tomorrow Volume 1 Sequence 5 2016-03-11 - The Mystic Mün 2016-03-19 - Operation Ice Castle 2016-03-20 - Contracting Smallprobes 2016-03-23 - Reentrant Aluminium 2016-03-28 - The Mün of Our Youth 2016-04-11 - The Crater of the First Kerbals Volume 1 Sequence 6 2016-04-15 - Ghosts and Things 2016-04-18 - Memories of the Storm 2016-04-24 - Two Star Detour 2016-05-01 - Familiar Voices, Building Anticipation 2016-05-05 - Anticipation Building 2016-05-10 - Titanium Flight Test, Titanium Boxes, The Münquake is in Another Castle, Kerbal Kerbals 2016-05-14 - Stellar[is] Launches 2016-05-20 - Silicon Sulphur Snack Strategy 2016-05-28 - Finishing Touches 2016-05-30 - Little House on the Minty Prairie, And Another Thing... 2016-06-01 - Departures Volume 1 Sequence 7 2016-06-05 - GLORY TO KERBIN! 2016-06-27 - Bugs 2016-07-10 - 99 Years, 343 Days, 2 Hours 2016-07-13 - Your Robots Are Ignoring You 2016-07-20 - Captain Kerman and... The Robot Invasion of Jool 2016-07-26 - Setting Up The Fireworks 2016-07-28 - One Hundred Years At The Edge Of Infinity, Thomlock's New Year's Rocket Eve, Infinity's Edge Volume 1 Sequence 8 2016-08-07 - Answers In Time..., More Pieces For The Jumble 2016-08-14 - ... Time In Riddles 2016-08-14 - No Kerbal's Sky 2016-08-22 - Wings of Fire 2016-08-25 - Sulphur Descending Volume 2: Continuum Volume 2 Sequence 1 2016-10-03 - Somewhere In The Dark..., Kerbin: North Mountain 2017-10-07 - Continuing From Where We Started, Continuum Volume 2 Sequence 2 2016-10-16 - Continuing From Where We Left Off 2016-10-20 - I Could Fly Here Forever 2016-10-30 - Fire In The Sky 2016-11-08 - The Jebediah Kerman, Remotely Controlled Kerbal 2016-11-26 - One Final Sunset, Leaving Laythe Volume 2 Sequence 3 2016-12-04 - The Bosses, Ghost Attack, Data Recovery Services 2016-12-11 - Chrome Plated, Missing Minmus Mishap 2017-01-22 - Adaptation, Burning Manganese, Cobalt Testing, Iron Birdie 2017-01-31 - Iron Supplements, Manganese Mün 2017-02-10 - Cobalt Blue, The Award, Into The Unknown Volume 2 Sequence 4 2017-02-25 - Infinite Departures 2017-04-16 - Finite Arrivals 2017-04-25 - As Is Only Fitting And Proper 2017-05-08 - Whispers Volume 2 Sequence 5 2017-05-14 - Mission Report, Wooden Nickel 2017-05-23 - Crazy Talk, Manganese Station 2017-06-19 - Science Supplies / Lucidity / Downwards / Through Fire Volume 2 Sequence 6 2017-07-03 - Ghosts On The Ice / The Other Side 2017-07-14 - Into The Abyss 2017-09-13 - The Hook 2017-10-19 - Out In The Cold 2017-10-23 - Late Arrival 2017-11-28 - Late Departure 2017-12-04 - Exit Vall, Stage Outwards / Pol-italicized Pol-lution2018-01-31 - Children of Bop 2018-03-19: Where There's a Whip... / ...There's a Laythe 2018-03-27 - Will the Last One Leaving Jool... / ...Please Turn Off the Lights / Year 100, Day 336, Hour 2 Volume 2 Sequence 7 2018-07-16 - Shadows and Whispers / Nickel and Dimed 2018-07-24 - Council of Copper / Another Nickel's Worth 2018-08-03 - Controlling Copper / Supplying Chaos 2018-08-12 - Project Copper / Culpa de Cuprum 2018-08-19 - Copper Loss 2018-09-16 - Titanium: The Next Generation 2018-12-03 - Where We Left Off / Copper Gains / Friendly Warning 2019-05-08 - Planning Pioneers / Living with Copper / Copper 12 2019-05-27 - Copper Supply 2019-06-09 - Titanium Y-6 / Iron Transfer 2019-06-12 - Iron Enrichment / Titanium Y-7 / More Irons on the Fire 2019-06-18 - Titanium Sky 2019-07-22 - Interlude - Course Correction Volume 2 Sequence 8 2019-07-30 - Alone on Duna 2020-12-03 - 28 Days Earlier / Ghosts and Stuff 2021-07-07 - Legitimate Salvage (Shift + Enter. NOT Crtl + Enter. Shift + Enter.) -- In something of a departure from my usual routine, this will be a mod-"heavy" playthrough focusing largely on the wonderful Engineering Tech Tree. Expect frequent and smaller posts, usually the same day of the mission or a very short time later. I will attempt to keep this save going for the indefinite future, but can make no promises that I won't forget what I've done and start over again. Again. And, seeing as none of the kerbals know what's out there, we may see some relics and wrecks from my previously forgotten space programs. Difficulty is my usual fare, a Career Mode game with the normal difficulty settings, no crew respawn, etc: Mods in Use (as/of KSP v1.4.5) Note: Many parts from mods not listed (or listed under previous versions) are still present on spacecraft, in flight, but are "retired" and have been edited (by me) so they no longer appear in the VAB. Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.3.1) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.2.2) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.1.3) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.0.5) Let's get this show on the road now, ok? -- The Hydrogen Flights The "exploding barrels of fleas" were apparently not made of fleas, but were instead created to dispose of them. (Which might explain the fire and smoke.) As far as the geniuses in the engineering department could determine, the intent was to aim the open end of the barrel at the fleas and "watch them burn." The Boss thought of a different use after three interns and one such barrel flew violently through the wall of the lab and into the waters of Booster Bay. The little green geeks quickly dug around to find the parts they needed: gizmos to measure air pressure, a gumball machine painted a dark grey with a "computer" stuffed inside, a flea barrel to strap it all atop, and a large silk blanket to carry the gizmos safely back to the ground. The "computer" was little more than a couple of vacuum tubes and an alarm clock, all held together with loosely assembled wires. The clock was to ignite the flea barrel, trigger the gizmos and detach the gumball machine; the vacuum tubes were there to make it look awesome. Lacking a clever naming scheme, The Boss painted "Hydrogen 1" on the side and the three formerly flying interns rolled it to a nearby mound of dirt. Only they must've messed up the clock while moving the H-1, as the flea barrel ignited late, flew off in a weird direction, and the gumball machine detached early. Regardless, the gizmos took proper readings and proved The Boss right: These barrels weren't built for killing fleas, but for helping them fly. Science points galore! Somewhat unexpectedly, a representative from the Kerbal First Record Keeping Society showed up to give The Boss a few shiny plaques: First Launch, new Speed Records of 25m/s and 80m/s, and First Landing. The prize money was spent on some bags of corn chips and the interns were sent back to work. There was still time enough in the day for another launch. Same gumball machine with a big barrel of science (which had been previously tested on the mound), all atop yet another flea barrel. The Boss named it the "Hydrogen 2" and everybody lined up to watch it fly. The H-2 flew higher and slightly faster than anything yet recorded (that one catapult accident doesn't count), resulting in yet more plaques from the record keepers: Altitude records of 500m and 2km. The money was just enough to buy some queso dip to go with the corn chips, and The Boss kicked in a few extra kerbucks for soda. And so on the first day they partied, and The Boss was happy, for The Boss saw it was good. Navigation: Next Post
  5. So This will be my First attempt at doing a Writing/Report.. so i hope you guys like it! Feedback is ALWAYS Appreciated! Part 1 (below) Part 2/3 Part 4 Part 1 ---Mission control--- *ring* *ring* *gene picks up the phone* ???: We are the from the Kerbin World Firsts Record Keeping Society... Is it the KSC we are speaking to? Gene: yes... we are the Kerbal Space Centre.. what you guys want? Another First's record? FRKS: Yes. We would like you to do a circumnaviagation of Kerbin. Nobody on Kerbin has done it and you seem that you are very free with not much launch schedules coming up. *gene looks through the launch schedules.Valentina walks into the Room* Gene: okay sure we will accept it.. so how much Roots? FRKS: 5K Roots Gene: No that would not do! that will not cover the production costs! and the launch costs and all the over administrative stuff! FRKS: oh well... 10K? Gene: if you guys want to have a fine ship... and publicity... Give it a.. 20K? FRKS: Ah well 20K Roots.. and it is a Deal! Gene: thanks! *Gene puts down the phone and finds valentina looking at his monitor* Gene: what do you want? Val: um.. just looking... nothing interesting that will be going on soon according to the list of launches that you have on your screen... So who called up? Gene: FRKS. They want up us to do a circumnavigation of Kerbin.. Bleargh... we don't have any crafts that we can use! Val: we can always design one.. right? Gene: yup correct.. but it will cost Fun- i mean Roots. Geez.. ever since they changed to Funds to Roots... it keeps confusing me... Val: well i am sure you will get used to it... i will go and tell the peps at the Admin building.. about the.. thing. Gene: go ahead then. *Valentina leaves.. leaving Gene in the Mission control* Gene: Well.. lets see if i can schedule some launches for project Minmus. ---Administration building--- *valentina walks in. Mortimer,Linus,Walt and Gus Kerman looks up* Val: alrighty guys! so the FR- i mean the Kerbin World Firsts Record Keeping Society Rang up and decided that a Circumnavigation of kerbin must be done! Mort/Mortimer Kerman :How much we gettin? 10K Roots? Val: double the amount. 20K Roots! Mort: nice! Linus.. any suggestions of the technology we are using? *Linus is playing on his Kphone* Mort: *shouting* LINUS!!! THIS IS A MEETING! STAP YOU USING YOUR KPHONE! Linus: gah! oh right.. sorry.... *bows* so Circumnavigation eh? Val: yes..suggestion linus? Linus: hmm.. no prop planes i guess..jet eng- Val: nope.. do you have R.A.P.I.E.R.S yet? Linus: Yes. We finished it last night! Val: how did the test go for them? Linus: i should say quite well... only some um.. misshaps happened.*murmurs something about a blackened kerbal* Val: i guess we should put them for a long rang test! best altitude for those operating well? Linus: close to Vaccum. Val: well what are we waiting For? lets do this then! For funnsies:
  6. Overview: Kerpton (kerp-tawn) Future Media was a software development company which created the popular singing synthesizer program "Kertsune (kert-soo-neh) Miku", which many Kerbals had used to make their own songs. But lately, its founder, Hiroyuki Kerman, had considered starting a space program after playing a realistic space simulator for several months. Using the wealth he had acquired from selling so many copies of music software, he started a new organization called the Kerpton Aero-Space Development Agency, and hired several young aerospace engineers. This thread will document the various missions of KASDA. KASDA insignia, depicting a green onion (negi) flying through space KSP Version: 1.1.3 (originally 0.20.2) Mods currently in use: Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Precise Maneuver, MechJeb, Ambient Light Adjustment, Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (doesn't seem to be for 1.1.3 anymore but I have a copy), Kerbpaint (with update for 1.1.3), Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Near Future Construction, Asteroid Day, Habitat Pack, HyperEdit (for testing only), TAC Fuel Balancer, Trajectories, Taurus HCV, Environmental Visual Enhancements, Scatterer, Stock Visual Enhancements, Kopernicus, Outer Planets Mod, Pood's OPM-VO, Planetshine, in-game Transfer Window Planner, Engine Lighting, Flag Decals, Kerbal Inventory System, NavHud, EVA Follower, Atomic Age, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, SpaceY + SpaceY Expanded, Behemoth Aerospace, Stock Visual Terrain Useful calculators: Launch window calculator, Aerobraking calculator, Parachute calculator Robotic programs: Crewed programs: Mission list (if you end up in the wrong place when you click a link, click the address bar and press enter) Timeline of interplanetary mission milestones prior to the manifestation of Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon, and Plock, and everything that happened in between (Y1 to Y29) (1-100) (101-200) (201-270) (By the way, how do you people take screenshots? I can't move the camera to the camera angle that I want if it is paused, and I can't move the camera and fly the rocket at the same time.)
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