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  1. dots or rep 

    I prefer dots

    ALSO btw KSP Talk 2 is inevitable. Look out, it’s truly inevitable. Tomorrow morning.


    oh btw tho last few days I’ve been waking at 11 EST so just saying :D very exciting news

    everyone type conspiracy theories in my replies :lol:

    1. Fraston
    2. HansonKerman


      good, good. <discomforting smile>

  2. might have news for KSP talk 2

    i know @VoidCosmos wanted that :)

    1. VoidCosmos


      Yeah I wanted it thanks 

  3. KSP talk with Hanson - episode1

    i have had an idea bouncing around in my head for a mission report series. A career mode where I plant a flag/establish a base if I want on every land able celestial body. Recently also had the idea to do it with planert packs. So, as the prospect of getting a computer is closer than ever now (moar on that never), I wanted to share the idea. It also will involve a bit of story (at some pivotal points), involving gods, and anomalies. So stay tuned I guess...

    (episode 2 coming out never)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VoidCosmos


      LIKE! (Ram Ran out of likes)

    3. VoidCosmos




      Wrong. BRIAN

    4. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Sounds AWESOME! Always on the lookout for MOAR mission reports

  4. Trina Ray (lead scientist of Cassini's Titan flybys) gives a first hand talk about a few of the fantastic findings of the Cassini-Huygens mission. She talks a lot about how people reacted to the data as it unfurled and slowly pieced together some rather amazing big pictures. It's lovely, figured I'd share!
  5. real talk here my sleep schedule is messed up af

    woke up like 10mins a go and now I have to do a 9:30 class it’s important too

    im hungry

  6. there are a lot of choices in the tech tree the more you go, and it can be overwhelming. I wanted to see what you guys thought! Me personally, I go for either the cheapest, or I think ahead and go for the science.
  7. So, just wondering.... I've never built a solar system or made a mod, but would it be possible to make large bodies collide? I am just seeing the possibilities with interstellar in the base game of an occurrence where a solar system or rogue planet comes into the Kerbolar system and perhaps worlds collide. I realize I am asking a bit (maybe more than a bit) much. But even then nuclear explosions will be base game as well (praying for mushroom clouds....) so would it at least be possible to have asteroid impacts (on impact replace the asteroid with a comparable resized nuclear explosion)? Maybe even world ender ones like the one that killed the dinosaurs. Then we could have "save kerbin" missions
  8. Congrats! Long live KSP! So, what would you like to see in KSP 3?
  9. This is the chart I'm referencing. It is beautiful but I don't understand how it works. Where does it tell me how much delta V I need to get into Kerbin orbit, and then how much to go from there to Mun, and then to capture Mun orbit, and then back to Kerbin etc?
  10. Alright Good People, I'm very sorry but have to come clean now. I am so incredibly thankful to SQUAD for giving us the opportunity to even if sometimes faulty, give us the opportunity to simulate some of our nerdiest dreams. Those dreams that we only dear to shear with our computers or consoles lol. Ksp allows me to peer with people that understand what Delta V is with out they looking at me as if I just insulted their mother. True is that I studied Law and I did so at a place some people say is the best place in the world to do so. With out dropping the H - bomb as I like to call it. Ksp made me not only change studies but also school, luckily both in same city. Judging from your opinions and answers you all are smart to the last hair in your bodies and make me feel at home among fellow nerds. When it comes to de delay. I could not give a blank, I did not even know about it until I read it was delayed lol. But I guess since we all were so satisfied playing the game as it was, we won't have have a problem continuing doing so until this new stuff comes out right? Actually I agree with those who say not to ruin what we already have that is working just to put new stuff out. I guess other game developers don't have to keep true to the laws of physics in space, they can from time to time be a female dog. Please forgive my trolling nature, but the rumor was that this is the nerdiest forum on the world wide web and I'm not disappointed. Keep orbiting and may the delta V be with you always. Would it not bee cool if MIT had a ksp tournament where everyone could participate? Someone up to it? With real life prizes and stuff?
  11. Lets talk about Eve landers here, with docking or no, i believe that some of you are having a hard time, feel free to ask questions, or answering questions related to Eve landers
  12. How many of you would be interested in a lounge thread where I talk about my trip to Europe that I took a while back?

    1. Kerbalstar


      Me! I too have gone on a trip to Europe. I visited England, Ireland, and Italy.

  13. Is it me or does this update feel "Incomplete".There are parts that got an overhaul but other parts that are meant to go with that didnt get the overhaul and now crafts seem like a mess. Heres what i mean: The MK 1 chute looks completly out of place with the pod. Aswell the hammer and flea engine.... (Sarcasam alert) Oh squad i absolutly love how you took 2 unique engine models and made a new one for the hammer and said Lets cut the hammer in half!...Yeah that`s the flee engine we whanted!.....Really squad?The flee engine is literaly the hammer cut in half!. Really this update is really boring and a bit pointless.No one asked for a part revamp.The closet thing in saw that some asked for a part revamp was I that asked for a revamp on the kerbals suit(Which I like how they turned out).But people have been asking for ages for multiplayer....Better graphics....Updates on the console version......new stuff to explore.....more planets.....new game mechanics....you named it.
  14. hey buddy long time no talk, i updated the game to 1.4.5 , but it says im in need a of update of filter extenchion , commuity tech tree ,,, and fuel switch needs to go to v 1.4.4?????

    1. FreeThinker


      just ignore these messages

    2. mrgreco


      ok thax, also to the ramjets, the ones that go stright on the reactor, imgetting no thrust on take off , did you change them??


  15. Talk about completely cool and Kerbal at the same time...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Just Jim

      Just Jim

      You know I had to... lmao...


    3. adsii1970


      Wow... That was great! You need to figure out a way to use it in Emiko! :)

    4. Just Jim

      Just Jim

      I might... for now I have to show this one off in the "What did you do thread today..."

      It's too funny not to share with everyone... and I'm honestly surprised it didn't blow up into a thousand pieces... roflmao...

  16. Now I do like to host races on Kerbin, but everytime I set up a challenge people use quicksave while racing. Why would you do that ? I came to understand that quicksaving can save you from bugs, that's totally fine by me. But why cheat (yes, I call it cheating) in a challenge ? What is worst is that I can't prevent people from quicksaving, there is no way to check if they did or not. Let me know what you think and let's be civil about it.
  17. wanna be invited to my chat PM, where we talk about random stuff?

  18. Hello, wanna be invited to my chat PM, where we talk about random stuff?

  19. This is a thread where we discuss and talk about... you guessed it-Easter Eggs! First and Foremost, the Orange Circle on Bop. I have not gone there myself, but I've seen pics of it. What do you think? My guess is that the corpse of the Elder Kraken is interfering with Bop, due to being buried in the rock of Bop.
  20. In a sense, it's a continuation of my "landing legs settings" question. There are many "tall-and-lanky using landing legs" landers, such as this guy (not mine). However, they are able to land easily (I think) without the bouncing and falling over syndrome during my test. So why are they able to do it, while my attempt failed until I gone with this?
  21. This where people can discuss their problems with KSP or the bugs they found.
  22. Building an Eve biome hopper. Horizontal take off with wings, twin Vector engines. put the nose in the air and you can get an Ap of 120/140 km, and come down a quarter of a planet away, on Kerbin, I figure that means about a sixth of Eve. Its an Intercontinental Ballistic Airplane. My question is about lower- slower flight. What is my best strategy for flying an overpowered plane that goes through fuel so quickly? Short bursts of full throttle followed by long periods of gliding? Or a small amount of continuous thrust? Subsonic and low? or climb to 7 km and bust the sound barrier? - and then glide? but for how long? down to Mach 1, or down to stall speed? So many options!
  23. Hello @tater would you like to talk about our and saviour mr.skeletan?

    (here is a profile pic for you mate, we're having fun)


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