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  1. Even though its name is a reference to the wide-body Airbus A300, the Stearwing A300, with its 3.5 m Mk3 fuselage is only the size of a narrow-body A320. To avoid having to clip two rows of fuselages into each other to replicate wide-body jets, I think stock KSP should have 5 m plane parts.
  2. So I just started down the tech tree and got to planes. I decided to create a car to run around the main complex and gather science like I saw a guy doing on a YouTube video. I have the first set of plane science with the starter wheels. I created a car with science gear, a rocket cockpit, small engine, and the starter wheels. The car will not stay in one place. It rolls down hill when I launch. I apply the brakes from the brake group and nothing happens, the car continues to roll. So I fired up the engine and started down the runway then killed the engine and tried the brakes again. No joy. I looked at the specs and that first set of wheels are supposed to have 2km brakes. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Hello. I built this new probe core-equipped jet that could carry up to six kerbals at a time and land anywhere. It's equipped with two J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engines for maximum speed and a couple of batteries to keep it running when the engines are out; a single XM-G50 Radial Air Intake on the top gives air to both engines. Below is a picture of the B-5 Badger on the runway. Check out the final entry in "The Eelootians," to see a report of its performance. However, during flight, I notice that Engine Two (the engine on the right side) frequently flames out. I know it may have something to do with the air intake not delivering enough oxygen to mix with the fuel, but I'm confused as to why that engine specifically. When Engine Two gets back online, it still has a significantly lower thrust than Engine One. Why does Engine Two flame out and not Engine One? Better yet, why not both at the same time? How can I set the intake to distribute air equally to both engines? I don't know if it's been asked already, but if it has could someone please send me the link to a reliable answer? Thank you.
  4. The 4th version of my space plane has some weird issue in which when it loads on the runway for launch it goes boom! It even acts funny when I attach launch stablizers. What is going on?
  5. Welcome to the... KSP Stock Prop Design Challenge! The aim of this challenge is to create the coolest looking stock prop designs you can! Your plane will be judged mostly on appearance and as such, speed and performance won't be judged very harshly; as long as it flies, and flies well enough it's okay (though good performance is always good to have). The goal of this challenge is to create a plane that fits both the requirements and aesthetics of what a contract of your choice says. The contracts will range from 1920s-30s biplanes to post WW2 superprops. There will be no definitive winner to this challenge, but aircraft I especially enjoy will have a spot on this original post. Please lay out your submission like this: [Contact No. XY][Generation (biplane, ww2 etc)][Manufacturer name/author(s)][Craft name][Description][Pictures (max 3)][Download link (preferably on KerbalX)] Guidelines/Rules 1) Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the plane must fly only with stock propellers. 2) The Design MUST be original and NOT a replica. 3) Stock designs only. DLC is not allowed. 4) Part clipping/craft file editing is allowed. ----- The Idea The idea for this challenge was blatantly ripped off HB Stratos' and Servo's Original Jet Fighter challenge. If you've stumbled here but aren't a fan, or don't know how to make props, visit their challenge instead: Major thanks to HB Stratos for letting me actually make this challenge even it's literally the same thing. ----- The Contracts Biplane Era ----- WW2 Era ----- Postwar Era --- Hall of Fame! @Jon144's fantastic K4F Scimitar is on the list because of it's superb performance; the best so far! While not as detailed as some of the other props, it's fast, and maneuverable enough to compensate. Good job! --- @erasmusguy's HF-108 fantastically detailed. It doesn't quite fit a category, but looks superb. I appreciate the detail added to it; especially the little men/RCS tanks. Well done. --- @Phantomic's P-45 bolt just looks like a plane straight from WW2. It has nice clean lines and isn't a bad flier either. Fits the contract almost perfectly. Great work! ----
  6. So I haven't played in a while and I show up and design a killer new plane, takes off fine, flies great, but then when I go to land it, the instant the nose gear touches down, there's a huge bounce pitch approx. 20° and kicks the rest of the plane approx. 10 meters in the air. Done several tests following scientific method using controls and varying spring strength and damper strength, but I can only make the bounce take longer to hit or make it a little shallower, but it is always there. Starting to worry that my beauty is never going to see glory. I've seen other posts in regards to a more pervasive bounce at standstill and takeoff, but they're mostly older posts (>6 months). These such instances do not report the same symptoms and thus their solutions have not helped. Plane is 2 rear gear (medium retractable) and 1 nose (medium retractable), weight 12 ton, Mk. 2 fuselage with twin panther engines. The cockpit is BD Mk22 but I don't think that should be affecting the landing gear too much. Update: turned the nose gear around 180° and it is marginally more stable, also seeing some weird graphical glitches in the runway. I am aware that they updated the mesh for the runway, but the symptoms still show themselves on the grass. Current best results are max spring strength and much reduced dampers, but still requires very long and level approach.
  7. Wings of Glory Prelude: Fire in the Skies “Odin Flight; ATC reports three to four radar intercepts closing in on your position.” The Lead pilot called into the radio as he flipped the lever that took his guns off safety, “Odin 1 acknowledging. What is their bearing and speed?” “Odin 1 they are coming from the North-East traveling at 600 knots.” The three F-6 Comet fighters turned in unison as they prepared to meet their attackers head on with the lead calling back, “ATC Confirm enemy speed.” A few seconds passed before the call came back, “Speed confirmed. Enemy craft still heading your way going 600 knots. Intercept in 2 minutes.” “How in the world are they going that fast? Aren’t they stuck with piston aircraft?” came the confusion from his right side wingman, Odin 3. “Apparently they have something new. Looks like we won’t be able to complete the bombing run, jettison the Mk-III Bombs and go to full throttle. Prepare to drop tanks and go into merge when we are in visual range.” So the three craft spread out and sped up as they prepared to get into a brawl with the Thean Empire’s own. Within a minute a glint of metal was seen topping low over the hills and the F-6s dropped their external fuel tanks banking sharply to meet the enemy. Suddenly the sky was filled with hundreds of tracers as both sets of aircraft exchanged fire with each other in a swirling frenzy. As the jets zoomed over each other’s canopies the Comets were able to recognize the swept wings and distinctive front end of the KUT-7. The KUT was the newest fighter jet of the Proecian Confederacy and a rare sight so far away from their borders, apparently they threw their hat into the ring of the Thean Civil war; backing the old Empire of the North against the rebels in the South. So used to fighting the old and slow hand me down planes that the Empire had used previously the Rebel pilots of Odin flight were overwhelmed by the maneuverability and speed of the KUT. Their own Comets were bought from the United Kerbos Territories as the UKT began to phase them out for their newer F-7s and F-9s. The Comet was slower, less agile, and less armed than the shiny new Proecian fighters. As Odin 1 banked to the right he saw an orange flash as one of his fellow Comets burst into a huge ball of fire. Anger overtaking him from the loss of his wingman he popped his speed brakes and made an aggressive barrel roll to invert himself over the canopy of, and then positioned himself behind, the KUT-7 that had been on his tail. He retracted the brakes and then ramped up his thrust and he held down the button on his stick that let fourth a burst from his four 50 cal machine guns. Black smoke belched from the engine of the Empire jet before the whole fuselage was ripped in half by his line of fire. Odin 1 zoomed past the tumbling wreck going back into the fray. Odin 2 was being pursued closely by two KUTs taking turns sniping at his tail. He pulled back on his stick to lead the nose of the jet upwards and climbed as fast as he could to help out his fellow pilot. Still rising toward the battle ahead of him he peeked into his gun sights and began to line up a shot. There it was, the glowing tail pipe of the rearmost KUT ready to be shredded by pounds of lead. Then suddenly it wasn’t as the horizon became a tumbling mess of blurred colors. He felt the jolt as his tail dislodged itself from its perch, then a grinding sound came from his left side where he observed with horror as the wing ripped itself away from the rest of his plane. He was in a deadly spiral to the ground and had only seconds before impact. There was nothing more he could do as he pulled the lever below his seat as his vision began to grey out from the G-forces. His eyes snapped open to see a smoldering ruin of his former plane below as he descended on his parachute. In the distance he could perceive an explosion as one of the planes in front of him was destroyed. Any hopes that it was an enemy craft were dashed when he saw the exhaust trail of three planes meet up and speed away to the horizon. He had flown on dozens of missions during this war; this was the first time that he had failed one. Worse yet, there were no other parachutes save for his in the sky.
  8. Plane capable of Mach 5.5 speed at 20000m, it can do an aerial circumnavigation of Kerbin in about 40 minutes. It works fine with the stock heat mechanic. 1 - Toggle landing gear steering Pictures: Cruise Altitude and Speed Circumnavigation complete! Still pretty hot after a full circumnavigation... Download: https://kerbalx.com/Daze/Mach-FiveFive
  9. I was building a very large scale spaceplane, with custom internals inside MK3 cargo bays. The plane was more than 170 parts, probably around 200. When I first experienced the plane falling apart, it was just some clipped parts falling out of the main plane. I fixed this with a few structural connectors. I launched again and when I tried to pull up off the runway, my wings just went crazy and blew the plane up. I thought I might try again but not pull up so hard. So I reverted to launch, and my plane immediately.. well it’s kind of hard to describe. The parts were all separated from each other, but still seemed connected via invisible joints, and then separated and fell apart, some parts were sent away at extremely high velocity. After falling apart, the remains violently exploded along with the runway. I am on my phone so I do not have a screenshot. I will try and get some screenshots next time I’m on my PC.
  10. The DC-10 Something dangerous in the sky... The Might of Three Rolls Royce engines propell the aircraft through the sky. Taxiing..
  11. So, this is my Learjet replica. So, i'm rich.. kinda.
  12. Helicopter 2 Download E plane 6 Download
  13. A very agile plane for KSP 1.5.1 Pros: Very maneuverable full stock nice range has an autopilot Cons: slow to accelerate quite big I have no images of it right now, but they will be added later on https://kerbalx.com/Rover_6428/Hawk-mk-2
  14. I want to be able to put an orange tank (36t) into a 100-200km orbit, but so far all my designs fall short in some regard. My smaller planes have good balance fueled/dry, but as I go bigger and add more engines, it becomes harder to keep them stable during re-entry. Additionally, for the bigger planes I'm having trouble getting enough TWR to do my insertion burn when laden (I typically run out of LOX for the rapiers before I have a circular orbit but after my apoapsis is in space). My most successful designs so far (last one is my best small lifter/personnel shuttle): https://imgur.com/a/vY4sDgk I've probably done a dozen or more iterations but none have worked to a satisfactory level, and I don't know what I'm missing. If there's an obvious flaw with my designs, I'd appreciate being appraised of it. Some extra miscellaneous questions: Are the "Tail Connector A/B" pieces appreciably more aerodynamic than the "Advanced Nose Cone A/B" and the Shock Cone? They're very pointy, but also kinda heavy so if anyone knows that'd be great. What do you guys reckon is the optimal mass/rapier? What is the optimal wing shape, and how much lifting area/t is recommended? Please rip my designs to shreds. I desperately need the more efficient price/t of a good heavy lifter SSTO so I can build my Duna mission in orbit.
  15. I have a plane with the following main body, from nose to aft: Mk1 cockpit Mk1 LF tank Three material bays 1.25m service bay Radially attached to this are two Mk0 tanks with an intake and a Juno each. Rounded nosecone The problem with this setup is that if the Mk1 fuel tank is at the rear, the CoM moves forward a lot as the fuel is used up, which makes parachute positioning tricky (aside from the fact that I never build a single plane without enough chutes to come back down safely, the plane has the starting landing gears and is already overweight as it is, so the gears explode instantly if I try to land normally). So I put the tank in the front which stabilized the CoM, but now I have a different problem: the CoM is so far ahead in the front that if I put the rear landing gear near enough to it for the plane to even take off (if so, it takes off at ~87 m/s), the plane becomes impossible to land with parachutes when the tanks are full because even though it noses down while hanging from the chutes, the moment the front wheel touches ground, the plane's rear whips down and tailstrikes hard enough to destroy the rearmost material bay. So then. Depending on where I put the wheels, either I can't even take off or I can take off but need to fly for at least an hour before I can parachute down without breaking anything. For visual reference, this is the plane in question: The CoM is in the Mk1 fuel tank just behind the cockpit, both when full and when empty; the rear landing gear is attached to the material bay immediately behind the fuel tank because, again, putting it any more backwards makes the plane unable to take off. Fuel transfers from the Mk0 tanks at the rear cause negligible CoM movement.
  16. I was inspired to make a Mig 15-like plane in my career mode. Here it is: It is called A-3 Buzzard. It is my third aircraft in the career and like the first 2, named after a bird. Top Level flight speed (at 11km): 434m/s Absolute Top Speed (diving): 523m/s Max flight altitude: 13 km Altitude record: 15.6 km This here is the long winged version, the A-3B Buzzard: In High atmosphere: It is slower than the short wing version but can fly 2km higher. It is a weapon to surpass Metal Gear. Craft File for Short Winged version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P9b9jAFHiB-xfM7xt7oyJlQ8Pxsu6B6j Craft file for Longboye: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eTvoj3BXmm-6wyNY6-stcTegQUDRjM7i Required mods: Procedural parts, Procedural Wings B9, USI Life Support, Ven`s Stock Part Revamp (find the newest fork), Unmanned before Manned, SXT I seriously see no reason to download this but I included the craft files just in case. It does require some messing with mods so it is more work than it's worth.
  17. I'm pretty stoked that my Steerpike passenger jet has just achieved 100 downloads on KerbalX. I only started learning this game a year ago and posted the craft in May. Thanks @katateochi for creating such a great site.
  18. Greetings fellow kerbals! I know this challenge has been on the forum before, but there are no new threads about this topic, so here is a new fastest plane challenge! RULES: Plane has to be stock, no mods allowed in this challenge! (Except for visual mods, like scatterer.} Record has to be broken in kerbin's atmosphere, the max speed doesn't count unless it's in the atmosphere. You are allowed to use any type of engine. You can use a probe to control your plane No cheats allowed Plane has to fly! Your aircraft has to fly by itself, it cannot be dropped of a mother carrier plane, has to takeoff and reach the speed record by itself. Plane has to be built in ksp version 1.4.5 How to enter your plane: You have to upload a photo of your plane. This is how the layout should look like: PHOTO HERE: Name of plane (eg, jebs plane) Top speed (eg, 1573 mp/s ) Number of engines your plane has (eg, 15) Well done to all who participated, but here are the fastest designs in the challenge. 1: Klapaucius's Bolt: top speed: 3002 mp/s 2: Jeb-Head-Mug kerman's (ME!): SX 93+ Olympia II: top speed: 2193 mp/s 3: Triop's X Star: top speed: 1710 mp/s Well done to all!
  19. For those that struggle with finding that perfect part or put together that perfect fighter fuselage, this is the mod for you. Brought to you by SM Associates @XOC2008 and @TheKurgan (with some excellent modelling by @SpannerMonkey(smce)!), we bring you Versus! Versus was created with two things in mind, lower part count aircraft to utilize BDArmory and related mods more efficiently, and to put together head-to-head match-ups between aircraft of similar style and function. These fuselages are all-in-one, including cockpit, radar, engine, ammo, and fuel. (On some occasions, the fuselage will also have a weapon integrated such as with the F-15 in this initial release.) Versus contains the following parts: F-15 Fuselage with inegrated 20mm MiG-31 Fuselage Su-25 Fuselage 3 F-15 droptanks in varied sizes 2 Pilot Pitot parts for WM and AI function FAB-100, 250, 500, and 5000 bombs (assets from NKD, rescaled and edited for current BDAc compatibility.) You will of course also need to outfit the vessel with wings, landing gear, control surfaces, weapons, and whatever various odds and ends you'd like. To note: This mod is intended for "full size" aircraft. Tweakscale is not supported, as it can and will most likely alter the weight and flight characteristics with disastrous results. Thrust, velocity, and atmospheric curves have been toiled over to get the most realistic performance we can squeeze out of these aircraft. This mod was designed for and with Stock aero, as such FAR is not supported, but if this works in FAR then all the better for those users. Versus is CC BY-ND 4.0 I know, no pics no clicks! Download on Spacedock or Dropbox. Recommended (but not required) Mods: BDArmory Continued - Required for pilot pitot part to function SM Armory SMI Missiles and Launchers - Full of missiles, especially some perfect Russian ones to outfit your vodka fueled planes. KWS - Cold War BDArmory Extension Kerbal Foundries Procedural Wings
  20. R-3A Schwall: Unparrelled Air Dominance Delivered Developed under the Republic of Kerbalia Air Force Advanced Frontline Fighter program, Adler Defense Systems presents its 5th generation Air Superiority Fighter, the R-3A Schwall. A lethal package of stealth, speed, agility and next gen sensor fusion, the R-3A achieves unquestionable airspace dominance through unmatched overall performance. Stealth: Advanced radiation-absorbent materials and metasurfaces, along with internal weapons bays and sophisticated shapes all help ensure the survival and combat effectiveness of the R-3A in hostile airspace, giving allied forces decisive operational advantages. The vertical tailless design strengthens the R-3A's stealth to a greater degree. Speed: The lethality and high survivability of the R-3A is further enhanced by speed - capable of Mach 1.4 supercruise and prolonged Mach 2.3 afterburner dash at extreme altitude ensures rapid insertion and extraction over hostile airspace and air defenses. Agility: R-3A brings forth superior aerodynamics through an unconventional forward swept wing design, canards, and 3D vectoring. The R-3a possess great agility at subsonic speeds, its blazing acceleration and razor sharp turns leaves any competition behind in ashes. Sensor fusion: The R-3A's combat mainframe can autonomously collect data through hundreds of on board sensors and share it among all allied forces through secured data links, providing real time high-fidelity battlefield surveillance for commanders and coalition partners, ensuring joint operation effectiveness starting from zero hour. The R-3A features an enclosed cockpit system, favoring external cameras linked to the pilot's HMD and spherical monitors inside the cockpit, providing unobstructed views and augmented reality, enhancing pilot awareness and combat effectiveness. R-3A Schwall flying in formation with the R-5A Schnee of the Support Fighter Program currently under development. Specifications: General characteristics Crew: 1 Length: 21.1 m Wingspan: 15.1 m Height: 1.95 m Wing area: 85 m² Empty weight: 14,853 kg Loaded weight: 23,164 kg standard air superiority loadout* Max. takeoff weight: 30,120 kg(limited by landing gear safety load) Fuel capacity: 9,673 kg internally, or 12,993 kg with two external 1.66 kL fuel tanks Powerplant: 2 × Lyulka AL-31FM turbofans with 15 degrees 3D thrust vectoring Dry thrust: 76.2 kN each Thrust with afterburner: 122.4 kN each *MTW-IR-100 x 2, AIM-120 x 6, 73% internal fuel Performance Maximum speed: At altitude: Mach 2.5 as limited by engine temperature limit Supercruise: >Mach 1.4* @ 8,000m Combat Range: >3,500 km on internal fuel, standard air superiority loadout Combat radius: >1,000 km(with ~800 km Mach 2.0~2.3* afterburner dash @ 15500 m ~ 17000 m, supersonic exit & subsonic return) Ferry range: >4,000 km Service ceiling: 18,000 m Thrust/weight: 1.08 Maximum design g-load: 11.0+ g *Would require a few minutes to accelerate to desired speed Armament Guns: 1× 20 mm M61A2 Vulcan 6-barrel rotary cannon in right LERX root, 650 rounds Air-to-air mission loadout: 4× AIM-120A AMRAAM, 6xAIM-120C AMRAAM compressed 2× MTW-IR-100 Air-to-ground mission loadout: 2× 1,000 lb (450 kg) JDAM or 8× 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs 3× AIM-120 AMRAAM 2× MTW-IR-100 Hardpoints: 2× under-wing pylon stations can be fitted to carry 1,660 L drop tanks or weapons. Non-fiction: 1.I basically made the plane by mashing many planes together, be it realistic or fiction. 2.Thrust vectoring is essential for maintaining artificial yaw stability for certain roll maneuvers, so I couldn't use the more powerful F119s. Hands up for "please add 117S or izdeliye 30 to AJE". 3.Stock SAS can't fly the plane at all, atmosphere autopilot is a must. 4.I tried fitting spin recovery chutes to it, only to find out it just doesn't work at low altitudes, so they are simply drogue chutes for landing now. If you're a good pilot you might be able to land it on a carrier deck without arresting gear. I'm not though.
  21. A fully operational carrier hull and bridge. As opposed to Eskandre's excellent Nimitz, this one has a ski-jump. It's not actually based on any real-world aircraft carrier, but it probably most resembles the Russian Navy's Admiral Kuznetsov. The lifts and hangar are fully operational. The mod is actually just a single part that comprises the hull, deck, lifts and bridge. It generates its own power, but it's meant to be used along with other ship mods for engines, radar, antennae, defence systems, etc. [MOD - Download link removed due to missing license - sumghai]
  22. Blind/Bored Aircraft Facilities is glad to open the Public Overhaul Workshop. Disclaimer: english isn't my native language (french is) be tolerant for error and weird phrasing of a sentence. I do my best. Also feel free to correct me. Our goal is to help others aircraft company by fine-tuning, repair, enhance,..., their craft. For now this thread only concern about atmospheric(KERBIN) flying vehicle excluding vtol, ssto*, flaps engine and rocket. Space shuttle and ssto are accepted but I'll only take a look at their atmospheric standalone performance, don't blame me if it loose deltaV. I prioritize submission for Kerbal Express Airlines Challenge. To be select your craft must be nearly finish in its general design, be submit in this KerbalX hangar (Public Overhaul Workshop - request) and have a post you've make on this thread that contain the information listed below. Available mod: Tweakscale, Airplane+ and KAX I work on latest version only; 1.4.3 Needed information (unit; km, m/s, m, G, kallons, metric tons(t)(1000Kg), kallons/s, funds or $): (Ignore this as long as you state clearly what you want and what I can or can not do) -General parameters with min/max/target value (if applicable); cost, mass, speed, part count(max 300 without strut, not strict), fuel, range(speed*fuel/fuel_burn_rate)(at cruise), cruise altitude, cruise speed, cruise efficiency liberty( | most_eff_fuelBR - actual_fuelBR | or | most_eff_range - actual_range | )(does it need to be the most efficient), passenger, cargo capacity(mass), take-off speed,and more. -Any other constraint like don't move wing or no clipping. Autostrut(Y/N). Mod you allow me to use from the list above. -(OR)Describe your problem and what you want me to do. -Some info about the craft, PICTURE please. (I need to know if its for Kerbal Express Airlines as passenger count change) -Make a small speech on why I should help. (That's optional; please and tank you is enough) You can see if I decide to work/am working on your craft here: Public Overhaul Workshop - WIP When job will be done I'll make a post here. You can also check here: Public Overhaul Workshop - Job done I would apprieciate to get feedback. If you post in an other thread a craft I worked on please give credit to who deserve it or for KEA challenge mention BAF POW thread. If I get enough participation I may recruit more engineers to help me. Otherwise don't usurp BAF name. I know there is no proof that I'm not a noob. Truth is, I've build a lot of aircraft I'm just too lazy to publish them all.
  23. KESTREL AEROSPACE KC-100 DESIGN NOTES The KC-100, designated 'Rhino' for its bulk, is a heavy-weight, medium-range airlifter with a maximum takeoff weight of 90 tonnes. It's capable of relatively short takeoffs with lighter payloads, and can also be landed in a short distance if its thrust reversers and flaps are employed. The Rhino was created primarily with rough-field landings in mind, and can thus deliver payloads to remote locations that would otherwise be inaccessible. SPECIFICATIONS: Length: 33.3m Wingspan: 35m Height: 8.2m Empty Weight: 32.92 tonnes Full Weight(1162LF): 38.74 tonnes excl. payload Stall Speed: 40m/s Maximum Static Thrust: 480KN (4x Wheesley powerplants) Maximum Return Range, with maximum payload: 650km Maximum Range of No Return, with maximum payload: 1300km OPERATION MANUAL: AG 1 - Switch engines on/off AG 2 - Toggle Thrust Reversers AG 3 - Toggle flaps AG 5 - Lower/Raise Cargo Ramp KERBALX LINK: https://kerbalx.com/Kestrel/Kestrel-Aerospace-KC-100-Rhino Please enjoy!
  24. I'm sure this has been suggested before, but since I tried and ALMOST did it today, I thought I would put it out there. In celebration of the new 1.4.3 release, I decided to fly around the world via the poles from the new desert runway. (And it seemed like a fun thing to do while listening to Italian Language recordings). Being a fairly crap plane builder, I just took a stock Stearwing, modified it to hold lots of fuel and then stuck and extra pair of wings on it because it would not get off the ground otherwise. It's not going to win any beauty awards, but it did the job. I managed to get all the way around with over a third of a tank of fuel left. Total flight time was about 5:58:00. (I mostly flew with stability on and timewarp on as well, so I did not sit here for 6 hours) I'm not sure exactly; the clock reads 5:57:17 on the last screenshot I took on approach. I then crashed. Argh! So, the challenge: fly around the world on a polar route, non-stop, and post your best time and show off your craft. You can start from any runway since the distance will be the same, as long as you land on the one you started on. I suppose we should put a ceiling of 12,000 on this as well. It should be flying, not orbiting. Oh, if you land intact, that's a bonus!
  25. what delta v is needed to get to the poles (and preferably back)
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