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  1. Very nicely done, sirguinea. I love it. With respect to the whole structural integrity thing, I feel like I should mention that in a distant-future science fiction, all our assumptions are likely to be rendered irrelevant. I mean, it\'d be equivalent to a 12-th century blacksmith trying to predict the design of a mun mission. 'Oh, clearly it would have to be bird shaped, or else it couldn\'t possibly fly, and you\'d need some kind of pen for the draft animals, which you\'d use to power the wings . . . ' Hell, they have antigravity and inertial dampeners and force fields. We have no reason to believe they can\'t just magically shift the center of mass to anywhere they damn well please. I think they even talk about 'structural integrity fields' in the technobabble. Just read any futurism stuff from the 1920\'s and you\'ll see what I\'m talking about. The problem is that in terms of design, economics, and engineering, it\'s basically impossible to identify the limiting factors and natural consequences of a particular technology before it is invented. Maybe space ships will need to be compact, to maximize structural integrity. But then again, maybe materials tech will advance so far that we have ultra-strong, mono-molecular polymers, but the fusion cores that everyone uses for power have such massive heat production that spaceships need to be long and spread out to maximize surface area for radiators. Or maybe we\'ll have portable electromagnetically-contained black holes to dump our heat down, but we need a MASSIVE and uninterrupted power supply or else the damn thing will eat the ship, so we need a solar array the size of a small moon. Would that even work? exactly. Think nuclear submarines. Internally powered subs that can stay under for months or years without surfacing? In 1930 they would have called you an idiot for suggesting such a thing would exist within 24 years. 'Where would get its air?'. Predict space ship design in 2364? Best of luck with that. Not that I don\'t love a good try. Just don\'t expect to actually be right.
  2. I think I know why the background is transparent. If you hop on skype, we can talk about a fix for it.
  3. So, Cephei got the ball rolling by creating a module for having an ion engine powered by solar panels and a battery. It\'s a great start, but as far as I can tell, it essentially copies the fuel system, requiring energy using parts to be physically attached to each other. I\'d like to propose a more generic system of electricity generation/storage/usage, the idea being that many different parts (sensors, ion engines, lights, etc) might wish to use electricity, and that wires on a spacecraft/station would be internal and not noticeable by the user (kind of like how RCS currently works). My basic idea is something like this: (please excuse me and correct me if I\'m using the wrong units, it\'s been a while since I did a course on electrical stuff!) The idea of this would be that there would be one main system for electrical usage, which modders could fairly use with their own parts/plugins. So, the plugin I\'m proposing would provide the EnergyManager (perhaps it should be renamed ElectricityManager to avoid confusion) part type, and three simple interfaces for interacting with it (generating, storing and using electricity) for other plugin makers to use. From the user\'s point of view, they would download this plugin (which would be licensed so that other modders could also include it in their downloads if they wanted), and then be able to mix and match different electrical using parts (for example, someone might make a set of ion engines, someone else might make various types of batteries, and someone different might make a radioisotope generator, and/or a set of solar panels), but have them all work nicely together (i.e., you don\'t need to use different sets of batteries to make sure your station can use parts from different peoples\' packs). I\'m mostly interested at the moment in what other modders think. I believe NovaSilisko intends to make some of his parts run on electricity, and personally I think building rovers would be more fun if we had to make sure they had a suitable power source + battery that could survive the Munar nights and be able to power all the sensors available, so I\'m sure I\'m not the only one who would like a general way of using electricity. It would also provide a way for new modders wanting a taste of KSP modding to be able to create a part, say a solar panel, without having to make an entire pack for that part to be useful. With that in mind, some specific questions: [list type=decimal] [li]Are modders interested in using this (i.e., would you implement an electrical standard in your parts if there were one available)?[/li] [li]Is anyone already working on something similar already?[/li] [li]Would anyone like to work on this? (Personally I\'d be very keen on coding the first version, with community input and help of course, but I don\'t want to start unless i know others would appreciate it!) [/li] [li]Do you think my interface ideas are appropriate? If not, how would you improve them?[/li]
  4. All this talk about probes, has anyone toyed with the idea of a star wars esqe probe? More specifically the type that slams into the surface instead of dealing with parachutes and engines? Would make for some interesting fire and forget landings.
  5. I like the Armaggedon pattern \'cause it reminds me of the German howitzer... Getting involved in guard talk here... I collect Elysians so don\'t have many tanks... :\'( Nice rocket designs! Keep launching! ;D
  6. In all this talk of necroing an old thread and asking around for people with the mod, I still never received a PM. I check KSP daily, just not this mod in quite a while. Reuped the link in the first post. If it goes down again, please PM me. I\'ve got some available time coming up and I\'m bumping this thread to see if there\'s interest in updating the mod to 0.14--give a holler if you want more brick parts!
  7. So, I\'ve been pouring over the forums for a while now, reading a lot of posts, and posting myself from time to time. It\'s been fun to see what other people do when they play this game, the ideas they have, etc. However, I\'ve noticed something that bothers me, and that\'s the continual fixation the community has on violence. STOP RIGHT NOW, AND PLEASE DO NOT JUST SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM AND POST ABOUT HOW SANCTIMONIOUS I AM. I\'M A HUMAN BEING TOO, AND I HAVE A POINT TO MAKE HERE. Thank You It\'s just that I\'m a huge fan of science, science fiction, and something that I\'ve always attributed and admired about both of those is that they always talk about the end of our \'Romance with Violence\' that\'s been going on since our ancestors clubbed the first boar to death. I find it really annoying/disconcerting when a new ship/part comes out of the plugin and add-on department, and the first post is from someone who put guns on it. A few things I pieced together to show you what I\'m talking about: I was going to grab a few examples from the RP forum, but there were far too many and I quickly decided to exclude it. I realize that the forums are going to become some peace-loving convent (and I wouldn\'t enjoy it if it were that way). Does this kind of thing bother anyone else?
  8. I saw this on another forum and figured it would be a good idea. So I did it here. This will be the only non-picture post here. Also, remember to spoiler large images! I shall start, by posting this:
  9. This does make me sad. The next generation of America is probably going to be the worst. Our government is sticking to old ways, even when they prove to not work in this era (ala SOPA?). Like the video said, we cut the relatively miniscule budget for the final frontier, to let failing companies last one more day. And on top of all that, when we step up as adults, and graduate college, we\'re going to be handed the bill. This bill is not just the last generation\'s bill: it\'s the whole bill. We just keep borrowing and borrowing, killing our future to have a better today. I just want to say something to the government that is running this country: are you happy? Are you happy that we are taught to obey the highest bidder? Are you happy that your grandkids\' taxes will pay for your fat paycheck now? Are you happy that you have made what was once the world\'s greatest nation in to the laughing stock of the world? ARE YOU HAPPY THAT YOU ARE DESTROYING THE HOPES, DREAMS, AND FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN?! But I digress. What do you care? You have your cushy paycheck, your third Ferrari, and you\'re happy. Why should you care about the future of our nation? That\'s all that\'s important now, right? Instant gratification. We want to talk NOW. We want to eat NOW. We want to be paid NOW. But there\'s one thing we don\'t want instant: the bill. We want our stuff NOW, but we want to work LATER. I am a college student, and I feel relatively secure about my position now. However, I am genuinely terrified of the day I graduate, because then I\'m given the bill for the United States of America. *end rant
  10. NIN3

    Bad Jokes

    What did the fish say when the fisherman cought him? Nothing, fish cant talk.
  11. Well, I have bought the game! Not sure what to do about my friend, will have to talk to him. Thanks for the warm welcome, guys!
  12. Starting it up, will tell you when I finish. Finished, here are my thoughts: WOW. Words cannot describe how strong this feels. A nation\'s people rising up for something that doesn\'t even affect them. I have never heard of Kony before now, but his name will not die. If a 6-year old can understand what to do, so should the world. I have no money, but I will use what tools I have to spread the word. Every signature will now have Kony, every person I talk to will learn of him, and come April 20 I will cover my campus with his poster.
  13. talk to some guy and say you have windows 7, he responds'dang that must be old as heck i got windows 95!' more of a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCC
  14. I\'m starting work on a deploy-able balloon part. I\'ve got buoyancy working, but I want it to work like a parachute (deployable). Does anyone have an example of how to switch meshes like the parachute module? [mod]Do not talk about decompiling the game. I will not give you a second chance.[/mod] ooh, I can help someone! this.staticPressureAtm & this.dynamicPressureAtm I\'m not sure if this is correct, but it seems to work for density FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(this.staticPressureAtm)
  15. No, .14x4 is ready to play. .14 will be out soon-ish. This isn\'t the thread to talk about it though.
  16. Nah I just made them up, because I use pipes a lot I thought I\'d start a pipe factory for KSP, it\'s all completely unofficial though. Now I feel I should have a story with any new ship, it just helps add something more than the usual 'Here\'s my rocket' posts. Kigwig was just Bigwig at first, I added the K to make him Kerbally, so after that I added K\'s to Stanley and Rodger, the three are the only Kerbals working at Ker-Flow-Full pipeworks, a tiny competitor to Flooyd. Kanley is obsessed with pipes and even lives in a pipe in the yard somewhere, Kodger is obviously the brains as well as being a \'set in his ways\' traditionalist who vary rarely gets flustered, while Kigwig is enthusiastic and tries his best to run the place but really doesn\'t know how. It\'s just my little contribution along with the tiny ships, everyone else was making these huge rockets that took ages to get to orbit and slowed down my computer so I decided to see if a small rocket could get to the Mun. I thought I was doing well with a 15 tank ship until another player, Gruntzilla, showed me his 10 tank ship, after that I made the Little Sipper and the Munar Skif. There\'s talk of smaller engines and fuel tanks coming in the 0.14 release, I\'ll see what I can make with them
  17. Well, let\'s talk about what we want next. I want to do a parachute part (stackable), a 2m stack decoupler (not a shroud) and a SRB nosecone with separation motors (hell yes). I\'m also thinking about a new all-in-one capsule/lander (with animated landing gear) to replace the Mei Long. So what do you want in Down Under 0.5?
  18. Let\'s talk about something, then this will go faster :D
  19. Hello my name is Vaeritas. i am 19 years old and from germany (pardon my bad english) after the formal stuff (see above and yes thats formal ) i`d like to ask one of u guys to do me a favor: I`d really like to support this game but i do not own a pay pal account nor a kreditcard. I do however have a way to buy games in Steam soooo i ask one of you to do a exchange: a preordert copy of KSP against a game from Steam with a similar/equal price contact me and we will talk about my Steam profile name and wich game you want and so on and so on.... so long Vaeritas
  20. Please stop posting these messages. If you have a comment, please help the thread and talk about the mod instead of just using caps lock.
  21. I strongly advise you to talk to a local computer expert, or just buy a pre-built, if you have went with these parts they would have been completely incompatible with each other and would not work. But if you want to hear in specifics what is wrong with this list... *takes big breath* The motherboard doesn\'t support the CPU socket that the i5-2500k uses. You want to look for a motherboard that uses socket LGA 1155 Unless you plan on overclocking(you don\'t, I can tell), the liquid cooler is completely unnecessary, the stock cooler that comes with the CPU is fine. The ram is incompatible with the motherboard you chose, in fact its designed for laptops. Why choose an OEM motherboard model? That means it comes with only the board, no drivers, no cables, no mounting screws, nothing. It also isn\'t fulfilled by amazon, meaning the quality and state of the board is completely in question. The monitor you chose has a max resolution of 1366X768, with only a 5000:1 contrast ratio. It won\'t support full HD 1080p, which is practically a necessity for a modern monitor. You have no DVD drive, no way to install windows with no disc drive. The case you chose is a full case, which is HUGE. Two feet high, almost two feet long, and more than half a foot wide. Do you really need all that space? Do you really need 3 terabytes of hard drive space? Do you realize how much that is? I haven\'t even filled up my 500 gig, which is nearly 1/6\'th the size you\'re looking at. The graphics card is a good choice for an entry level computer, if a little on the higher end. So far the only thing that seems right in this list.
  22. Just got back from my turn at flying it. The lifter stage could use a bit of work mainly due to thrust to weight issues. In time, you\'ll figure out staging strategies that will make your lifter lighter and more fuel efficient. I would like to make a personal request to add another tank to the 'TMI and Mun orbit insertion stage' so I can also use it for munar descent. No problems to report with the lander. I almost ran out of fuel getting back to Kerbin, due to the fact that I had to use a good amount of that one tank during the descent phase. I saw the amount of fuel remaining after landing and mustered up all the piloting skill I could (I knew it was going to be iffy on whether I made it back or not). After making corrections to the return trajectory as to not get my kerbals squished by G forces, I had a tiny sliver of fuel left. Talk about cutting it close!
  23. Stop Screaming! Don\'t press and buttons! What\'s that screaching? Oh God, we\'re listing! Hang on man, I\'ve got this! I\'ll pull this baby up! With the flick of a switch and the pull of a lever Everything \'ll be better! Look at my sunglasses - they glitter in the sun Glance at my hair - shining to everyone I\'m perfect don\'t you see, Now just belive in me! I\'m the one that they will see in history. Jebadiah Kerman! It\'s not working! You\'re failed again! We\'re falling fast What happens then- Shut up, don\'t talk no more! We\'re now under control! Pitching up, against the wind You see I\'m just an epic win! Gander at my walk - A gentle swaying lean Now just the way I talk - It makes the ladies mean I\'m perfect don\'t you see, Now just believe in me! These boosters scorch the ground In such a subtle way Jebadiah Kerman! What the hell, We\'re going up But wheres the chutes? Jeb what the heck? My signature move is coming soon A soft splashdown you big bafoon Engines on we\'re slowing down Woohoo! We\'ve got a soft touchdown! Mission success! Jebadiah Kerman!
  24. There\'s no good reason for that. If you disagree, then we\'ll have to take Foamy\'s suggestion and talk about it elsewhere.
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