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Found 7 results

  1. Avionics Systems & PCRIVAPLUS Real Solar System Support by SheepDog Institute Introduction S_D_I presents full support for Real Solar System (RSS), KSRSS, and KSRSS [Earth the Home World] to Avionics Systems (by MOARdv) and Vulkan's fork of PCRIVAPLUS_Retro with the DOT Control Boards. The aim is to provide high-quality, detailed maps on glass MFDs, and high detail vector maps for CRT/Dot screens for every celestial body, ensuring an immersive experience in these expansive environments. --- Key Features - Full Celestial Body Coverage: High-resolution maps for all celestial bodies, tailored for RSS, KSRSS, and KSRSS Earth the Home World. - Advanced MFD Integration: Scaled maps for advanced Multi-Function Displays (MFDs), enhancing the experience for modern spacecraft. - High-Quality Vector Maps: Detailed vector maps for PCRIVAPLUS_Retro's DOT Control Boards. - MAS IMP Map Ball Support: The MAS IMP Map Ball now shows **Earth** instead of Kerbin for Real Solar System accuracy. ---]Features Breakdown 1. Real Solar System (RSS) Support - Full integration of Avionics Systems with detailed MFD maps for all RSS celestial bodies. - High-quality vector maps for DOT Control Boards on PCRIVAPLUS_Retro. - Precision vector-based designs for crisp, clear map displays on DOT Boards. 2. KSRSS Support - Custom map designs for MFDs and DOT Boards to match KSRSS's scaled Earth and Solar System. - High-definition overlays providing clear and detailed in-game maps. 3. KSRSS [Earth the Home World] Support - Accurate map designs for MFD and DOT systems in KSRSS Earth the Home World. - Tailored for an Earth-centric experience, reflecting Earth as the primary celestial body. 4. High-Tech MFDs - Scaled, detailed maps optimized for high-tech Avionics MFDs, offering a high level of visual fidelity. - Real-time navigation and situational awareness during space missions. 5. DOT Control Boards - High-quality vector maps for Vulkan's PCRIVAPLUS_Retro DOT Control Boards. - Intuitive designs for easier celestial navigation in low-tech or retro-style spacecraft. --- --- GitHub [CKAN Soon] If you like my mods you can support at my Patreon. This mod, like all my creations, is 100% free to download and use. Whether you're a Patron or a part of the wider KSP community, this mod is available for everyone, and it will always remain free to ensure everyone can enjoy it. Installation 1. Download the required mods: - Avionics Systems (by MOARdv) - Real Solar System (RSS), KSRSS, or KSRSS Earth the Home World - Optional: PCRIVAPLUS_MAS (Vulkan's fork) - *Note: My fork is coming soon!--- Contributors This mod was a collaborative effort between myself and TheNamedOyster. Initially working separately, we combined forces to deliver this comprehensive project after realizing our shared vision. Credit - MOARdv for Avionics Systems. (This would not be possible without this amazing IVA mod.) - Kurgut for the original PCRIVAPLUS. One of the best Probe IVAs out there. - Vulkan for the PCRIVAPLUS_Retro DOT Control Boards. - Sheepdog2142 and TheNamedOyster for map integration and image creation. Licensing This mod is licensed under the **Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)** license. Feel free to share, adapt, and build upon it, provided proper credit is given, and any derivative works are licensed under the same terms.
  2. I love the OPT J "HT" cockpit. It feels awesome to use but it has a very specific design niche that's near-future spyplanes and spaceplanes. It's not exactly a design you'd imagine would fly civillians or common cargo around. Still, it has very immersive flight instrumentation thanks to MoarDV's ASET upgrade/patches and edits. Are there any other cockpits and IVA mods that are not on CKAN (I searched) and might not be obviously indicated on the forums? This is the flight instrument panel I'm looking for, including the radio dials for picking a nav beacon to give you VOR, ILS and DME. I'm fine if it has no MFDs at all:
  3. I recently got into IVA, and have downloaded several mods such as FreeIVA, ASET, MOARDv and DE_IVA Extension. However, I have been having problems with making maneuvers to celestial objects - namely, I cannot see the approach information on the orbit or display screens, though the approach icons do show up on the orbit line. As you can guess, this makes it almost impossible to not use map view, as maneuvers are already impossible to make. Is there some control, setting, or mod that would allow me to do this? I have seen IVA mod missions have this functionality. Thanks!
  4. Hello KSP community! This is my first mod I'm putting out for a test drive. This is a MAS-Enabled IVA for the Firespitter Apache cockpit. It is intended to be as accurate as the props i had available will allow. It's not perfect.. YET... But hopefully support for the functions of some props will come soon. This mod refreshes and brings FUN back to Firespitter! Plus i just love helicopters for some reason.... and I wanted a realistic cockpit to fly around in! Have fun everyone! Download Link: https://spacedock.info/mod/2993/Firespitter Apache IVA Upgrade
  5. KSP IVA Editor Station SETUP To create a functioning workstation for editing KSP IVA's and props, follow this installation manual EXACTLY and everything WILL WORK. STEP 1: DOWNLOADS Download the following files from the internet. Names and versions are PRECISE. a) Unity Hub - Install current version from website, register and login. b) Unity (Main Editor Program) "Unity 2019.4.18f1" c) PartTools_AssetBundles_2019.4.18f1 d) TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3 e) ImageMagick - download installer from website STEP 2: INSTALLATION If all pre-requisite software has been downloaded, begin with installation of the main UNITY program. Confirm installation success and note installation path. Next, open UNITY HUB and select "INSTALLS" from left Menu. Select "LOCATE", and show "UNITY HUB" where you installed the main UNITY program. "2019.4.18f1" should now show on the list. Now navigate back to the "Projects" menu. Select "New Project" button, and select "3D Core". Give your project a name under "Project Name", and select "Create Project". Unity will now launch. Minimize Unity, and launch "ImageMagick" installer. Upon completion, close "ImageMagick" if running and return to Unity window. STEP 3: Modding UNITY With the UNITY window open, select "Window" from menu bar, and select "Package Manager". Scroll down the list and find "TextMeshPro", highlight it and select the "remove" option. This gets rid of the version you DO NOT need. Allow un-installation to finish and close "Package Manager" window. Now select "Assets" from menu bar, and select "Import Package > Custom Package". Select your download of "TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3". When extracted it will be a "Unity Package File". Click OPEN. Now an "Import Unity Package" window will open. Make sure everything is selected and hit "Import". Now select "Assets" from the menu bar again and select "Import Package > Custom Package" again. After the "Import Unity Package" window opens, select your "PartTools" download after extraction, and once again check that all boxes are checked and hit "Import". Now you will see a new entry on the menu bar called "KSPAssets". Now on the bottom navigation window, make your way to the following path: Assets > Plugins > KSPAssets. Check that BOTH "KSPAssetCompiler.dll" and "KSPAssets.dll" have the checkbox "Validate References" UNchecked. To check, highlight the .dll and look at the info that shows up on the right menu panel. "Inspector". (WITHIN UNITY) CLOSE UNITY. OK now you're done setting up the tool. STEP 4: Setting up your KSP content. Install a fresh copy of KSP In a folder of your choice just note the installation directory. Within THAT particular installation of KSP, now add any mods required if the target you are trying to edit is part of a mod pack. Dont worry about mod pre-requisites for functionality, just put the mod that contains the IVA and PROPS you want. This will be your "UnTouched" GAMEDATA folder. Now create a new folder somewhere you can find it, this will be your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder, and copy the GAMEDATA folder into your new "Modded" folder. After this point only work in/on the "Modded" GAMEDATA folder. Carefully go through the stock and mod folders and trim as much as you can. Most things can be deleted except the "Spaces" and "Props" folder. Just keep in mind the IVA you want to modify has to BE there. AND all the stuff you want to use prop wise has to still be there as well. When done trimming, return to the root of your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder in file explorer. In the file explorer address bar type CMD to get a command prompt window to show up within GAMEDATA. Copy and paste the following command. (assuming you DID IN FACT install ImageMagick as instructed) FOR /R %f IN (*.dds) DO mogrify -verbose -flip -format png "%f" Now the textures of all things you are about to work on will show up in Unity. All your content is now setup to work. Open Unity Hub and you should now see your project listed by name. Open your project and select from the Unity Menu Bar, "Tools > KSP Part Tools". Drag and drop the "Part Tools" window over to the right beside "Inspector". (common usual location for it) Now click "Set Data Dir" and select your "Modded" KSP GAMEDATA folder. You should now see two menu columns labelled "Spaces" and "Props" populate. INSTALLATION COMPLETE Tested in 2022 on KSP 1.12.2 Now you can spawn any IVA or prop and re-decorate it to your hearts content! Have fun!
  6. I love Kerbal, and I love playing in "always IVA" mode using @linuxgurugamer mods and others ("Through the eye", etc). It would be great if I could control all science from IVA, integrating x-science in MFD maybe. So, @linuxgurugamer, if you need some new idea for your next mod, here you are. Thank you!!
  7. I installed a new IVA mods and the new text they have adds fff and other characters in front of what the actual text should be. I looked at YouTube videos of the mod in action, and it doesn't have the f's there. What's going on..?
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