With 1.1's release approaching, I figured I should build another hype train. I made my first one back in 0.24, with the intention of it being a replica. This new one, named the InterRelease Express, isn't meant to be a replica of the Gresley A3 that we're currently riding in. However, it does have more bells and whistles than that first one did (literally). It also includes ROUND-8 fuel in the tender, chutes packed on the tender (perfect for slowing down at Release Station), and a cowcatcher.
While it does have the ability to drive around, the InterRelease Express is mostly for looks. The train requires careful driving due to its top-heaviness. The explosions are quite spectacular when it does tip over, however.
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jh2dxshrpvgekzv/InterRelease%20Express%20-%201_1%20Hype%20Train.craft?dl=0
Enjoy, and hype!