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  1. WetterWings is a small module manager patch I wrote for myself a while back to add fuel storage to all the stock wings. As a bit of an airplane enthusiast in real life, I found it very odd that only a few of the largest stock wings were capable of holding fuel. Most planes, of all sizes store fuel in the wings, it's just a great place for it! To that end, this adds a very reasonable amount of liquid fuel storage to all the stock wing pieces. Since they are so thin, I've kept the numbers on the low side. I think you'll find the values are quite balanced, as I calculated each wing's total storage capacity as a function of it's lifting surface value. Changelog- Version 1- First release. Dependencies- Module Manager of course! Download- https://spacedock.info/mod/1665/WetterWings (Also available on CKAN) Instructions- Toss it in your "Gamedata" folder. License under spoiler: As always, feedback/comments/criticism are all welcome!
  2. This is a simple modification I mostly made for myself to bring the classic Mk1 cockpit back into the game without being a carbon copy of the new Mk1. To that end I've buffed it slightly, moved it up the tech tree, and changed the flavor text. New in Version 2: Working crew lights, detail lights, and a prototype decal. I thought I'd make it available for anyone else who misses the old style but doesn't want 2 identical cockpits cluttering up the part list. Any comments, suggestions, questions, or concerns are welcome! Changelog- Version 1: First release, updated stats, description, and tech tree node. Version 2: Working cockpit light/detail lights, "prototype" tag, and an internal antenna added. New download link. Download- https://spacedock.info/mod/1664/Mk1PrototypeCockpit (Also available on CKAN) Instructions- Toss it in your "Gamedata" folder. Future Plans- -WindowShine support? -IndicatorLight support? -Texture variants? License under spoiler: Special thanks to @Chaos_Klaus for providing the files for the old model. Here's a link to his download for the classic cockpit with no changes: OldMk1Cockpit (Sadly it seems the link is depreciated for the time being.) Extra special thanks to @swjr-swis who did the modeling work that made the cockpit lights possible! He also added an internal antenna while he was in the .cfg; what a guy! I won't name them all here, but of course, I also want to thank everyone who offered advice, ideas, or just encouragement. This is something I've wanted to update for a while and it wouldn't have been possible without a lot of help from the great folks here on the forums. So thank you!
  3. The arrival of Breaking Ground was probably the happiest surprise related to KSP1 since I started playing a few years ago, but one thing that it has soured is the contract system. The contracts were already terrible, loads of them make very little sense and if you are sick and tired of certain types of them you can't just block them - you have to manually keep declining each and every one of them forever and hope the game randomly offers something you want to do. Now that Breaking Ground introduced a number of new types of contracts this has gotten completely out of hand, I've spent up to several minutes in a row doing nothing but declining extremely undesired contracts that keep respawning just to get a dozen good contracts of the types I have any desire to deal with. I did get out ahead of this situation and posted my concerns before the DLC dropped and @St4rdust did relay the information to devs for which I am grateful, however I feel far from convinced that the issue was placed on the "urgent issues" list. I'm well aware that Career Mode is actually not as popular among players as one might expect and that such a thing might seem like a good reason to put low priority on fixing career mode issues, however there is ample indication that the contract system is one of the absolute biggest reasons -if not THE reason- why many players shun the game mode in the first place. When players call Career Mode "grindy" it is more often than not primarily because of the contracts. Across the forum there are already many suggested solutions to the multiple issues with contracts, I'll refrain from regurgitating everything I've seen and just list what I estimate to be the most useful key points below for dev conscideration: <> VASTLY increase the number of concurrent contracts that can be viewed and accepted. This should be done regardless of any other changes made to contracts, having to sit through loadscreens every few minutes just to find a new desirable contract is grindy. <> Either split the entire contract list into categories and have each generate a good number of contracts regardless of what's going on with all other categories, or make it possible to block certain types of contracts from spawning at all. <> Make the contracts sortable by location in some way, either by listing them neatly sorted by location or by having a filter function to show/hide contracts for specific regions. <> Some contracts generate horrifying numbers of messages in the log, the log needs a purge button and there needs to be an option to disable log spam. (Take 12 contracts to ferry tourists to Kerbin orbit and back, send all of them on a big cruise ship and land safely to cash in. You now have over a HUNDRED log messages from a single 10 minute trip, the message window stops working properly after a few such trips and you have to manually click to delete every single one of these messages that extremely fast can number in the thousands.) Other suggestions of lower urgency: <> Ability to clear the contract history without resorting to using a cheat menu or tampering with the save file. <> Add strategies to the Administration Building that greatly influence the contract generation; sacrifice cash or fame to generate more contracts of several user specified types while all other types generate in far lower numbers. <> Make the "active contracts" tab more user friendly, most notably there should be no reason it can't scale depending on number of active contracts.
  4. Hello everyone! Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver has arrived and with it: new features, improvements, revamps and bug fixes! We are committed to continue supporting, updating and finding ways to improve our player’s experience by listening to our community and delivering substantial releases. As part of this effort, we have packed Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver with a great amount of content for you to enjoy! This update includes two new useful navigation upgrades, the revamp of all of the small maneuvering motors, including new variants for the Twitch, Ant and Spider, as well as a brand new galaxy texture map to have our astronauts mesmerized by the beauty of the celestial vault. A great deal of bug fixes have also been packed into this update, not two mention a new 3.75 meter nose cone and a 5m one for those extra-large fuel tanks in the Making History Expansion! Let’s go through some of this update’s highlights: Maneuver Mode Probably the most impactful feature within this update, the Maneuver Mode is a new navigation tool that gives you access to useful orbital information in both Flight and Map mode that will also allow you to precisely and easily adjust maneuvers nodes, all to help you fine tune your interplanetary transfers. Altimeter mode toggle A long-requested quality-of-life feature that will allow you to toggle the altitude mode from Above Sea Level (ASL) to Above Ground Level (AGL) by simply clicking on the new icon to the altimeter. Hopefully this will improve the KSC’s survival rates… Part revamps This time around, small maneuvering engines were the focus of our revamping efforts. The Ant, Twitch, Puff, Place-Anywhere 7, RV-105 Thruster Block, and Vernor Engines now look better than ever, plus the Twitch, Ant and Spider include new stunning variants. On top of that, we’ve added new tuning values on some of those engines. Galaxy Texture Map Update The game’s galaxy cubemap has been updated in Room to Maneuver. This environment map has been carefully crafted to reflect a nicer color palette and more defined celestial objects. With double the resolution, it will be impossible not to enjoy the view while exploring Kerbin’s star system.  Click here to see high res images. Scrollable PAW Another small quality-of-life feature we’re adding to the game is the addition of a scrollbar to the Part-Action-Window. This will keep the PAW within the bounds of the screen when they get too big, something that might come in handy for players who use mods and fill those up And more! To learn more you can read the full Changelog here: =============================================== v1.7.0 ======================================== +++ Improvements * Upgraded Galaxy Textures. * Add new flight UI mode that includes in-depth orbital information. * Add advanced maneuver node editor, allowing player to edit maneuver nodes more precisely. * Add an Altitude toggle function to the Altimeter. The altitude modes can be switched between AGL and ASL. * Part Action Windows (PAW)s now generate scrollbars and keep themselves within the bounds of the screen when there is more data than will fit the screen. * Automatic AGL/ASL toggle values when in orbit. The altimeter value is set as ASL while in orbit, the AGL/ASL setting is preserved. * The altimeter AGL behaviour when underwater calculates the vessel altitude from the sea floor. * Update Addons and Mods external site link from Main Menu. +++ Localization * A localization tag is no longer displayed in the status section of the PAW of the Advanced Grabbing unit in the Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 2 tutorial. +++ Parts Updated Parts (reskinned): * 24-77 Twitch * LV-1 Ant * LV-1R Spider * O-10 Puff * Place-Anywhere 7 * RV-105 Thruster Block * Vernor Engine Color Variants: * 24-77 Twitch (New "Orange" and "Gray and Orange" color variants) * LV-1 Ant (New "Shrouded " and "Bare" variants) * LV-1R Spider (New "Shrouded " and "Bare" variants) Other Part changes: * Add a 3.75 nose cone. * Rebalanced the following engines: Twitch, Spark, Place-Anywhere 7, RV-105 RCS,Vernor. * Fix IVA external cameras in Mk1 Command Pod, MK2 Lander Can, Mk2 Command Pod. * Fix EVA range on Cupola, HECS2, RC-001S, RC-L01 science containers. * Previously Revamped Parts moved to zDeprecated. Parts revamped in 1.4: - TR-2V Stack Decoupler -> TD-06 Decoupler - TR-18A Stack Decoupler -> TD-12 Decoupler - Rockomax brand decoupler -> TD-25 Decoupler - TR-38-D -> TD-37 Decoupler - TR-2C Stack Separator -> TS-06 Stack Separator - TR-18D Stack Separator -> TS-12 Stack Separator - TR-XL Stack Separator -> TS-25 Stack Separator - ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank -> R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank - Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank -> same name - Mk 1-2 Pod -> Mk 1-3 Pod +++ Bugfixes * Fix PQS normals, stops planets from having mismatched seams when seen from orbit. * Fix bug where symmetry would break animations on some parts. * Fix input locks on Return to KSC button at top of altimeter in flight scene. * Fix typographical error in the description of the vessel 'ComSat Lx'. * Fix typographical error in the Suborbital Flight training tutorial description. * Fix UI issue for purchase button on part tooltips. * Fix vessel default name in rename vessel dialog displaying as an autoloc. * Fix manufacturer localization on the Kerbodyne S4-512 Fuel Tank. * Fix jitter in heading readout on Navball for vessels in prelaunch state. * Fix "Learn More" text exceeding size of window in the Asteroid Redirect scenario descriptions. * Fix flag decal on Male Kerbals Jetpack being off-center. * Fix Kerbal falling off the launchpad flagpole causing the flagpole to explode. * Fix bulkhead profile part filtering on MK-0, 2 & 3 fuel tanks, J-90 "Goliath", Communotron 16-S, RA-2, RA-15, and RA-100 relay antenna. * Fix thermal overlay rendering on parts that have lights. * Fix Debug tool saying LPE for orbit param when its applying Arg of Periapsis. * Fix Atmosphere line appearing from the surface of planets. * Fix Flags and Kerbals loading above terrain (flying) and flags being removed from game. * Fix NaN bug in DV calcs when in orbit around CBs with no atmosphere. * Fix site node waypoints duplicating every scene change. * Fix service bays unable to click parts inside after jettison when part loads. * Fix allow staging of interstage fairings after they are decoupled. * Fix Mk3 cargo bay registering collisions and blowing up parts of vessels inside them. * Fix Engine Plate handling in dV calculations. * Fixed UI scale issue where setting high scale in UI, navball and altimeter would clip off some elements. * Fix Kerbal helmet shadow rendering in "Simple" rendering setting. * Fix decouple node function on docking ports in space. * Fix shrouds being left attached to docking nodes when decoupled (now becomes separate debris). * Fix Responsiveness audio setting appearing in red text in settings menu. * Fix NRE on interstage procedural fairing in editor scenes. * Fix AOORE when Kerbal leaves a command seat on a vessel that has an active ISRU. * Fix issue where Delta-V app menu could become unresponsive in editor scenes. * Fix Navball, funds, science and reputation gauges disappearing when UI scale set > 170% on some resolution settings. * Fix NRE in resources app that could occur when moving the mouse over resources in the app. +++ Mods * Changed Animation behavior of ModuleDeployablePart, ModuleDeployableRadiator, ModuleDeployableAntenna and ModuleDeployableSolarPanel to be WrapMode.ClampForever instead of WrapMode. * ModuleDecouple and ModuleAnchoredDecoupler rebased to a common class - ModuleDecouple. * Add FXModuleAnimateRCS - handles emissives on RCS part modules. * Add EmissiveBumpedSpecularMapped part shader. * Make class DoubleCurve annotate Serializable. * Fix version dependency checking for mods. +++Miscellaneous * None at this time. ========================= Making History v1.7.0 - Requires KSP v1.7.0 ========================= +++ Parts * Added a 5m nose cone. +++ Bugfixes * Fix cursor disappearing behind Gilly while moving the camera around the planet in Mission Builder GAP. * Fix export filename not updating when mission is renamed and re-exported. * Fix user being able to select nodes from the left hand toolbox in the Mission builder even when that panel is hidden. * Fix the Steam Select Craft to Load dialog window which generated NREs when using Menu Navigation on the Steam tab and launching in the VAB. * Fix message dialog in Meet Me in Zero G stock mission. +++ Missions * The "Craft incompatible" text is no longer shown in the stock missions. Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver is now available on Steam and will soon be available on GOG and other third-party resellers. You will also be able to download it from the KSP Store if you already own the game. As with every release this thread will be used to bundle all general discussion about the new version so that the forums can continue to actively host threads on other topics as well. CLICK HERE for the official release announcement for Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver. Happy launchings! BTW... You can download wallpapers of the Room to Maneuver art here: 1080x1920p (Most Phones) 1080x2220p (Galaxy S9) 1125x2436p (iPhone X) Desktop 1920x1080p Desktop 2048x1080p Desktop 2560x1440p
  5. Hello, I have run into an issue where I am seeing ships disappear from my Sandbox mode save. And what I mean by disappear is, I have a number of craft that are in orbit and landed on planets. Now, I've never been very ambitious about having a bunch of craft out in space at the same time, and yet, I've seen dozens of screenshots from players with lots and lots of ships. In 1.7, I seem to be running into an issue going above 10 ships. In my current Sandbox game, I have the following ships out in space 3 satellites in geosync orbit around Kerbin 1 resource satellite around Minmus 1 relay satellite around Minmus, to help prevent signal outage zones 2 ore drilling rigs on the surface of Minmus (first two craft put on Minmus) 1 rover mainly for transporting ore from drillers to ore processor (3rd craft on Minmus) 1 ore processing craft (4th craft added to Minmus) 1 additional rover, just for moving fuel from ore processor to fuel storage rig (5th craft added to Minmus) The 5 ships on Minmus are all in the same location, with 500m of each other. All of those ships were working just fine, no issues. Yesterday, I went to launch a another ship to the surface of Minmus, a fuel storage vessel. When I got there and started my decent to land, I noticed that there were only 3 craft showing on the ground (1 ore rig, 1 rover, 1 ore processor), instead of the 5 that should have been there. 1 rover (3rd craft on Minmus surface) and 1 ore rig (1st or 2nd craft placed on Minmus) were gone. No sign of them, no pieces of them, no listing of them in the tracking station. I attempted to launch a new rover to the Minmus, and when I got there, my other rover (5th craft added to Minmus) and my other ore rig (1st or 2nd craft on the planet) were now gone. Unfortunately, because these were missions to Minmus and relatively close, I didn't keep a lot of saves like I would for longer missions. I have no saves available with no craft missing. I do have a save of me landing Mods in place: KER, ScanSAT, Surface Lights, RCS Build Aid, [X] Science Anyone else comes across something similar? Very frustrating as I get limited time to play KSP anymore, and, getting all my satellites in place, and my different craft refined through several versions of each took me about a month to complete.
  6. When I try to install 1.7 on my macbook pro, and click past the intro screen, the readme screen loads but freezes, and I cannot hit continue. Force Quit Menu says installer is not responding.
  7. Hello everyone! A new technology has arrived to the KSC and with it, Kerbals will only get more Room to Maneuver! We’re excited to release, Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver, our newest content-filled update that will give players new features and wide variety of improvements to help Kerbals explore farther than ever before! This update includes two new useful navigation upgrades, the revamp of all of the small maneuvering motors, including new variants for the Twitch, Ant and Spider, as well as a brand new galaxy texture map to have our astronauts mesmerized by the beauty of the celestial vault. A great deal of bug fixes have also been packed into this update, not two mention a new 3.75 meter nose cone and a 5m one for those extra-large fuel tanks in the Making History Expansion! Let’s go through some of this update’s highlights: Maneuver Mode Probably the most impactful feature within this update, the Maneuver Mode is a new navigation tool that gives you access to useful orbital information in both Flight and Map mode that will also allow you to precisely and easily adjust maneuvers nodes, all to help you fine tune your interplanetary transfers. Altimeter mode toggle A long-requested quality-of-life feature that will allow you to toggle the altitude mode from Above Sea Level (ASL) to Above Ground Level (AGL) by simply clicking on the new icon to the altimeter. Hopefully this will improve the KSC’s survival rates… Part revamps This time around, small maneuvering engines were the focus of our revamping efforts. The Ant, Twitch, Puff, Place-Anywhere 7, RV-105 Thruster Block, and Vernor Engines now look better than ever, plus the Twitch, Ant and Spider include new stunning variants. On top of that, we’ve added new tuning values on some of those engines. Galaxy Texture Map Update The game’s galaxy cubemap has been updated in Room to Maneuver. This environment map has been carefully crafted to reflect a nicer color palette and more defined celestial objects. With double the resolution, it will be impossible not to enjoy the view while exploring Kerbin’s star system.  Click here to see high res images. Scrollable PAW Another small quality-of-life feature we’re adding to the game is the addition of a scrollbar to the Part-Action-Window. This will keep the PAW within the bounds of the screen when they get too big, something that might come in handy for players who use mods and fill those up And more! To learn more you can read the full Changelog here: =============================================== v1.7.0 ======================================== +++ Improvements * Upgraded Galaxy Textures. * Add new flight UI mode that includes in-depth orbital information. * Add advanced maneuver node editor, allowing player to edit maneuver nodes more precisely. * Add an Altitude toggle function to the Altimeter. The altitude modes can be switched between AGL and ASL. * Part Action Windows (PAW)s now generate scrollbars and keep themselves within the bounds of the screen when there is more data than will fit the screen. * Automatic AGL/ASL toggle values when in orbit. The altimeter value is set as ASL while in orbit, the AGL/ASL setting is preserved. * The altimeter AGL behaviour when underwater calculates the vessel altitude from the sea floor. * Update Addons and Mods external site link from Main Menu. +++ Localization * A localization tag is no longer displayed in the status section of the PAW of the Advanced Grabbing unit in the Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 2 tutorial. +++ Parts Updated Parts (reskinned): * 24-77 Twitch * LV-1 Ant * LV-1R Spider * O-10 Puff * Place-Anywhere 7 * RV-105 Thruster Block * Vernor Engine Color Variants: * 24-77 Twitch (New "Orange" and "Gray and Orange" color variants) * LV-1 Ant (New "Shrouded " and "Bare" variants) * LV-1R Spider (New "Shrouded " and "Bare" variants) Other Part changes: * Add a 3.75 nose cone. * Rebalanced the following engines: Twitch, Spark, Place-Anywhere 7, RV-105 RCS,Vernor. * Fix IVA external cameras in Mk1 Command Pod, MK2 Lander Can, Mk2 Command Pod. * Fix EVA range on Cupola, HECS2, RC-001S, RC-L01 science containers. * Previously Revamped Parts moved to zDeprecated. Parts revamped in 1.4: - TR-2V Stack Decoupler -> TD-06 Decoupler - TR-18A Stack Decoupler -> TD-12 Decoupler - Rockomax brand decoupler -> TD-25 Decoupler - TR-38-D -> TD-37 Decoupler - TR-2C Stack Separator -> TS-06 Stack Separator - TR-18D Stack Separator -> TS-12 Stack Separator - TR-XL Stack Separator -> TS-25 Stack Separator - ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank -> R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank - Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank -> same name - Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank -> same name - Mk 1-2 Pod -> Mk 1-3 Pod +++ Bugfixes * Fix PQS normals, stops planets from having mismatched seams when seen from orbit. * Fix bug where symmetry would break animations on some parts. * Fix input locks on Return to KSC button at top of altimeter in flight scene. * Fix typographical error in the description of the vessel 'ComSat Lx'. * Fix typographical error in the Suborbital Flight training tutorial description. * Fix UI issue for purchase button on part tooltips. * Fix vessel default name in rename vessel dialog displaying as an autoloc. * Fix manufacturer localization on the Kerbodyne S4-512 Fuel Tank. * Fix jitter in heading readout on Navball for vessels in prelaunch state. * Fix "Learn More" text exceeding size of window in the Asteroid Redirect scenario descriptions. * Fix flag decal on Male Kerbals Jetpack being off-center. * Fix Kerbal falling off the launchpad flagpole causing the flagpole to explode. * Fix bulkhead profile part filtering on MK-0, 2 & 3 fuel tanks, J-90 "Goliath", Communotron 16-S, RA-2, RA-15, and RA-100 relay antenna. * Fix thermal overlay rendering on parts that have lights. * Fix Debug tool saying LPE for orbit param when its applying Arg of Periapsis. * Fix Atmosphere line appearing from the surface of planets. * Fix Flags and Kerbals loading above terrain (flying) and flags being removed from game. * Fix NaN bug in DV calcs when in orbit around CBs with no atmosphere. * Fix site node waypoints duplicating every scene change. * Fix service bays unable to click parts inside after jettison when part loads. * Fix allow staging of interstage fairings after they are decoupled. * Fix Mk3 cargo bay registering collisions and blowing up parts of vessels inside them. * Fix Engine Plate handling in dV calculations. * Fixed UI scale issue where setting high scale in UI, navball and altimeter would clip off some elements. * Fix Kerbal helmet shadow rendering in "Simple" rendering setting. * Fix decouple node function on docking ports in space. * Fix shrouds being left attached to docking nodes when decoupled (now becomes separate debris). * Fix Responsiveness audio setting appearing in red text in settings menu. * Fix NRE on interstage procedural fairing in editor scenes. * Fix AOORE when Kerbal leaves a command seat on a vessel that has an active ISRU. * Fix issue where Delta-V app menu could become unresponsive in editor scenes. * Fix Navball, funds, science and reputation gauges disappearing when UI scale set > 170% on some resolution settings. * Fix NRE in resources app that could occur when moving the mouse over resources in the app. +++ Mods * Changed Animation behavior of ModuleDeployablePart, ModuleDeployableRadiator, ModuleDeployableAntenna and ModuleDeployableSolarPanel to be WrapMode.ClampForever instead of WrapMode. * ModuleDecouple and ModuleAnchoredDecoupler rebased to a common class - ModuleDecouple. * Add FXModuleAnimateRCS - handles emissives on RCS part modules. * Add EmissiveBumpedSpecularMapped part shader. * Make class DoubleCurve annotate Serializable. * Fix version dependency checking for mods. +++Miscellaneous * None at this time. ========================= Making History v1.7.0 - Requires KSP v1.7.0 ========================= +++ Parts * Added a 5m nose cone. +++ Bugfixes * Fix cursor disappearing behind Gilly while moving the camera around the planet in Mission Builder GAP. * Fix export filename not updating when mission is renamed and re-exported. * Fix user being able to select nodes from the left hand toolbox in the Mission builder even when that panel is hidden. * Fix the Steam Select Craft to Load dialog window which generated NREs when using Menu Navigation on the Steam tab and launching in the VAB. * Fix message dialog in Meet Me in Zero G stock mission. +++ Missions * The "Craft incompatible" text is no longer shown in the stock missions. Kerbal Space Program 1.7: Room to Maneuver is now available on Steam and will soon be available on GOG and other third-party resellers. You will also be able to download it from the KSP Store if you already own the game. Click here to enter the Grand Discussion Thread for this release. Happy launchings! BTW... You can download wallpapers of the Room to Maneuver art here: 1080x1920p (Most Phones) 1080x2220p (Galaxy S9) 1125x2436p (iPhone X) Desktop 1920x1080p Desktop 2048x1080p Desktop 2560x1440p
  8. So not too long ago I saw a new ksp loading was out about changes coming in 1.7. But i'm wondering, will there be a 1.6.2 or 1.7 preview or will they just release 1.7.0 with no updates in between?
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