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Found 5 results

  1. Does anyone want interactable buildings? Like buildings you can walk up to, open the door, and walk inside? I think it would be cool, as the astronaut complex and other buildings seem like cool places to be in. I also think there should be npc's inside that just walk around. Also, i think the space center would feel less abandoned if there were kerbals and vehicles moving around outside and having vehicles parked in the lot at administration.
  2. I was having an idea for a mod in mind which involves creating a new building, and a massive one at that(couple hundred kilometers radius). But I have no idea how to add new buildings into the game, and I couldn't find any resources related to the subject on-line. Help?
  3. I am wondering if there is a mod like this already, or if it is even possible. After thinking on the subject a bit, I came to the conclusion that my ideal base construction mod would NOT be something based on any sort of parts themselves. Instead, it would be something that lets you build actual buildings (i.e. the same kind of object that the actual space center's buildings themselves are). Once a building is constructed, it could either be upgraded with funds (if on Kerbin/a populated world), or with some sort of "Parts" or "Supplies" resource (if on NOT-Kerbin/an unpopulated world). At its core, it could simply be a mod that lets you build the Kerbal Space Center the way YOU want it to be layed out. You would start out with a single building that lets you purchase/place another building, in a vaguely sim-city style, where you want said building (in a career mode, the first one you'd get would probably place would be the rocket launchpad, and some of the administrative buildings, which for purposes of balance would all cost 0 for the level 1 version). The starting building itself could be upgraded to increase the number of different buildings you can build. A necessary aspect of the mod would be the launch button in the vehicle designer bringing up a short list of all nearby launchpads and runways (in case you decide to build more than one, such as having two runways facing different directions). Another necessary aspect would be the ability to switch between different space centers, and a part that allows you to build the lowest level version of the building you build all other buildings from (in a sense, using the part places a new space center at that location). So you could build another KSC on the north pole if you wanted or something. Lastly, there would need to be a tag or value for a planet that basically tells the mod whether or not it is a populated planet, so that you can't just construct bases on other planets that work the same way that the KSC does. Either way, once you had this, the next step would be to apply it to other planets. On other worlds, instead of currency, there would presumably be some combination cost of ore (easy to get there), parts/supplies (have to bring with you until you have a building capable of manufacturing it from ore and energy), and in some cases construction time based on energy and how many kerbals are there to work on it. In the event a building is destroyed, it would leave rubble behind that you can select and repair for the appropriate resources, just like the default buildings. If the mod were to just keep itself light, it could be that you can only build structures for things like hangars (buildings that store/unload a nearby vessel until you want it to be spawned again either outside the hangar, or at the base's launchpad), habitation (basically, like the training center except you cannot recruit new astronauts there, only store the ones you have so you can put them into any ships you take out of hangars). If you wanted to go further, you can also have VABs and/or SPHs, which could only use parts that you actually have there, or which can only work if you have some sort of factory building to produce the parts there (the level of which could effectively correspond to what research level of parts can be used there). I could go on listing various things that could be cool, but I've already rambled enough. Are there any mods that let you build actual BUILDINGS? Not just building-like parts, but true, proper buildings? .
  4. I had an idea of adding building that would be in the game usually used for the career mode. Like for tourism you could actually do fight to city and airports to get cash, and you need to do it in a certain time to get cash. and adding cities to show kerbal has a population at least
  5. Whenever I play career mode and I go into some buildings (Excluding VAB and SPH, and including Mission Control, Administration, etc.) the screens disappear and just show the Space Center. And also, sometimes my KSP just randomly crashes(Yes i am running 64bit version). What is wrong with my KSP? Also, I did put the hashtag because this is becoming more and more repetitive in the KSP community. Extra Info Specs(Straight From DirectX Diagnostics): Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release_sec.160527-1834) System Manufacturer: Apple Inc. System Model: iMac14,2 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM Available OS Memory: 16324MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780M DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC (Hope this covers all the necessities) Mods In KSP: DarkMultiplayer KAS KIS Hyperedit Kerbal Engineer Redux Infernal Robotics MechJeb2 Version_2.0 Industries Rover Pack ModuleManager.2.6.7.dll Video For Example The Video Is Only Temporary Until We Fix The Problem Crash Log (Latest one that happened today while editing this post) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikk6ae877f4ua71/Crash Log.zip?dl=0
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