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Found 12 results

  1. I love the OPT J "HT" cockpit. It feels awesome to use but it has a very specific design niche that's near-future spyplanes and spaceplanes. It's not exactly a design you'd imagine would fly civillians or common cargo around. Still, it has very immersive flight instrumentation thanks to MoarDV's ASET upgrade/patches and edits. Are there any other cockpits and IVA mods that are not on CKAN (I searched) and might not be obviously indicated on the forums? This is the flight instrument panel I'm looking for, including the radio dials for picking a nav beacon to give you VOR, ILS and DME. I'm fine if it has no MFDs at all:
  2. Well, I'm currently trying to get more science in Kerbin. Lately I discovered that you can get "flying" situation under the KSC's mini-biomes (e.g. Kerbin's Launchpad, Kerbin's FlagPole, etc.). This was done by an accident: Moving toward the FlagPole at high speeds but low enough to not break any parts. And collecting science while doing so. However, any subsequent attempt to get to the "flying" situation (i.e. just don't touch the ground) would result me in taking the biome under it (i.e. Kerbin's Shores). I'm a Science hardcore, I'll go any lengths to extract science from a planet to the last bit. So please tell me if it's possible to get "flying" situation in the mini-biomes.
  3. Hi, i want to make a ksp mod to simulate the proverse yaw effect caused by the bell-shaped lift distribution formulated by Prandlt. As a layman, i have no idea how to program and create a mod that do that. I am trying to learn a litle bit of the C# language but i think it will take a long time, so, maybe i can get some help. The mod would be very simple, just having a UI that allow you to switch from the elliptcall spanload to bell spanload, and vice-versa. This bell lift distribution create an effect the as you aply aileron to generate more lift on one wing you also generates more trust, thus yawing in the same direction of the turn. For understanding more of this you can search for the prandlt-D project that is made by NASA. I want to reproduce this effect on KSP to make better flying wings projects, i hope you can help me with this project! Here is a link for the NASA's Prandlt-d project: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/news/FactSheets/FS-106-AFRC.html
  4. Today, I couldn't decide whether to build a tank or a plane. So I did both. This is the Sergeant, a tank capable of sustained flight and carrying 12 passengers! It takes off nice and easy if you hold S at 70 m/s. Exactly 70 m/s. No more or less. Its landing abilities live up to its looks as it's capable of landing in hazardous terrain: It also gives some pretty awesome screenies around twilight!
  5. This rocket that I have designed to deliver a rover to duna keeps flipping immediately after launch. I have tried adjusting fins, fuel tanks, thrusters, and throttle. I have also tried launching with and without SAS on and it flips over no matter what. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my rocket?
  6. What are some of personal flying crafts you have for your favorite kerbals? Are do they only operate in a vacuum or do they fly close to the ground? Discuss in the replies! My personal craft that I made for Tim Kerman. It's a modified radiation powered ion drive probe that can ferry kerbals around, even in heliocentric orbit. I call it the RADKOR Space Mobility Flyer. Doesn't work well in the atmosphere at all, mainly due to a lack of wings and better engines. RADKOR Flyer
  7. Have you ever found the airplane parts in KSP severely lacking? Have you ever wanted to carry around passengers in KSP and buy and sell aircraft as they evolve from WW1 era biplanes to a380s? If so, then this DLC would be for you! It would contain: A LOT of airplane parts, ranging from basic wing pieces for early planes, such as the Wright Flyer and such, to humongous jet engines, like those on gigantic jets such as the a380 and 747. Also would include spaceplane parts. A new game mode, "Aviation Mode", which would be a little like career mode, but instead of building airplanes, you would buy and sell planes and configure them. What Aviation Mode would include: Buying and selling and configuring airplanes Airports all around Kerbin Planes evolving over time Being paid when "passengers" "buy" their tickets Hire and pay flight crew Compete against other airlines (powered by AI) Have the option to fly some flights and also have the ability to have the flight fly by itself: for the first flight to a place, you would have to manually pilot it, and could choose to pilot any flight or just let it fly on its own (useful for very long flights, such as between the KerbinSide North Pole and South Pole bases). Air races Procedural wings and fuselages Node-based autopilot system Stuff for dogfights Thanks, BottleRocketeer If you have any questions, ask down in the thread below. Also, please answer the poll after reading.
  8. I have a working stock propeller (following Squiddy's tutorial). It works properly and will fly, but when I switch from the propeller to the plane, the propeller's trim (alt+e) lock gets reset and it slows down. I have to keep switching back from the plane to the propeller to spin it up again. Does anyone know how to keep the propeller spinning when I switch vessels (keep trim lock on)? Sorry for the possibly confusing description of the problem, please ask if I need to clarify something.
  9. Briefing: A recent poll showed that 60% of kerbals in the middle class are dissatisfied with their current means of transportation. Many of those who were polled had no way to reliably get from their house to an underwater base meeting or a meeting in a sky city within 5 days. Your job, as the head designer for a little-known company named KerbTekh, is to make a vehicle that can fly, swim, and take off a runway, all in one. Objective: Make a vehicle that can fly, go underwater, and take off a runway, and is completely reusable (if going to Laythe or Eve, reusability is not required) Rules: 1: No mods allowed except for Kerbal Engineer. (Texture mods are obviously fine) 2: I'll take your word for proof, but pictures or videos would be great 3: There must be room for at least one kerbal. 4: No cheats of any kind. No debug menu, no anything like that. Points: can fly (10 pts) (required) can go at least 5m underwater (5 pts) (required) can take off from runway (5 pts) (required) can land after flying without exploding (10 pts) can break Mach one while flying (10 pts) can break Mach two while flying (15 pts) can go at a speed of over 10 m/s underwater (5 pts) can go at a speed of over 20 m/s underwater (10 pts) can go at a speed of over 30 m/s underwater (15 pts) can go over 50 m/s underwater (25 pts) done on Eve (60 pts) (no cheating to get there) done on Laythe (150 pts) (no cheating to get there) can go above altitude of 20K (10 pts) can go above altitude of 30K (15 pts) can reach space (10 pts) can float (5 pts) can sink (10 points) sandbox mode (5 pts) science mode (10 pts) career mode (20 pts) room for 1 kerbal (5 pts) (required) room for 2 kerbals (10 pts) room for 4 kerbals (20 pts) room for 10 kerbals (30 pts) can reach orbit (15 pts) Under 10,000KG (15 pts) Under 15,000KG (5 pts) Over 80,000KG (5 pts) Over 250,000KG (20 pts) Bon chance! Extra points may be awarded for a particularly creative design. I'm trying to post a picture of my ship but Microsoft edge is being weird.... I'll get a picture up as soon as I can
  10. This is an experiment in folding wings without multi-part hinges. Switch the deploy direction of the Big-S Elevons to toggle them up and down. The craft will take off at 40 m/s and land safely at 100 m/s on level terrain. Also includes a radioisotope generator for infinite roving range. Craft file on KerbalX
  11. I recently did this: Inspired by something Scott Manley did in KSP interstellar quest Ep. 5. Now I want you to fly through the island tower too. (Note: through means that you are on one side of the tower, then inside the tower, then on the other side of the tower with the kerbal alive. See above for an example) Rules: Kerbal must be in a seat/(if really brave/foolish) in a cockpit. At least the kerbal, or if brave/foolish the cockpit make it through, that's a pass, with a bronze medal +1 points for every part of the plane that makes it through. (Tip: try a carrier aircraft, kind of like this, ) 5 points: silver medal 12 points: gold medal Entire plane/whaterver-veichle-you-are-using survives: Platinum medal. Note: actual signature badges coming soon (or not)
  12. Changelog : Intorduction: Ok, so we went on alot of rocket adventures (hence the name Kerbal Space Program ) but what if we want to build this magical thing below? Yeah thats right. This is a tutorial on how to build a PLANE! CoM/CoL/CoT: So, what is the most important thing you need to do for a plane to fly? Well do you know the Center of Mass (or CoM)? Mass is Weight. But we also need to focus on two other forces: The Center of Lift (CoL) And the Center of Thrust (CoT) On the bottom left corner in the editor there are buttons to check all these forces, as the following screenshot shows: The CoM should be infront of the CoL to prevent flipping, the CoT should be alinged with the CoM to prevent unstable flight. If the CoM was behind the CoL, then the plane would want to pitch upwards, as if you put a string behind a model plane's CoM. Here is a screenshot on what your CoM, CoL and CoT should look like: Stalling: So you probaly were flying and then you thought "What happens if I kill speed to about 20 m/s?" Here is your unfouranate answer: you will stall. Stalling is when your wings are at a critical AoA. Your wings no longer produce lift and the air flow turns into eddies. So what do you do if you ever get at your stall speed? There is one answer that is easy to remember: Push the nose of your plane down. Then, when you get to normal speed pull up. Yes. It's that easy but even in the real world this is how you do it. Landing Gear: If you want your plane to take off, you need landing gear. Tricycle landing gears are the basic landing gears for all KSP begginers. Tricycle landing gears are basicly like this: One landing gear under the nose and one landing gear on each wing (Note: To put landing gear on wings, turn off angle snap. It's below the buttons for the CoM/CoL/CoT). But what if our landing gear was like this? Well, it will veer off the runway and go BLAM BOOM BANG! So if you want to take off your landing gear has to be like this
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