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  1. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Picture in Picture with VAB and Craft Folder Showing it in Real Time: https://youtu.be/6gERqVmmtU8 (34 Seconds) Autosave Basically Spams the Save Folder Over Time: The following is a partial screenshot from Diana Gearhead on discord: Possibly the same code as the following:
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Smaller Rover to Show Severity: Larger Rover to show its at each 1000m interval: Additional information: Quicksave and Quickload and the 1000m glitch will reset the distance and will now happen from 1000m away from that new Load point. Physics Warp appears to resets the 1000m glitch point as well. Why the Large Rover didn't end up on its side or on its back is because it wasn't travelling fast enough. I tried it on Minmus and it did do it at 1000m but I couldn't get consistent results because the surface wasn't flat enough. The game is reporting the Kerbal 2000m (not 1000m) away as being on a crash trajectory each time the large rover glitches
  3. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Note: Link at the bottom of this bug report shows that the thrust collider I am talking about is the one that should belong to Cruise Mode. Currently it is working for Afterburner mode. Screenshot Below Indicates the following: Panels shows nearly full blockage to engine thrust so the craft barely moves (0.1m/s increase per 1/2 second approximately) That the thrust collider is most likely flush with the main housing of the Panther That the Thrust Collider should be inside the nozzle Additional Information:
  4. I am not sure what causes it but often when building planes the wing control surfaces will work backwards at least visually, though sometimes making the plane unable to fly correctly without inverting them. I think it is more likely when adding multiple sets of wings though it sometimes happens with only one set. I am not sure if this guess is correct, but I think it sometimes is the wings getting confused about their position on the craft and whether to change direction by creating drag or pushing the air another direction. I was having issues putting in a screenshot but when trying to make my craft fly up on non-inverted wings, the main wings angle the control surfaces downwards creating drag in the wrong direction with the wings not being in a position to push the air another direction. On atleast 1 plane the effect was so strong I had to invert the wings or else the SAS wouldn't work and I would have to press the opposite button I intended.
  5. While orbiting Mun around 15K my PE and AP constantly change as though I'm gently thrusting toward the ground. It stops at any level of time warp but reappears at normal time scale. Definitely no thrust or RCS active.
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Video Evidence: CopyNotInheritingFuelLevels.mp4 Additional Information: I was trying to make a craft with empty tanks. I copied the empty tanks and the copies were full. Workaround: I opened the craft file in notepad++, found the full tanks and changed all the tanks to be empty.
  7. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i9 9900K | GPU: 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Terrain is not even invisible. It doesn't exist when the computer is in this state! Another Important Piece of Information: If the computer is on and playing KSP2 The Terrain isn't visible if the Monitor is off.
  8. Apologies if this has been posted before. Not a major bug by any means, but I thought I'd report it anyway. KSP Version patch 2 Operating System and version windows 11 pro CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, NVIDIA Quadro P620 Description of the bug. The centre of mass, thrust, and pressure vectors automatically spawn in the middle of the VAB floor. They don't change as I modify my craft. When I toggle them on, they disappear from the VAB floor and appear in their correct positions (i.e. somewhere on the craft itself). Expected Behavior The vectors should not be visible if they are toggled off. Observed Behavior As above A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. No mods Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) (you may need to squint to see them in the image below)
  9. It's a major bug for me and really annoying, the maneuver doesn't behave correctly: KSP Version: v0.1.2.0 Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11): Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant: i7-10700 / RTX 2070 / 16GB RAM Steps to Replicate On an orbit, place a maneuver and use the normal arrow. Execute the burn and you will see that the path doesn't match with the maneuver path. Description of the bug. Expected Behavior In ksp 1, when we use the normal arrow and execute the burn, the maneuver icon move on the navball. Thus, it results in a path which is not just normal (a orbit with a different angle) but also prograde (a orbit with a different angle AND a different apogee). Observed Behavior Here in ksp 2 the maneuver icon on the navball stay on the normal icon, it doesn't move, so when following this icon we obtain the path of a normal maneuver (just change the angle) In ksp 2. Either the maneuver should move when executing the burn like in ksp 1, or the maneuver path should show the path of just the normal maneuver (so not like in ksp 1). Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): Not a fix but => not using the maneuver, which is a shame A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window: No mods Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Here a video to better understand the problem (I only burn Normal because the maneuver icon is not moving): https://i.imgur.com/2MviOiD.mp4 I don't know if it's just the normal and anti-normal, but I think the problem is the maneuver icon not auto correcting. I think I have this bug since release.
  10. playing on version using windows 11 when opening the map screen while burning (orbital maneuvers, insertion, etc.), the craft actively flying begins to spin. looks kinda similar to a craft not having any gimbal, and not having enough RCS or enough torque power. (reaction wheels) steps to replicate: build spacecraft with engine that has gimbal (swivel, poodle, vector engines) open map screen mid flight/burn see craft spin out via navball fix/workarounds just, dont have the map screen open while burning / performing maneuvers. no mods used i'm not sure a screenshot can really be helpful here, but feel free to yell at me for not attaching one.
  11. Specs: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12 core GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4GB RAM: 32 GB Severity: Med Frequency: High Description: When selecting modules/parts to build a rocket, the description does not expand by pressing the SHIFT key, as per the lower-left shortcut key info.
  12. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Spamming Error via Ksp2.log: How to Replicate: Work Around: Log Files: Ksp2logPlayerLog.zip Speculation: KSP2 loads something important when within a planets SOI (Tested for Kerbin and Eve) when loading a save file from the main menu that persists in the game. KSP2 misses loading that important thing when loading a craft directly that is in solar orbit from the main menu.
  13. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None It's a regression because seems to be working as it should but and are not. (video down further for difference) Regression: I hit my YouTube upload limit but it is basically identical to Regression: https://youtu.be/iv_0ekZ7rBg (38 Seconds) Things of note here are: Sounds have a delay before they can be heard. If turned off and on quickly the sound gets more and more delayed before its heard (with a quiet rumble sound) Throttling to zero then going to Map View then throttling to 100% the engines make no noise Going back to Flight View the sound is still missing but turning off and on in Flight View the sound returns with the delay Quicker Way of Just Having the Engines Quiet on Staging the Engines in + Load 0100SoundTestLaunchPad Throttle to Zero MapView Throttle to Full Space Bar Save File From Videos: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdkkisofbc8qbsx/0100SoundTestLaunchPad.zip?dl=0 How it was originally: https://youtu.be/6OUCXdMNblI (20 Seconds) Things of note here are: Sounds are relatively instant when turning off and on engines quickly Sounds do change their sound a little bit when turning off and on engines quickly Sounds work if the engines were off in Flight mode and turned on in Map View There's a quieter rumble in Map View that goes back to full sound in Flight View Additional Information: Any reference above to turning engines on and off is actually Z and X to throttle 0 to 100 to 0 etc. If actually launching the rocket properly sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't on its way up in regards to the sound completely turning off in Map View (a little more intermittent) It happens in space as well. It's not just a launch pad issue. Save File attached below for that as well. Save File for Orbital Rocket Testing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ix0qts5kp584ate/0100SoundTestOrbit.zip?dl=0
  14. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None When in Precision Mode the RV-105 Doesn't Work for any of the following: WASD Pitch/Yaw/Roll QE Rotation HN Forward/Back IKJL Translation
  15. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Video Evidence: https://youtu.be/_Umxp6djskY (11 Seconds) Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7yytoau97nn8l0/0120TStationScrollIssueSave.zip?dl=0
  16. I sent this to the devs through the support email but I think this is now the preferred communication channel for bugs? So I'm reposting for better visibility. Especially since I saw Matt Lowne hitting this exact bug. I was getting all my kerbals out of my ship in orbit for a group photo, and when I was ready to get them all back inside the ship, none of their EVA jetpacks were working. It's like they stopped accepting input. The fuel gauge showed them all in the 80-90% full range so they weren’t empty. I switched back to the space center and then used the tracking center to take control of them again, only to find they had somehow re-glued themselves to the ladder. Now wondering if they thought they were still on the ladder in some way? It appears to be related to getting additional Kerbals out of the ship Steps to Reproduce: -Have a pod in space with at least two kerbals in it -Have one kerbal get out. -Observe jetpack works fine, even if you switch back and forth between the kerbal and the vessel -Now have the second kerbal get out and fly around -Switch to the first kerbal -Observe, the first kerbal will now no longer accept input, but the second one will work fine -Return to space center -Use tracking center to take control of the broken kerbal -Observe, kerbal loads on the ladder of the vessel that was exited Note that if you go directly to the tracking center rather than going to the space center first, the kerbal will remain broken. Going all the way back to the space center then using the tracking center to take control of the broken kerbal seems to be the way to "fix" this broken state.
  17. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Important Information to Start With: The expected behaviors below might be an interim fix due to that craft priorities aren't a thing yet. Minor testing with and appear to have the same issues so not a regression as long as a save is backwards compatible. On Docking: Expected Behavior: Docked craft should maintain the SAS/RCS state of whichever craft has SAS/RCS on. Observed Behavior: After docking SAS/RCS are both off. On Undocking: Expected Behavior: If the original craft has SAS/RCS on then on undocking both crafts should maintain SAS Stability/RCS states. Observed Behavior: One craft will lose SAS/RCS on undocking. Video Evidence: https://youtu.be/ulCGmmh2fNQ (22 Seconds) Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5b4efhw6qb5nne/DockUndockTestSave.zip?dl=0
  18. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None is working correctly Supplied Save Files are created in and Tested in Ground Craft can be the active vessel of not the active vessel to cause problems Video Evidence: https://youtu.be/0d-9ZwiQq2o (25 Seconds) Steps to Replicate Video: Save File from Video and Active Orbital Craft Tests Below: https://www.dropbox.com/s/godu8cvzosqj6fo/0110ActiveCraftOrbit.zip?dl=0 Save File for Active Ground Craft Tests Below: https://www.dropbox.com/s/krrbbjoda43ww1r/0110ActiveCraftMunSurface.zip?dl=0 Simpler Ways to Replicate: Additional Information: The video shows AP and PE being affected. It can affect AN/DN and inclination lines between crafts as well. I just couldnt replicate easily.
  19. KSP2 - Windows 10 Home 21H2 - Ryzen 9 3950X - RTX 2080 Ti (Driver 531.18) Summary: Predicted trajectories leaving the SOI of most bodies are incorrect. This affects the manuever plan trajectory as well as the trajectory displayed after burn. The trajectory flips to the correct one after leaving the SOI. I noticed that the map view camera rotates by the same amount as the perceived wrong angle of the trajectory relative to the bodies affected when switching focus between the vessel and Kerbol (or the parent body for moons). The following are the approximate rotations relative to the parent body, these match my experiences for Kerbin, Mun, Minmus and Duna, as well as the screenshots of others I have seen in this thread: Original report: KSP2 - Windows 10 Home 21H2 - Ryzen 9 3950X - RTX 2080 Ti (Driver 528.49) (Save file link removed, this affects all craft). History: This craft launched from Kerbin, landed on Duna, picked up a stranded Kerbal, and launched from Duna to the east. Now in 200km Duna Orbit. Problem: As can be seen in the video, a maneuver node set up to leave Duna retrograde leads to a planned trajectory of a Kerbol orbit with an AP further out than Duna and PE at Duna (this is wrong). This will also be the case for the displayed trajectory after the burn, right until the craft exits Duna SOI. At Duna SOI exit the trajectory flips to the correct one, with a Kerbol AP at Duna and PE further in (see images - images from a different run than video).
  20. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Issue: Revamped Burn Timer Lights All Become Green at 1 Second and Then at 0 Seconds They All Turn Grey. counting down to 0 seconds: https://youtu.be/X2OoUv-ucmA (11 seconds) 3 seconds first light becomes yellow 2 seconds second light becomes yellow 1 second third light becomes yellow 0 second forth light becomes green counting down to 0 seconds: https://youtu.be/7VhjZz3-Hy0 (6 seconds) At 3 seconds the first light is yellow At 2 seconds the second light is yellow At 1 second all lights change to green (1 second off) At 0 seconds all lights change to grey (this shouldn't happen at 0 seconds) Speculation: That should be: 3 seconds first light becomes yellow 2 seconds second light becomes yellow 1 second third light becomes yellow 0 second all lights become green?
  21. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Construction: I would still like to have the option to surface attach to them but other than the texture being changed I am not sure what can be done here. Included Attachments:
  22. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version (10.0, Build 19045) | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 1700X Eight-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GX 1060 6GB | RAM: 15.95 GB Severity: med Frequency: high Description: Some parts make a craft move in the water when there is no actual force that is supposed to exist, I am going to call it "Kraken Wave" from now on. The direction of Kraken Wave depends on the part, orientation in the VAB, and rotation in the VAB. The easiest example to recreate this is by dropping a TR-3 "Bulldog" rover capsule into the water. The direction of this Kraken Wave moves the capsule forward if it was oriented forwards. If the capsule is oriented up in the VAB, it starts spinning around and the spin direction can be changed using the built-in reaction wheel. Rotating the capsule in the VAB also changes the way the Kraken Wave acts, mainly the center of rotation which gets revealed by the camera movement. The parts where I could confirm Kraken Wave to happen are command pods except for probe cores, rover wheels, landing gear (nothing or very little on landing legs), and parts that are narrower on one side than another which might give a clue to the cause of the bug. The strength of Kraken Wave depends on the size of the part from what I have seen. Side notes: I do know that my GPU and RAM are below the hardware requirements, so I am curious to find out if this bug also happens on hardware which is above the requirements. Included Attachments:
  23. Two different behaviors observed: 1) KSP2 launches on the right-most monitor (not primary). Splash screen, then game, normal loading and startup, just on the wrong monitor. 2) KSP2 splash screen loads on right-most monitor, bit warning screen and main screen load on center/primary monitor, but no mouse. You can navigate the game on the center/primary monitor by moving the mouse around to the releative positions on the right-most monitor (as if the game were running there). This can be "corrected" by alt-tab out of the game and back in, then the screens refresh and the game renders fully on the right-most (secondary) monitor. I have swapped the monitor cables and the same behavior occurs. The game always runs on Right-most monitor regardless of cabling or which monitor is set to Primary in windows. IE if I unplug 3rd (right most monitor) but set 1st monitor (left-most) as Primary, game will run on center monitor (Right-most connected monitor). Appears to be a bug that KSP2 always wants to run only on the right-most available monitor and not on the Primary. All other Steam games launch on primary (center) monitor as expected when in three monitor configuration. Windows 11 Pro 22621.1555 Z790 AORUS Elite AX; 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.60 GHz EVGA GeForce RTX 3090; Driver Version 531.61
  24. KSP Version v0.1.2.0 Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 11 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant i7 12700F with RTX 3060 Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior The button "Back" should be showing in the Privacy Policy screen after quitting to main menu from a running game. Observed Behavior The button "Back" is not showing in the Privacy Policy screen after quitting to main menu from a running game. Steps to Replicate - Load a game. - Click on "Quit to main menu" - Enter Extras and then Privacy Policy - The back button is missing Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - Unknown A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. - NO MODS Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
  25. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Screenshot: Video Evidence: Showing the issue going from 99 days which is good to 99+ when it isn't. https://youtu.be/QPr2Uk-fsLk Save File from Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ni2ngkwfwjn8gg5/0120BurnTimerDisplayWrongSave.zip?dl=0
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