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  1. The Kerbal KAL Logic & Computing Laboratory KerbalX hangar is here, git repo is here IMPORTANT NOTE: It is normal this project is going slowly. We're still working on it, but not very fast. +-----+ | LOG | +-----+ [ 230302.1751 ] Created thread. [ 230303.1542 ] Experiment 1: analog addition attempt (see log 23.1 and analysis 23.2) [ 230304.0937 ] Working bus (see log 23.3) [ 230305.1452 ] Working adder (see log 23.4) [ 230308.1649 ] Working instruction KALs (see log 23.5) [ 230319.1713 ] Thread got accidentally moved (see incident 23.6) [ 230330.1446 ] Experiment 2: KAL curves outside time range [0,1] attempt (see log 23.7) [ 230422.1602 ] Experiment 3: "Tape" memory idea + .craft file AG modification attempt (see log 23.8) [ 230506.1621 ] CFG File Parser (CFP) finished. [ 230714.1055 ] Bus with MOV instruction experiment (see log 23.9) [ 240118.1815 ] CFP 0.3 finished: now usable and finally good. (see log 24.1) [ 240121.1126 ] 256 register bank wiring finished, now all that's left is to implement the MOV instruction. (see log 24.2) +----------------+ | HARDWARE PACKS | +----------------+ Usable (and generaly more user-friendly) sets of hardware, packed together in a single contraption, like computers [ 256 Analog Early Computer Prototype ] An adder + registers pack, which also has instruction KALs you can run (TAB, ADD, etc.). Still not a computer. [I may redo this description] [] +-------------------------+ | BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operates on a single bit per KAL [ 1-bit AND Gate ] 1-bit AND Gate. [ 1-bit AND Gate Simplified ] Simplified version of the above 1-bit AND gate. [ 6-bit Adder ] A simple binary adder that adds two 6-bit numbers. Why 6-bit? Because there was only room for 6 KALs. [] +-----------------------------+ | I/O BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle I/O (Input/Output) with one bit per KAL [ 8-bit Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays an 8-bit number. [] +-------------------------+ | ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operate on KAL play positions, to represents larger numbers in a single KAL [ 256 Bus with 3 Registers ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. [ 256 Analog Adder ] Adds two 256 analog numbers. It has a carry in and a carry out, allowing it to be stacked. [ Analog Subtraction ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [ 256 Analog Bus (3 Registers) + Adder ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. It has an adder that can add two 256 analog numbers (A+B → A). [ MOV-256 Bus ] 256 analog bus prototype, featuring a MOV instruction. It can therefore have up to 256 registers. [ MOV-BUS-256 Register Pack ] A pack of 256 registers, with a working bus and MOV instruction. +-----------------------------+ | I/O ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle analog I/O (Input/Output) with KAL play positions [ 256 Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays a 256 analog number. [ Smoothed State Follower ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [] +------------------------+ | OTHER HARDWARE LIBRARY | +------------------------+ Hardware that convert between binary and analog, etc. [ 8-bit 256 Binary to Analog Converter ] Converts an 8-bit binary number into a 256 analog number. [ 256 8-bit Analog to Binary Converter ] (Not made yet, but that's a logical thing to do) [] +------------------+ | PYTHON UTILITIES | +------------------+ Python scripts that help using KALs, such as track generators, etc. [ CFP ] A craft file editor, which supports scripts. Comes with KAL-Utils script suite. [ Old CFG File Parser (CFP) ] A graphical program that uses Tk, to view and edit .craft files (and KSP cfgs in general). [ QnD Generate KAL Curve ] A quick-and-dirty python script that takes a list of values, and makes them a KAL curve. Can be used with CFP. [] For those who want to study KALs without having access to KSP, here's an extract of a .craft file, showing a KAL:
  2. I was searching around and i found this logical question worded in a silly way...however, it's kinda hard (at least for me, don't have an answer yet) to solve, so i wonder what your answers will be? Anyways, it goes a little something like this: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Someone ate my cabbage soup (sounds a bit silly, but stick with me here). There are four suspects: Steve, James, Dave & Tyler. Each suspect can say two statements about the "crime", a true one and a false one.And so the "interrogation" begins... Steve says: "I didn't eat it. Either it was James or none of us did it." James says: "I didn't eat it either. Tyler did it." Dave says: "Neither did I. James is lying when he said that Tyler ate it." Tyler says: "I only eat meat. If Steve didn't do it, James did it." Now the question remains, who of these four is the mysterious soup thief? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please post your answers and the logic behind them! I'm curious...
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