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  1. The Apollo Program You know it, we all love it: the legendary space program that put man on the Moon. At the time it was considered to be one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by either side during the Space Race. To this day the accomplishment of the Apollo program still stands as one of mankind's greatest achievements. Below are a collection of stock+DLC replicas I've built to represent the various rockets, spacecraft, and mission profiles that comprised the Apollo program—from its first test launches in 1961 to the very last flight of Apollo hardware in 1975. Currently this page features all of the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V flights minus Apollo 13, Skylab, and ASTP. If I have the time I'd also like to include the Little Joe II and LLRV missions, but we'll just have to see how things pan out. In the meantime, check out the spoilers below! They contain a bit of info about the launch history of the Apollo program, utilizing screenshots of every rocket and mission I've built so far. Downloads and flight instructions for each individual craft are featured further down the page. Birth of Apollo and the Saturn Rocket 1961-1963 Early Testing Begins 1963-1967 SA-1 - AS-204 (Apollo 1) The Saturn V Takes Flight 1967-1969 Apollo 4 - Apollo 11 Follow-up Missions and the End of Apollo 1969-1972 Apollo 12 - Apollo 17 Post-Apollo 1973-1975 Skylab 1-4, ASTP ↓↓↓Downloads↓↓↓ Required flags: drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12eV6W7RbosDmtB08Sp_0X-cJnIBsDEz0?usp=sharing zip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RILAPVRDlsn9ptDrGnIGzTsrpWvztouB/view?usp=sharing All crafts* built in stock KSP v1.11.2, both DLCs Required *SA-2 and SA-3 built in KSP v1.12.2 Saturn I: SA-1: 600 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/pj5vru5x704rlo5/Saturn I SA-1.craft?dl=0 SA-2: 609 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/w7e9majhr3w26hp/Saturn I SA-2.craft?dl=0 SA-3: 671 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/8djx8x1zx8vrwr1/Saturn I SA-3.craft?dl=0 SA-4: 809 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/xl2r3nd8rau6pyn/Saturn I SA-4.craft?dl=0 SA-5: 1399 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/61umgn0p8swlwgz/Saturn I SA-5.craft?dl=0 AS-101: 1584 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/eer70uqyz085dih/Saturn I AS-101.craft?dl=0 AS-102: 1661 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ngjhxk8vh4fe59/Saturn I AS-102.craft?dl=0 AS-103: 2188 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7516r3dauowujj/Saturn I AS-103.craft?dl=0 AS-104: 2193 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxwekn35wch8hlx/Saturn I AS-104.craft?dl=0 AS-105: 2177 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/76ucg6t087vo6ng/Saturn I AS-105.craft?dl=0 Saturn IB: AS-201/202: 1748 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc1035zkkie4hy0/Saturn IB AS-202.craft?dl=0 AS-203: 1096 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfi3sacpqkeaibz/Saturn IB AS-203.craft?dl=0 Apollo 5: 2306 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6wam6tob2m7ry2/Saturn IB Apollo 5.craft?dl=0 Apollo 7: 1987 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwmb7dgiqd9ou26/Saturn IB Apollo 7.craft?dl=0 Saturn V: Apollo 4: 3473 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8gqqqrfw3ck682/Saturn V Apollo 4.craft?dl=0 Apollo 6: 3458 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0mr9dmy4iv4gl8/Saturn V Apollo 6.craft?dl=0 Apollo 8: 3283 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/canhabj57onopkb/Saturn V Apollo 8.craft?dl=0 Apollo 9: 4384 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/4g65tn3obbik4lo/Saturn V Apollo 9.craft?dl=0 Apollo 10: 4424 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/twt3oeqdkohei5p/Saturn V Apollo 10.craft?dl=0 Apollo 11: 4563 parts https://kerbalx.com/tehmattguy/Saturn-V-Apollo-11 Apollo 12: 4582 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/pdc5dbim126dz1o/Saturn V Apollo 12.craft?dl=0 Apollo 14: 4647 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2f2affam55pveo/Saturn V Apollo 14.craft?dl=0 Apollo 15: 4880 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/561woxslixlwry2/Saturn V Apollo 15.craft?dl=0 Apollo 16: 4919 parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/nor79yyp9lg0oi5/Saturn V Apollo 16.craft?dl=0 Apollo 17: 4895 parts https://kerbalx.com/tehmattguy/Saturn-V-Apollo-17 Controls Saturn I/Saturn IB/Saturn V + CSM Spacebar (Stage): Start Automatic Flight Sequencer 1: Toggle CSM RCS / Extend Antennas / Reset Robotic Parts 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Decouple CSM Docking Port 8: Disengage CSM Umbilical 9: Deploy CSM Flotation Bags 0: Decouple from LES Post-Abort Backspace (Abort): Activate Launch Escape System LM (Apollo 5, 9-14) LM (Apollo 15-17) LRV (Apollo 15-17) 1: Reset Robotic Parts 1: Reset Robotic Parts 1: 2: Toggle LM RCS 2: Toggle LM RCS 2: 3: Deploy LM MESA 3: Deploy LM MESA 3: 4: LM Commander EVA 4: LM Commander EVA 4: 5: LM Pilot EVA 5: LM Pilot EVA 5: 6: LM Pre-Ascent Prep. 6: LM Pre-Ascent Prep. 6: 7: Deploy S-Band Antenna 7: Deploy LRV 7: 8: Decouple Antenna from LM 8: Deploy LRV Equipment 8: 9: Deploy Antenna Legs 9: Decouple LRV Equipment (Fore) 9: Engage Equipment Latch (Fore) 0: Deploy Antenna Dish 0: Decouple LRV Equipment (Aft) 0: Engage Equipment Latch (Aft) W/A/S/D: Driving / Steering G: Extend Landing Struts G: Extend Landing Struts B: Brakes U: Rendezvous Lights U: Rendezvous Lights Instructions All instructions are written in the Imgur albums linked below Saturn I / Saturn IB + CSM flight: https://imgur.com/a/x6wtIhc Saturn V + CSM flight: https://imgur.com/a/YcXfzfn LM landing, ascent + reentry and splashdown (Apollo 9-14): https://imgur.com/a/IdjBSY2 LM landing, LRV assembly, ascent, reentry and splashdown (Apollo 15-17): https://imgur.com/a/CuWz84P Craft Info Started development of this monstrosity back in December of last year, mainly because I wanted to build a high-fidelity replica of the Lunar Module to stack up next to my Soviet LK lander. Well you can't have an LM without a CSM and S-IVB, and if you have those you might as well build the entire rest of the Saturn V, right? And while you're at it, why not slap on an LRV and try to do one of those J-missions? That'd be pretty cool. Anyways, after months of trial, error, explosions, and lazing around I finally managed to put together a Saturn V that didn't explode by, would you believe, adding more struts. After the first successful test flight I managed to find the motivation to complete the design, and it took shape pretty quickly after that. I was also gonna put together a video but at this point it's pretty clear that it'll take a bit longer than usual to create. I don't wanna sit on the craft files while I make the video though so I'm posting them here just to get them out there. In the meantime, stay tuned, and thanks for reading!
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