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Found 2 results

  1. I never thought that on that evening in 2012 that a random game would eventually set me on a course to where I am now. Now that we are upon the eve of KSP1's great adventure, I wanted to highlight how KSP has affected me. I remember the first time I landed on the moon. At first, I was stupefied and elated at finally - finally! - succeeding where I'd failed dozens of times before. My lander parked beside me, I looked homeward to that beautiful blue and green marble - Kerbin. I was introduced to Kerbal Space Program at the age of eight. Over the course of the decade past, Kerbal has taught me the allure of spaceflight, from the celestial clockwork of orbital mechanics to the vast expanse of space. Ever since I first launched my first rocket all those years ago, I have been captivated by spaceflight. Kerbal taught me to love science, spaceflight, and engineering. It also changed the course of my life immensely. I will be attending college this year to pursue further education in physics and engineering. It is my hope that one day I will fulfill my dream of working in astronautics – a dream inspired by Kerbal Space Program. I’d like to extend my deepest thanks to the developers - the people who made Kerbal possible. Kerbal never would be as it is today if not for your enthusiasm, care, and dedication to Kerbal and its community. I’d also like to express my gratitude to the Kerbal community. Your passion for space exploration, commitment to teaching others, and infinite creativity and innovation has truly made an impact on my life. As a homage to KSP, I created a 10-minute long cinematic video montage. Go check it out if you want! (Moderators: please don't move this to Fan Works if you're considering it - the main point of this post is to talk about how KSP has influenced my life and give thanks, not the cinematic. )
  2. The KSP forum moderator's team presents the 2023 Thread of the Year It's the last day of December 2023, and making such a hard decision with so many good candidates has been challenging. But in the end, there could only be one thread of the year. The choice came down to one thread - and I think you'll find that in this one started by @Entropian in January (2023), this thread impacted many of us within the KSP community. The thread, "I started playing KSP in 2012. Now, I'm going to go to college for physics and engineering. Here's how KSP has changed the course of my life." may not have generated a lot of comments or followers. Still, it generated a lot of conversation on Discord and other social media platforms where the link was shared. Many of you even sent me Discord DMs and PMs through the forum recommending this for TOTY. We have all been impacted by Kerbal Space Program in some way. But for @Entropian, KSP changed their future. Within the post, there's a profound statement that has meant a lot to everyone who has read the OP: Here's the thread's post if you've never visited it: And here's the TOTM where it was initially featured: Thanks for writing such a tremendous and heartfelt post, @Entropian, and saying what so many of us have come to love the most about this game.
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