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(Turn-based) Kerbal Multiplayer Collaboration

Thunderous Echo

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Well jeez we're finally done. That was a lot more drawn out than I though it would be... But either way, here's the feedback:

Brenden: "Hey, guys. Had a great time doing this with me buds. From the chief engineer to whichever one of you will take the same role: Jesus that was a long time. 4 ditched craft... let me tell you. I don't really know of any other things to say... so, I guess I'm done."

Jared: "From one pilot to another, six words: Prepare to be here for hours. That'll be all."

Tyler: "Guess who had to do the docking and testing? Whoever goes after me, word of advice: Never use docking mode. It will destroy you."

Mariyate: (I had to cover for everyone when they were going out eating. I'm still not sure how to play the game efficiently; haven't explored all the data, but I can do well enough as a co-pilot. Whoever might be a co-pilot, I can't really offer any advice, but I can say that it is fun. I guess that's all?)

Well, they all enjoyed it. I see no reason to deny ourselves the same experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*cries softly*


When I first started this thread, such a death was just what I feared. I tried to structure the collaboration to make it as free as possible as to keep people able to play, and a fast-paced as possible to keep people from leaving from boredom. I vainly thought it might last for years, but as Robert Frost knew, nothing gold can stay.

So, a toast to what could not have lasted forever, but will always be a great memory. May we remember the great accomplishments we achieved together and the fun we had.

Edited by Thunderous Echo
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Well, maybe I'll have some free time and brainpower in a few days (if it doesn't end with switching off for half the summer)... Don't forget that right now is the dead season for anybody getting education ;)

Yeah, that's exactly how my attemt at arranging such a multiplayer ended couple years ago - it also was in the spring and it ended with nobody having any good ideas how to get it moving again.

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We need some objectives...

What to do...

Well, we could always set up some mining operations, such as someone manages a miner, someone else a refinery or something, then a transport craft, delivery craft, then we can use whatever comes of it to build something. I don't know exactly what, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

We could also discuss possibly adding in some custom modifications, such as my Liquid Hydrogen. That one's a bit of a stretch, and maybe should be reserved for a group or something.

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Actually a grad tour craft doesen't have to be huge, you just have to be really efficient. However I agree with Echo there.

My problem is that I am currently working on putting ~1500 tons into low pol orbit in many many seperate missions and even designing the mission for that is taking all my time atm. Also one reason I am not as enthusiastic with this as I probably should be is that it's stock (don't get me wrong I get why it has to be this way) and I am a mod fanatic. I feel like I am just missing so many parts when playing without all of the mods I use like KW Rocketry, B9 and B9 P-Wings, KSPI-E, Kethane, MKS and OKS etc. etc. etc.

I guess my imagination is not good enough but I often feel like it is a little pointless to build stations and bases in stock since there is no life support and no way to make anything self sustaining.

I like going big, like ridiculously oversized 1200 ton Stations and in stock that just seems pointless :(

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I don't think so. From the last few posts I would think that at least some people would like to revive it.

Just to put an idea out there, how about a new savegame (keeping the old one for old times sake of course ;) ) in ultra hard carreer mode (I say ultra hard because with funding beeing as it is one might as well play science mode when on easy/regular), that way there would be more of an objective, and saving money, eg. by using mining stations and LKO/midway refueling would actually make sense :P maybe a bit of a challenge would encourage players to be more creative. Also, it would enable some kinds of leaderboards as in max science per mission, max distance for low cost/part count etc.

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Career? I'm interested!

However we might need some additional limitations for it to work in multiplayer... something that scales well with the game progression as well...

One of the options might be delayed funding: let's say, rewards for completing missions can't be spent the same turn (initial contract fulding and craft recovery still can be used right away) and are passed to the next player as their starting funds. Therefore, running out of accessible funding would mean naturally ending the turn (preventing going halfway through the game in one go), while giving sufficient starting funding to the next player.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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