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OpenGL Anti-Aliasing

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, and it has, but forcing KSP to run in OpenGL forces the game to run without any Anti-Aliasing.

I know some people run it fine with Anti-Aliasing, but I believe my GPU doesn't really like it.

I run a GTX 970, on Windows 7, and my in game AA setting is 8x, my control panel is as follows.


I'm essentially forced to run KSP in OpenGL so I can use all the mods I want, I apologize if theres a simple answer and I am merely an idiot.

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Ok, now I see what you are trying to do. If you are running through Steam go to the properties of the game (by right clicking), then click on set launch options. In the space type -force-opengl (the - is needed) and the game will run on OpenGL. Make sure your game is in windowed mode, OpenGL doesn't like full screen (at least when I tried). If you are not running on Steam open your KSP folder, right-click KSP.exe, select "Create shortcut", and put -force-opengl in the "Target" field after the quotation marks, with a blank in-between. As for the anti-aliasing, sadly there is no way to turn it on, although I found that by turning it up in game, it did improve it a tad.

Edited by SpaceExplorer
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This may be what I'm experiencing too. ATI video card. When I use the "-force-opengl" option, AA turns off in the game. The options are still enabled, but AA is *clearly* not working.

IIRC, the ATI CCC tool will not apply "3D Application Settings" to any OpenGL app.

FYI running fullscreen here. My desktop is 720P, but I play KSP at 1080P; I don't think windowed mode is an option.

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Hey xptical,

After doing a little searching myself I found that the only form of anti-aliasing that OpenGL can work with is MSAA (muti-sample anti-aliasing). Sadly, the KSP settings do not allow for you to select MSAA from the settings, thus you have to force KSP to use them through your graphics driver. Again, this seems not to work for you. The only option that I can suggest is for you to change the settings in your graphics driver before you alter it to OpenGL and see if that works.

All the best.

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Another option would be to use the dirrctx11 switch. (It's what I use, and it does support AA up to 8x) The syntax is: -forcedirectx11. As far as I can tell it saves about the same amount of memory as opengl.

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Weird, I have -force-opengl and I did almost the same thing you did in nvidia control panel, and it worked. I have a GTX580.

The only difference I have with you is the antialiasing mode is not set to "enhance" but "override", for me. And it works.

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