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This giant bipedal crocodile ruled Earth before the dinosaurs.


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At nine feet long and walking on its hind legs...

9 feet long isn't giant for a crocodile. Just estimating from the picture, it looks like it would have stood up to maybe shoulder height or a little larger on an adult man.

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Yes 3 meters is not very long for crocodiles.

More interesting was the bipedal walking independent from dinosaurs? If so add another to the short list of bipedal creatures, dinosaurs / birds and humans is the success stories.

Know about another ape who was bipedal however it was to pick fruit on an isolated island and once it got an land bridge they was snacks.

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Come on...nukes? Against animals? We have to actively protect tigers, lions and crocodiles - or else people would murder them into extinction in one generation. We don't need any advanced weaponry to eradicate other species. Our brain, multipurpose hands and greed\stupidity is enough.

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That thing doesn't look like it would balance on its back feet.

Agree, From the skeleton it looked like it would walk on all four, perhaps run on just the back legs, tail might also have more meat than the reconstruction for balance.

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Come on...nukes? Against animals? We have to actively protect tigers, lions and crocodiles - or else people would murder them into extinction in one generation. We don't need any advanced weaponry to eradicate other species. Our brain, multipurpose hands and greed\stupidity is enough.

One of the silly things in Pacific Rim, was less the robots, and more how a (warning spoiler!!!, though one mention in the opening credits)... creature could survive 1 or more nukes at point blank range.

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Agree, From the skeleton it looked like it would walk on all four, perhaps run on just the back legs, tail might also have more meat than the reconstruction for balance.

Maybe it only accelerated on two feet, like a motorcycle doing a wheelie :D

I'm kind of joking, but kind of not... cold-blooded animals have to depend more on sudden bursts of speed than warm-blooded animals do. Maybe it was evolving towards true bipedalism but found some happy medium between. If there weren't "happy mediums" between quadrapedalism and bipedalism, bipedalism probably couldn't evolve.

Edited by |Velocity|
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Iguanodonts and hadrosaurs did exactly that. Usually they maintained quadripedal stance, but they switched to bipedalism when they needed speed - in case of predator attack for example. Bipedalism is taxing to a body, but it is efficient mode of locomotion. Take a look at us, humans - we are well suited for long distance running at steady pace. Only few other species (some dogs for example) can keep up with us. Some african natives still hunt this way - they pursue their prey relentlessly for hours, to complete exhaustion until it can't move anymore.

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