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The Elcano Challenge : Ground-based circumnavigation

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Lets make this a friendly competition :D. If you really want to work with my constraints, I didn't put enough solar panels to drive and keep EC charged. I only have one RTG to keep the prob core operational.


Good luck! Also, really looking forward to seeing your design :D

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It just occurred to me, I'm right now depriving myself of sleep because of it. I never tested my rover.


I'll kick myself a few in the morning

I think you misunderstood me concerning the constraints. I was talking about the rocket there, not the rover. My rover has three types of energy suppliers:

two RTG's, which combined provide insufficient power to keep on driving 24/7. ,two fuel driven generators as backup and one solar panel as a last resort backup.

Testing might seem unneccessary however during the Pol expedition i was confronted with several things which might have been done better (if only i had tested before). The current rover managed to explode during testing when dropped from 18 meters, after a slight redesign it now can survive undamaged a drop from 59 meters (provided it lands straight on its tracks. So the advantage of testing is evident. Besides, how else can you chack if your vehicle can survive a certain situation. Kerbin has a slightly higher gravity than Tylo, so you now it will survive on Tylo if the same happens there.

I wil make the rocket as stock as possible, so you can use it as well (if you want, that is.)

More details about the rover, preparations etc. on the mission page.

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I've tested my ALRM1 on Eve. It easily drives at top speed and the suspension has no problem with the higher gravity. I'm now facing the decision if I'm gonna use the LRM1 or ALRM1, strip the ALRM1 of all it's amphibious parts or maybe send them both and have a convoy.

And since I'm using stock parts, I'll have to go polar to avoid the ocean.

Edited by Azimech
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Maybe, we can only hope.


Better get that Tylo badge ready :D

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A frequent issue with the stock "Ruggedized" wheels. The suspension is such that when it is compressed, my rover performs beautifully, and when it is decompressed, I run the fear of flipping multiple times when trying to steer.


Well, at least that's minor

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I have a question.


As is obvious there was a tiny mishap in the handling of the rover. :P

I have a modded version of the rover that is basically the same, except for Ven's Stock Revamp and Adjustable Landing Gear. (And I think your Maritime Pack)

Can I replace the stock rover with the modded rover (after I fly it there) or must I continue using Stock versions?

Sorry Starwhip, I completely didn't see this post, even as big as it is. As long as it's somewhat similar, I got no problems.


And after 2 hours of trying to update this thing, with 3 browser windows open and my paint program with two tabs open... I completely lost the list of who I updated. And it's now 12:30 a.m. and I'm gonna get exactly 4 hours of sleep so you'll pardon me if I save the congratulations for later.

Edited by Fengist
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And I failed my objective; finish another circumnavigation in October.. I think it has to do with the body I chose to circumnavigate, Eve is quite big and my rover quite slow. Thereby I'm quite busy with important stuff.

anyway, I am around one fourth of the circumnavigation, more news will follow!

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Woo, finally on the last part of my Kerbin trip ( which for a high speed attempt is probably the slowest one so far, given I started in April! ), a rather long sea crossing which I can just leave in the background I guess. I have a bit of a problem though:

Imgur have gone and redone half their site & the only album style is one I hate. On top of that it's a real lottery if I can even upload there at all. Flickr is perfectly usable but they don't offer embeddable albums at all, so not much good for forum threads. Anyone got a suitable imgur album alternative?

Also I dunno if I'll be able to write trip reports any time soon; I've got pretty bad hand problems & struggling just to write this, so it may just have to be screenshot uploads. The Flickr album is up to date bar the final shot of the start flag - because I haven't quite got there yet, there's 350km more sea to cross at 104kts.

Edited by Van Disaster
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Thanks for updating the list, Fengist! :-)

Although I must point out, I didn't use any part mods, only Mechjeb. I don't consider Kerbpaint a mod because it doesn't change anything except colours. Therefore I'd like to promote my endeavours as being stock, because my vehicles perform the same out-of-the-box when you download them from KerbalX :-)



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I'll be logging a new mission report later today, but right now I have a quick question. I don't use the F3 key much, but this morning I hit it to see if I could go back and count how many times I've refueled my rover so far. But it's only giving me a report on what I did today, and nothing before I loaded the game this morning.

Like I said, I don't use the F3 key much.... is this normal?

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I am proud to say my Chariot has logged in her first 100 miles on the Mun! And I couldn't be happier with her performance. Even if something catastrophic were to happen and I needed to replace her, I don't think I would make any design changes. The only situation I can think of adding a new part is if something really cool comes out in 1.0.5 that I just can't live without, like a cool looking antenna or something.

I'm also having way more fun than I first expected. I was afraid it might get boring after a while, but it's been anything except boring! I've already seen and driven thru such amazing landscapes, dodged huge gaping craters, and already got myself boxed in badly by cliffs and craters; only getting out by riding the edge of a harrowing cliff for about a kilometer. You can see it on the map, where I stopped going north, circled around and then headed east. I seriously thought I was doomed.... it was great!

This is no longer just a challenge, it's an adventure, and I will be doing much more than just circumnavigating. Now I'm exploring! I want to see everything there is to see, even the poles, nightmare that they promise to be.







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Started my second attempt at this Elcano Challenge and it's been quite an experience, for those who haven't tried it or have been thinking about it I encourage you to do so if you have a lot of patients. It will bring you to apprecaite the beauty of Kerbin and the Challenge has Challenges in the Challenge if that makes any sense? I did a little research before starting and began my journey and to my surprise I forgot to name my saves, my craft stopped and I refueled but didn't notice that the Engines had broken off while I wasn't looking so now I will be starting again. This was roughly 10 to 12 hours of travel real time. Lesson learned and this is a lesson for those who plan to take this Challenge. The Picture shows how far I went and I will be doing a Recovery here. :confused:


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I'm also having way more fun than I first expected. I was afraid it might get boring after a while, but it's been anything except boring! I've already seen and driven thru such amazing landscapes, dodged huge gaping craters, and already got myself boxed in badly by cliffs and craters; only getting out by riding the edge of a harrowing cliff for about a kilometer. You can see it on the map, where I stopped going north, circled around and then headed east. I seriously thought I was doomed.... it was great!

This is no longer just a challenge, it's an adventure, and I will be doing much more than just circumnavigating. Now I'm exploring! I want to see everything there is to see, even the poles, nightmare that they promise to be.


You've put into words exactly what i would have liked to tell everyone thinking about an Elcano mission.

It starts of as just a challenge but becomes so much more! During the missions on Minmus and Pol i got so immersed that i tensed muscles in my arms and legs constantly when the rover moved along cliffs or became somewhat unstable or ... or ... or ...

And as Castille7 has said " It will bring you to apprecaite the beauty of Kerbin and the Challenge has Challenges in the Challenge".

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The Mun is definitely an interesting place to rover... although I'm continually redefining "interesting" given I've still got my mobile base stuck at the south pole :P It now has ( version 5 I think ) the ability to drill for ore to produce a new version of itself if it falls over sideways...

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The Mun is definitely an interesting place to rover... although I'm continually redefining "interesting" given I've still got my mobile base stuck at the south pole :P It now has ( version 5 I think ) the ability to drill for ore to produce a new version of itself if it falls over sideways...

Agreed... interesting takes on a whole new meaning on the Mun... lol. The rover I'm using has the ability to drill and re-fuel herself, both to run the fuelcells and to fuel the RCS thrusters. And let me tell you, those thrusters are a godsend!!!

I also have two of the large R/W wheels, positioned just inside the front and rear wheels. The RCS thrusters circle the R/W wheels, and I have two vernier's positioned in front and back, to cover all 6 directions. Even at speeds of 20 m/s, my wheels seldom come off the ground, and a quick translate down fixes it if they do. An average 15 m/s seems about perfect.

But even with all that, I've seen craters that terrify me! I never really realized from orbit, but craters=death!!!


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