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Official Beta Bugs Nostalgia Reminiscences


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Now that 1.0 perhaps it's time to think back to what unique bugs features you remember from the various beta versions of KSP.

For example...

Jeb: "Back in our day our rocket used to sway in the breeze from Bob opening a crisp packet"

... or even ...

Bob: "I remember when the dreaded 'Phantom Forces' use to spin our capsule so fast that our crews would get turned into a new paint job on the inside of the walls". :confused:

But my favourite bug would be the one that would blow up the lander and having to send out a rescue mission to rescue our favourite three Kerbateers. Rescue missions due to engines falling off rocked lol.

So what was your favourite unintended feature?

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Bill: Remember that time we fell out of the rover and couldn't move?

Bob: Yeah! There we were, just standing on Vall like a couple of idiots. Couldn't move, couldn't do anything--like we were still in our command seats.

Bill: Alive, standing, but immoble. Weird. Good thing our helmets are so tough, we could have been brain-damaged.

Bob: Good thing.


Bill: Remember that time we fell out of the rover and couldn't move?

Bob! Yeah! There we were, just standing on Vall...

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I once tried to land a plane on Duna (HyperEdit)

And it exploded, and the capsule spun/rotated so fast, that it looked like there were two. Poor Bill. He's going to have more than a headache after that one.

So I decided I wanted to save him. So I did the dumbest thing imaginable.

I put him on EVA.

And boy, let me tell you, I will never do that again XD

He flew over some mountains. Lived, but barley.

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Remember that time when there were a few holes in the terrain that you could fall through in R&D and if you went at a high timestep, you would fall through the world and explode? Though you could explode even without high timestep.

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Remember the time I tried to drive a rover into the docking-claw of the lander on the launch-pad and the planet disappeared?

How about the time Minmus vanished because the Minmus rover was closer to the docking claw than I though?

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Bob: "Remember that time I tried to grab that ladder and instead broke the Kerbal land speed record?"

Heh.. I had a base on Minmus with various rockets and mining systems set up... then Bob got out of a rover and suddenly the whole base and all the Kerbals were on their way to Duna... Was one hell of a rescue mission I can tell you.

Oh and here is another one...

Bill: "Remember the time I docked in Kerbol orbit and it caused the ship to fold itself in two every time I tried it?"

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Bob: Hey Jeb, you remember our Duna mission?

Jeb: The one where we almost ran out of snacks (TAC-LS), waiting for Bill to land on Ike?

Bill: Oy, it wasn't my fault mission control screwed up, and told you guys to bring our only lander to Duna and leave the descent stage on the surface!

Bob: The wait to send the probe-equipped lander after we had arrived wasn't the problem. You taking the mothership to Ike and spending months to dock after returning from Ike is

Bill: Mechanical failure! I told you this

Jeb: Actually, I heard this being an issue with the docking ports together. I read the mission log - Couldn't undock on arrival, and couldn't dock again when done with Ike

Bob: Wow, I thought it was Bills fault all along. I'm so glad we'll have Valentina with us soon so that we knows things are properly tested beforehand.

Edited by jarmund
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Or even the time when you jumped off the capsule less than a meter off the ground at the launchpad and summoned the hell kraken and the world went black. And when you returned, you were going at high velocity out of Kerbin?

ive also had this at Minmus actually.

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Jeb: "I remember lithobraking into the Mun, but the capsule survived"

Bob: "I remember coming to rescue you, I was a pilot back then, I landed near you."

Jeb: "And I remember when I tried to get out of my capsule, I accelerated thru the ground and out the far side of the mun at solar escape velocity."

Bob: "Yeah, you died out there, how are we talking?"

Jeb: "Um..."

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Remember that one version where fuel use was bugged? Instead of the throttle/fuel use relationship being linear, it was quadratic, so half throttle only uses 1/4 of the fuel, quarter throttle used 1/16 of the fuel, and it made getting anywhere extremely easy with extremely low throttle (and essentially infinite fuel) and a boatload of patience :P

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Remember the versions where occasional you would focus back on a ship from another and entire sections were straight up gone yet the ship held to its original shape. Also any ship built before one update upon return to Kerbin or landing on a planet would instead fly through it. Also good 'ol precision Jeb. Remember some of those rocket launches where 3 of the 4 boosters would fire and hold on to the rocket while the other was left on the pad.

Edited by sumrex
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