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Legend of Space Kerbals [AAR]


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The year is KCC[1] 0067. It's been six decades since the apocalyptic Atomic Conflict. Kerbal society has mostly recovered, although it remains fractured, as always, into distinct groups of varying scales. The largest of these, the Great Powers, control vast swathes of Kerbin's landmass, and with it millions of individuals. Each represents its people and its outlook for the future. Their development steadily walks along, as it always has; in fact, we begin this story in a period of extreme economic growth. The future holds boundless promise for those who dare to dream. Technological advance steadily rolls back the cruelties of illness, slavery, and malcontentment. Travel, fickle as it is, has also been mastered by Kerbalkind, thanks to the combustion engine. With it, and the pneumatic wheel, traverse across land is no longer exhausting and timeconsuming. With it and the propeller, sea travel is cheap, commonplace, and vital to the global marketplace; even the skies have been conquered. But there yet remains one final frontier.

Space. That perfectly black void beyond the atmosphere. It has been the home of dreamers since time immemorial; but an area that is inaccessible, and some say impossible, for Kerbals to reach. But with great expectations, the Grand Equatorial Union, a band of states loosely tied around the planet's midsection, has been convinced it's possible for a Kerb to go there. Even live there. With the aid of a new technology: the rocket. And even then; the G.E.U's people aren't the only ones looking up.

(This is going to be an AAR, in the style of Cydonian Monk's much-beloved NULL CYCLES/AD LUNAM. There might be some czokletmuss influence, too; the embedded soundtracks in Jool of Kerbol System and Journey to the Planets added greatly to the atmosphere. I'm playing with standard Moderate settings; reverting flights has been disabled. Mods, maybe, if they update fast enough. I think I have talent enough to pull this off, I'm a habitual procrastinator and extremely inexperienced, so don't expect the formatting and design to be as good here as it was-is there.)

[1]: Kerbin Combat Century, years after the Atomic War.


PROLOGUE (you just read this, unless you're a dirty skimmer)


Preparatory Phase 1 (Engineering Test Article 01 'Fleabag')

Prep Phase 2 (WIP)

Edited by ElJugador
Moar formatting. Moar fonts. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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PREP PHASE 1: 04-27-2015

The good folks over at the GEU decided to inaugurate the space program with a launch at the exact midnight moment the sixty-seventh year began.


"ETA 01, you're clear for take off!" Gene's voice crackled from the Fleabag's faulty, untuned speakers.

Jeb simply smiled and pulled the "THRUST" lever in response. The response from the tiny ship was enormous. Enough to press him into his seat, as if two other Kerbs were standing on his chest -- then a weakening as the single RT-5 below the capsule sputtered out, and a >BANG< as it broke the speed of sound. Not to mention several manned rocket records. He must've broken half-a-dozen of those. Soon, he was simply floating. The peak.


(7,441 something meters something. It was over 7,500, that's for sure..)

Eventually, the capsule steadily spun over its end. Jeb felt rather strange at this moment. An incredible feeling of wonder, mixed with the inedible feeling of wanting to throw up the snacks he'd inadvisably consumed an hour earlier. A long, leisurely drop. A couple minutes long. But Time, capricious as it is, reared its head.


Less than a kilometer out from ground level. The KSC's buildings were coming up at a frightening pace. Jeb tensed. The seconds were counting down... kept his hand just over the parachute lever.. BANG. The 'chute had opened when the craft was nose down. A stomach turning twist /up/.


But after a few moments, it reefed open, slowing down to a leisurely ~4 m/s. Everyone quietly watched as the Fleabag landed firmly on the ground with a quiet 'thump'.

Jeb was on the ground again.


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There might be a bit of a delay getting Prep Phase 2 done. I have schoolwork coming up and I have this amazing spaceplane design in Sandbox that's just really easy and fun to fly.

UPDATE: Okay, due to the fact of schoolwork, having to learn 1.0, and Jeb died... I feel like I have to let this go for now. I feel like I've started off completely on the wrong foot; I need to do more writing. What I have feels very barebones compared to most of the AARs out there. I need to take a break from this stuff before coming back. Anyone who was expecting Phase 2, I'm sorry. And besides, I want to spend some time tooling around in Career by myself.

Edited by ElJugador
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