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Anyone managed to exceed 1400m/s in level flight on jets (not rapiers) yet?


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This morning I got up to 1300 and this evening I've hit 1380 but I can't quite break 1400m/s yet. I'm talking about level flight, jet engines only, no zoom climb/dive/reentry. Oh, and no exploiting storage bays ;)

My tips: lots of engines and precoolers!

Your tips: ???

Edited by allmhuran
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Panzer: images? Technique?

Radam... those intake at the back are providing you with air somehow? That's interesting. Intakes in the airstream overheat fast, but if you can get air without being in the airstream....

As I said, though, jet engines only. Rapiers haver 20% more thrust and peak at higher speed than jets.

Edited by allmhuran
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OK, so I looked at this thread over here and decided to stick a cubic octagonal strut in front of the Pre-Cooler to lessen the drag.

1610m/s with 1567m/s horizontal before structural failure

UkALbK6s.png T0Ro3g9s.png

The explosion in the second picture is from the cubic octagonal strut giving out.

You can add more cubic octagonal struts in front of the first one and they'll work as ablative drag shielding. Unfortunitely, the Ramjet tends to overheat and explode right after the 3rd strut.

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