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Residual memory leak from flying over terrain

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Over the last couple of days, I've been noticing what appears to be a slow memory leak, initially I thought maybe it was coming from a mod, but right now, I'm running a 100% mod free game and I can see the memory usage slowly rise in taskmanager while I'm orbiting minmus at low orbit of around 10km. I would use the GCmonitor to see the memory usage ingame (which is a bit higher than taskmanager reports), but I wanted to be sure that there wasn't a memory leak coming from that somehow.

Heres the output log and crash data from the last time I crashed: http://sta.sh/0e91nkfjccm Don't mind the bloated output log, that came from MechJeb.

Edit: eh, I'm going to put GCmonitor in because I can see what the actual memory usage is.

Edit2: Ok, now I'm not so sure about the terrain being the cause, but theres definetly something doing memory leak.

Edited by smjjames
clarifying title
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