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Seeking Advanced Controls Mod


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G'day all! Like the title suggests, Im looking for a mod - either a suggestion to check out an existing one, or alternately suggestions would be welcome for pointers towards possibly creating one.

Im looking for a Fly by Wire mod, and before you point me in the direction of AFBW, thats not (entirely) what Im looking for.

At its base, Im interested in a system where I can remove the basic controls that stock assigns, and customise the controls to the effects in KSP. So for instance that could mean being able to remove the stock linear input curve for control displacement and replace it with one which is logarithmic... or one which is linear until a certain AoA is reached...

It could mean being able to use translation RCS with individually throttled thrusters to allow thrusters not uniformly distributed, but to have thrust uniformly distributed. It could mean ideally being able to design a craft with low or negative static stability, then being able to in the VAB, define a set of control laws for a Flight Computer System which would keep the craft stable throughout flight.

This goes hand in hand with good joystick support, which is why I was actually surprised that AFBW doesnt actually do any of this (although perhaps I shouldnt have been, this is really a massive scope looking at it). Ive had a brief look at kOS and thats going on my KSP install for experimentation, but I understand that when its in control, the player is locked out. Automated control is cool, but its not what Im looking for.

So - any tips or pointers towards mods that already do this? If there arent any mods that do this, any pointers towards good C# tutorials?

Cheers all!

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