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Quick Question about RCS

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I don't remember ever seeing anything about this, but is there any way to disable RCS for rotation but keep it on for translation? When I'm docking I keep it in staging mode and use wasdqe for rotation, and ijklhn for translation. The vast majority of my ships have enough torque to turn just fine without RCS, so I'd like to save monoprop fuel while still being able to use both hands for docking.

Edited by adinfinitum
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You can do this with linear RCS ports. Place 4 around CoM and then some facing forward and backward. Also using fine control mode [caps] saves vast amount of fuel for me as i dont need to compensate too much for my piloting errors..

Edited by Cebi
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I've thought about doing that before, and as of right now it seems like the best option. The only thing I don't like about doing it that way is that as soon as the CoM shifts the linear ports will start firing for rotation, and finding fore and aft locations that are inline with the CoM isn't always easy. Fine control definitely helps save fuel, I only ever turn it off when I need full power from my RCS.

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