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The K Prize - 100% reusable spaceplane to orbit and back

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My god, that thing looks awesome, Overfloater! Congratulations on your awesome-looking spaceplane. And Roguemason: I like the looks of the Adder was well. What's the non-atmposheric delta-v on that thing when topped up? It looks like it can go a long way.

As for myself: I promised here that I would do this, so here it is: my SSTO carrier bringing (something of equal weight to) a FL-T800 fuel tank to Duna and returning. Thread is here, but we're here for pretty pictures, so:

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-boolybooly Ahhh YES. Thank you my good man.

-Rodyle Thank you very much ;) She's a beauty isn't she... xD I'm telling you that plane is INSANELY fun.

And that's a cool mission you conducted there!


One of the planes is already at Minmus and a Crew variant has been developed.

Although ugly, it is even MORE maneuverable & easily stabilized because it has control surfaces further in front (compared to the regular model). They are now going to be the main crew transport between Kerbin & the moons. Spaceplane Mk-I is now a retired craft, since it wasn't easy getting to orbit.




Spaceplane-MkII-B Crew Variant


Edited by Overfloater
What's it to you }:-[
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And RogueMason: I like the looks of the Adder was well. What's the non-atmospheric delta-v on that thing when topped up? It looks like it can go a long way.


Well, it must have at least 4000 if it can get into Kerbin orbit safely. I'll do some testing after refuelling at the Kerbin Spacedock.

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-Rodyle Thank you very much ;) She's a beauty isn't she... xD I'm telling you that plane is INSANELY fun.

And that's a cool mission you conducted there!

Thanks! So, yeah. There are issues with my design, but it's basically the first spaceplane I made with the intention of carrying cargo. I think I really overbuilt it, seeing how immelman got to laythe, landed and got back on less fuel, but you cannot start out doing everything perfectly.

Well, it must have at least 4000 if it can get into Kerbin orbit safely. I'll do some testing after refuelling at the Kerbin Spacedock.

Not really. Most of the delta-v needed for getting into Kerbin orbit comes from atmospheric engine modes, which are much, much more efficient.

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I would like to submit my SSTO form the SSI thread, It an SSTO that is capable of reentry from a station at 120km, landing and then once more without refueling fling itself spacewards to dock once more with the station at 120km, It is also capable to a flyby with mun, and if done right ( i was unable to) a slingshot return around mun into Kerbal orbit can be possible. Link to thread here

Included in the thread is the craft file, and the flight profile I used. This DOES use part clipping, and other "questionable" miniaturizing methods, but none of the all out exploits that clipping is known for. Like 10 intakes clipped into the same spot.

This flight undocks, from a station, lands on the KSP runway, Takes back off from said runway and docks back with the station it left.


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So Damaske thanks for your mission report link and screeny, when you say it launched from the space station, did the craft complete the K-Prize mission from Kerbin launch to Kerbin landing without refuelling? I am wondering if you are saying that the craft refuelled at the station after the first lift off?

Rodyle congratulations on earning an Exploratory Utilitarial Commendation for the prodigious feat of dropping two ion probes into Duna orbit with Eagleray Carrier and returning to land safely on Kerbin's green pastures. Looks like Rodford had some fun with the fuel delivery scooter as well!

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So Damaske thanks for your mission report link and screeny, when you say it launched from the space station, did the craft complete the K-Prize mission from Kerbin launch to Kerbin landing without refuelling? I am wondering if you are saying that the craft refuelled at the station after the first lift off?

Would leaving orbit refilled at full, landing and then throwing yourself back up into orbit without refilling count as the same? If not I'll run a mission just for this challenge, i think it would be easy enough to do.

To clearify the mission that I did above, I launched into 120km orbit, refueled at the station. Undocked deorbited, kicked on the air breathers and came in for a landing. Take a few photos on the runway, then light the air breathers once more and lifted off into orbit without refueling. Once in orbit I went and caught up and docked once more with the same station I undocked from. taking other random photos as I few along.

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Well its tricky but I think its not the same, as this way the craft is not having to carry as much fuel into orbit since starting in space reduces the lift off weight by the retro-burn fuel cost before you try to take off, so the craft is lighter and is assisted by the energy it took to lift the retro burn fuel into orbit in the first place making it technically a two stage vehicle. In other words its a gatecrasher! :D

If you complete a successful mission for this version you get the choice to keep a gatecrasher entry and suitable quip or we can brush it under the carpet and pretend it was just a test flight! Meaning no link on the front page. So if you want to do the mission and dont want a gatecrasher entry I can leave it, else I can link it as a gatecrasher so people can still view it. Your call.

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Well its tricky but I think its not the same, as this way the craft is not having to carry as much fuel into orbit since starting in space reduces the lift off weight by the retro-burn fuel cost before you try to take off, so the craft is lighter and is assisted by the energy it took to lift the retro burn fuel into orbit in the first place making it technically a two stage vehicle. In other words its a gatecrasher! :D

If you complete a successful mission for this version you get the choice to keep a gatecrasher entry and suitable quip or we can brush it under the carpet and pretend it was just a test flight! Meaning no link on the front page. So if you want to do the mission and dont want a gatecrasher entry I can leave it, else I can link it as a gatecrasher so people can still view it. Your call.

I say we wait to link it and this one just be a misunderstanding. Midget Beta 1's getting prepared for mission now. Just so I can get this right, pic on ground, and then at each stage of flight, once in orbit, and randomly on the way down and a safe landing on Kerbal right? with extra points for taking a payload into orbit? Also are you ok with putting up a simple mission and then making more advanced ones with the same craft?


I have done a mission but crashed on landing without a quicksave, so I took up another craft but forgot to take pictures quick saved and then orbited, and landed on the 2nd try. YES that is Mechjeb there but I DID NOT use any autopilot features of the mod only the guidance and maneuvering features of it since I HATE the stupid click and drag settings of the stock game.

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I tried to add a probe atop the craft but due to troubles with in-flight stability I scrapped it. I do wish to make another craft that will carry cargo, might even make a carrier that with hold a Midget beta 1 or two.

Edited by Damaske
Added in imgur album and flight info.
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What defines a horizontal takeoff? I have a small SSTO (smaller than sploden's) that I launch from an angle. (< 45 degrees) (I'm not absolutely sure if it can make it back to the ground in one piece, but I think it can)

Or, am I allowed to take a rover and push the craft to the end of the runway? If I can do that then the above question is irrelevant.

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I should have posted this a while ago...





Before you ask, it did have a horizontal speed on the runway because I started the horizontal engines to qualify (even if it can take off full VTOL). I only used the robotics mod to make the vtol engines (which qualifies if I remember correctly). It was in stable orbit with plenty of fuel left to go somewhere else (although I didn't bother).

And that's pretty much it. Minimal clipping was used.

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Damaske thanks for your mission report of the compact and effective Midget Beta 1 flight. Your word is good enough here and all functions of Mechjeb are permitted in the K-Prize, see OP for rules. Congratulations on winning the K-Prize with an Advanced Pilot Precision Award for landing on the KSC runway.

kepicness did you get round to landing either of those craft? If you have a KSP version number for the second I can add it to the appropriate honor roll (if it landed).

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Hi LordFjord thanks for your interesting mission report, Kerbal Joint Reinforcements is OK as it does not change the flight characteristics, though it may assist with awkward landings it wont make craft indestructible. So congratulations on winning the illustrious K-Prize with Wasp Mk5 along with a highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1stClass for docking the second part and landing at KSC runway in the second mission as well as of course the deeply respected Utilitarial Commendation for lifting (two) loads into Kerbin orbit. I mentioned the refuel procedure in the link. Welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka roll of honour.:wink:

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Sorry, I forgot to add that. The first one is called the NISP-VTOL and yes it landed, but I didn't have the patience to do it on the runway. The VTOL engine has 360° of freedom, it's quite fun to hover upside down while going backwards :P

As for the second one it's a relic of the past (0.18). It still works but I don't have the patience to fly it to duna, land an come back a second time (it's called the NISP 7.1 whitebird, you might remember it). I think it's the smallest two way duna landing ssto ever (that doesn't use clipping). Or it used to be at least.

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Lite SSTO space station Crew shuttle.

This is an very fast 6 metric tons single engine little bird (2255 m/s overland) with full ISS capability.

Reliability, speed, weight and aerodynamic was the main goal fully accomplished by this little spaceplane.

Designed as fullwing has very good flying capabilities and is Death Reenter safe.

It goes in a 130 km circular orbit with 450 m/s of DV to spare (that mean 200 + deorbiting) enough to make the required orbiting and rendezvous manoeuvres.

His scope is to ferry crew from KSC to the orbiting space station.

I just reported the mission to bring back home Jeb, Bob and Bill from the Kerbin Main Space station.

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You certainly can Fellow314. Thanks for your mission report link. I make that a prestigious Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction no less, for landing on Duna and returning safely to Kerbin. Congratulations and welcome back to the roll of honour.

pinolallo, very interesting ship btw, thanks for your gatecrasher mission report, the bouncers have been alerted!

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Okay, so, this is my latest entry to the K-prize, my first released craft that uses RAPIERs and my first K-prize where I would not feel right without giving a shout out to another user on the forum. I reversed engineered Rune's Broadsword II, which gave me massive insight on how to construct a fuselage for the Hellion series of craft (mostly the spine and centre panels). That having been said, in the video there is a "ship" that re-enters the atmosphere is merely a docking adapter that I used to install the solar panels on the station without leaving a docking port on that part of the station.

I suppose I should mention that this is the Hellion III craft

Edited by that1guy
forgot to give craft name
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Thanks for your Hellion III mission report that1guy, congratulations on successfully completing the K-Prize mission with, if I read your video report correctly, a payload drop into orbit and docking and precise landing on KSC runway which deserves the prestigious Utilitarial Commendation as well as the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1stClass. Welcome back to the guest list aka roll of honour.

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