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[PART] [1.8.0 - 1.12+] ShadowWorks - Stockalike SLS, Delta IV, and More v2.0.5.1 Waterfall Edition [8-11-2021]


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On 10/8/2017 at 6:45 AM, TheShadow1138 said:

Maybe on the next update, whenever I finally get around to finishing it.  I need to refresh my understanding of RPM so I don't want to make too many pronouncements or promises on it, but it is something I have strongly considered.

Ok Then

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  • 5 months later...
58 minutes ago, Capt. Hunt said:

in 1.4.1 the Orion RCS thrusters shoot plumes that white out half of the screen, in completely the opposite direction from where they are actually thrusting.

From what I have read, this is because they reworked the FX system, and cannot be fixed until the new Part Tools are released there's not much that can be done, as far as I'm aware.  Tantares has similar issues with the RCS effects being in the opposite direction, though I haven't seen anything about whiting out the screen.  I suspect it all stems from the reworked FX system as I said.  I'll keep an eye out for the new Part Tools, until then not much I can do.

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Quick Update on RCS:  So, it turns out that the RCS FX issue can be solved with a CFG edit, which I have done, though I'm gonna see what I can tweak to make the FX look better to me.

New Issue:  It seems that now the Orion Heat Shield does not want to play nice with the Orion CM Decoupler.  In 1.3.1 nothing was wrong, you decouple the pod, and all went smooth, now in 1.4.1 it's almost like the game has decided that the colliders are intersecting and they get stuck.  I'm gonna try moving the bottom attach node down to see if that compensates, if not, I will have to resize the heat shield collider and re-export it.  Let me know if anyone else is experiencing this issue in KSP 1.4+.

Editing the bottom node of the heat shield solved the issue, so that will be included in the update.

Edited by TheShadow1138
Update heat shield issue.
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  • 2 months later...

Version 1.3.3 Uploaded to Spacedock

ShadowWorks 1.3.3

Changes 1.3.3:
* Corrected incorrect RCS effect rendering on all parts with RCS thrusters.
* Lowered bottom attach node on OrionCMHeatShield just enough to correct an issue with OrionCMDecoupler collider becoming entangled with the LAS collider preventing abort and LAS jettison
* Re-saved all craft to make sure that all load in 1.4+ and that all those that use the Orion use the new bottom node of the Heat Shield.

* Added FSTextureSwitch compatibility to allow switching of SLS tanks between the orange insulation and the white and black scheme via ModuleManager patch.

This update does not include the new parts, which are still not quite finished, it is a compatibility update for KSP v1.4+.  If you have any issues, please let me know.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, ZTB123 said:

How do the parachutes work? Says they’re on, but there’s no way to activate them through staging 

This usually happens because of a problem with the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file.  When I originally posted the update with that config I had written it wrong and it caused this problem for people that did not have RealChute installed.  I corrected this a long time ago, but it keeps cropping up as a problem every so often.

First, I assume you are using the latest version of ShadowWorks (v1.3.3).  If not, delete your current instal, download from Spacedock, I don't know if CKAN is the issue or not.

If you are using the most recent version, check the first line of the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file and make sure that it says:


If it does not look like that, you can replace the first line of the file with the one above.

If none of that works, however, you can just delete the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file and the parachutes will work as usual.  I would ask though, that if your "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" does not begin like it should, and you are using the most recent version that you would let me know where you downloaded the mod so I can put a notice or something in the OP.

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Thanks! One more thing: on both the shuttle and SLS, I lose control ~ 30 seconds after launch. What am I doing wrong? (To clarify, by lose control I mean that the shuttle/sls goes into a spin and crashes, not that it won’t let me use my keyboard)

Edited by ZTB123
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8 hours ago, ZTB123 said:

Thanks! One more thing: on both the shuttle and SLS, I lose control ~ 30 seconds after launch. What am I doing wrong? (To clarify, by lose control I mean that the shuttle/sls goes into a spin and crashes, not that it won’t let me use my keyboard)

The Shuttle can be extremely hard to fly, I had to orient the craft so that it launched with the shuttle on the eastern facing side of the launch pad, so that's probably just the Shuttle being the Shuttle.  The SLS, however,  is probably because of the parachute.  I noticed that when the problem you described earlier occurs, the game treated the parachute as deployed even though it isn't and so will cause the vehicle to do strange uncontrollable things.  So, fixing the parachute issue should fix the SLS, but there's not much to do with the shuttle.  When I was originally testing the Shuttle I don't know how many times I reverted to launch before I was able to get the thing into orbit, so you just have to play around with it and find what works for you.  Remember, the real Shuttle was flown by the onboard computer(s), so we have to do our best.

If you fixed the parachutes by replacing the first line of the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file, try deleting that file altogether.  Also, this just crossed my mind, what version of KSP are you running?

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9 hours ago, Blinkboy77 said:

Really realistic mod, but I've got a problem with the chute...actually when I take Orion chute part, there is no parachute...a little matter for reentry...

I'm not sure why this is still a problem.  All you should need to do is delete the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file and the parachute should work fine.  From where did you download the mod, Spacedock, or CKAN?

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16 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

I'm not sure why this is still a problem.  All you should need to do is delete the "_ShadowWorks_RealChute.cfg" file and the parachute should work fine.  From where did you download the mod, Spacedock, or CKAN?

I download from spacedock, thank's for the help, I will try it soon :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is probably a mod conflict, but the engines appear to have insufficient thrust to achieve a 100km equatorial orbit of Kerbin. I don't have any mods that intentionally effect atmosphere or gravity, and the only mod I have that changes engines is Realplume. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm running 

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On 7/11/2018 at 9:30 AM, redmonddkgamer said:

This is probably a mod conflict, but the engines appear to have insufficient thrust to achieve a 100km equatorial orbit of Kerbin. I don't have any mods that intentionally effect atmosphere or gravity, and the only mod I have that changes engines is Realplume. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm running 

Are you using RealFuels?  If so, it could be possible that the liquid fuel and oxidizer is being replaced with LH2 and LOX which have higher densities, and could be increasing the mass of the vehicle causing the problem since it wouldn't affect the maximum thrust of the engines.  Which engines are you referring to, the RS-25s, RL10s, or SRBs, or all of them?

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On 7/12/2018 at 2:31 PM, TheShadow1138 said:

Are you using RealFuels?  If so, it could be possible that the liquid fuel and oxidizer is being replaced with LH2 and LOX which have higher densities, and could be increasing the mass of the vehicle causing the problem since it wouldn't affect the maximum thrust of the engines.  Which engines are you referring to, the RS-25s, RL10s, or SRBs, or all of them?

No, I'm not using RealFuels. It's all engines.

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Hello Shadow. I have not tried this mod yet but it is on my list to install at some point. It looks very nice. I am assuming that it is balanced for stock Kerbin? Are there any config files to balance it for other scales.... I am currently considering a 3.2X scale because the stock game is getting kinda easy.


Thank you for the work you put into this mod.

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18 hours ago, Skyrunner84 said:

Hello Shadow. I have not tried this mod yet but it is on my list to install at some point. It looks very nice. I am assuming that it is balanced for stock Kerbin? Are there any config files to balance it for other scales.... I am currently considering a 3.2X scale because the stock game is getting kinda easy.


Thank you for the work you put into this mod.

The mod is balanced for stock KSP.  I'm not aware of any config files that balance the mod for other scales.  I have not done any, and don't know if anyone else has done so.  If anyone has done config files to balance ShadowWorks for other scales, let me and @Skyrunner84 know please.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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  • 3 months later...
5 hours ago, CocaoGames said:

the rocket seems to snap at the top (the capsule) making the sls block 1 unflyable for me

What version of KSP are you using?  I haven't tested on the most recent version of KSP, so I don't know if there is anything in the newest version that might be messing with the SLS or Orion.  This could (possibly) be the phantom RealChutes issue.  If you do not use RealChutes, try removing the "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" file from the "ShadowWorks" directory.  The issue that could arise with RealChutes, despite the fact that I have had an updated config to correct the issue, is that in a previous version of ShadowWorks the RealChutes config was bugged and would behave as though the chute was permanently deployed if RealChute was not installed.  That could cause undue drag at the top of the rocket and could cause the rocket to snap.  It is possible, if you got the mod through CKAN that it is not the most recent version and so could have the old buggy "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" file.

If deleting that file does not help, try building the rocket instead of using the craft-file provided.  Come to think of it, I did have to update the craft file in the most recent update because of a sudden issue with the Launch Abort System tower.  You may want to completely delete your ShadowWorks folder, and craft files, and download the most recent version from SpaceDock.

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17 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

What version of KSP are you using?  I haven't tested on the most recent version of KSP, so I don't know if there is anything in the newest version that might be messing with the SLS or Orion.  This could (possibly) be the phantom RealChutes issue.  If you do not use RealChutes, try removing the "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" file from the "ShadowWorks" directory.  The issue that could arise with RealChutes, despite the fact that I have had an updated config to correct the issue, is that in a previous version of ShadowWorks the RealChutes config was bugged and would behave as though the chute was permanently deployed if RealChute was not installed.  That could cause undue drag at the top of the rocket and could cause the rocket to snap.  It is possible, if you got the mod through CKAN that it is not the most recent version and so could have the old buggy "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" file.

If deleting that file does not help, try building the rocket instead of using the craft-file provided.  Come to think of it, I did have to update the craft file in the most recent update because of a sudden issue with the Launch Abort System tower.  You may want to completely delete your ShadowWorks folder, and craft files, and download the most recent version from SpaceDock.

Im using 1.4.5 and i think its the thh escape system it seems any craft withe the capsue breaks, i do have real chutes instulled



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53 minutes ago, CocaoGames said:

Im using 1.4.5 and i think its the thh escape system it seems any craft withe the capsue breaks, i do have real chutes instulled



If you're using the craft-file provided with the mod try removing the Orion CM Decoupler and the escape system, remove them from the editor, then place fresh versions from the Parts List.  You would have to set up the action groups again, but it might help.  Are you using any aerodynamics mods?  I haven't tested in anything other than stock aerodynamics, so that's a possibility.  I'll try to do some testing, when I get the chance, to see if I can reproduce what you're getting.

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On 11/12/2018 at 8:01 PM, TheShadow1138 said:

If you're using the craft-file provided with the mod try removing the Orion CM Decoupler and the escape system, remove them from the editor, then place fresh versions from the Parts List.  You would have to set up the action groups again, but it might help.  Are you using any aerodynamics mods?  I haven't tested in anything other than stock aerodynamics, so that's a possibility.  I'll try to do some testing, when I get the chance, to see if I can reproduce what you're getting.

ive done what you have said (apart from the rea chutes) i have real shutes installed, however the rocket still snap. from what i saw the capsule seems to sink kind of into the decoupler.

Aso great job on all the rockets, they look amaizing.

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