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How do you pronounce different *KSP* things?


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As the OP has killed my pronunciation fun and clarified that the thread is for KSP-related pronunciations, I may as well throw mine into the mix to be ignored. From the center out:

Kerbol: KER-bole (long O)

Moho: MO-ho (both long O)

Eve: Eve (monosyllabic, long E)

Gilly: GI-lee (hard G, short I, long E)

Kerbin: KIR-bin (both short I)

Mun: Muhn (short U, rhymes with Fun  the actual body in-game does not have an umlaut, nor does the tracking center description)

Minmus: MIN-muhs (short I, short U, soft S, rhymes with Bus)

Duna: DU-nuh (long U, reduced A)

Ike: Ike (rhymes with Like)

Dres: Drayce (the E takes a long A sound, soft S, rhymes with Face)

Jool: Jewl (I think this is my southern heritage coming out, but I undeniably sneak that W in there. I'd tell you it rhymes with Fuel, but then we'd get have to talk about how my "Fuel" is monosyllabic)

Laythe: Lathe (monosyllabic, long A, soft TH, rhymes with Bathe)

Vall: Vall (short, hard A, rhymes with Pal)

Tylo: TY-loe (Long I sound, long O, first syllable rhymes with Pie)

Bop: Bop

Pol: Pohl (rhymes with Goal)

Eeloo: EE-loo (Long E, long U, rhymes with Goo)

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"Mün" is definitely not pronounced "muhn", to do so would be just as silly as saying "jeel" for Jool. Mr. Manley is one who gets it right. Sure, it's a plain U in most places, but non-Germanics tend to forget their umlauts anyway.

On a related note, I say "the Mün" when I'm speaking English and "Mün" otherwise.

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I just pronounce the names using my native phonemes (Polish) as approximations of what I think they should be pronounced in English. Which must sound quite funny, now that I think of it.

Spelling - pronunciation using IPA (some explanation)

Kerbol - kÉ›rbÉâ€l ("É›" and "Éâ€" are the sounds often represented by "eh" and "oh" in English)

Moho - mÉâ€xɆ("x" as "ch" in Scottish English "loch")

Eve - iv or ɛva ("i" like "ee" in English)

Gilly - dáÊÂili ("dáÊÂ" is a sound somewhat simillar to "dÊ’" or soft g)

Kerbin - kɛrbin

Mun - mun (u like "oo" in English, but short)

Minumus - minmus

Duna - djuna ("j" like "y" in "yes")

Ike - aɪk

Dres - drɛs

Jool - dáÊÂul

Laythe - laɪtɛ (I don't know why I add the final "ɛ", I just do.)

Vall - val

Tylo - taɪlɆor tɨlɆ("ɨ" like "i" in "with")

Bop - bÉâ€p

Pol - pÉâ€l

Eeloo - ilu

Edited by Silias
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As the OP has killed my pronunciation fun and clarified that the thread is for KSP-related pronunciations, I may as well throw mine into the mix to be ignored. From the center out:

Kerbol: KER-bole (long O)

Moho: MO-ho (both long O)

Eve: Eve (monosyllabic, long E)

Gilly: GI-lee (hard G, short I, long E)

Kerbin: KIR-bin (both short I)

Mun: Muhn (short U, rhymes with Fun  the actual body in-game does not have an umlaut, nor does the tracking center description)

Minmus: MIN-muhs (short I, short U, soft S, rhymes with Bus)

Duna: DU-nuh (long U, reduced A)

Ike: Ike (rhymes with Like)

Dres: Drayce (the E takes a long A sound, soft S, rhymes with Face)

Jool: Jewl (I think this is my southern heritage coming out, but I undeniably sneak that W in there. I'd tell you it rhymes with Fuel, but then we'd get have to talk about how my "Fuel" is monosyllabic)

Laythe: Lathe (monosyllabic, long A, soft TH, rhymes with Bathe)

Vall: Vall (short, hard A, rhymes with Pal)

Tylo: TY-loe (Long I sound, long O, first syllable rhymes with Pie)

Bop: Bop

Pol: Pohl (rhymes with Goal)

Eeloo: EE-loo (Long E, long U, rhymes with Goo)

Basically this except for Dew-nah, Ker-BOLE and Drez(why would it make an 'A' sound? That makes no sense). (And Jool, which is sort of like Jyoul, but this basically sounds pretty much the same as other ways it's been written.)

Edited by Tw1
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Basically this except for Dew-nah, Ker-BOLE and Drez(why would it make an 'A' sound? That makes no sense). (And Jool, which is sort of like Jyoul, but this basically sounds pretty much the same as other ways it's been written.)

I manage not to sneak the W into the pronunciation of "Duna" (first syllable rhymes with MOO, not MEW), but given my Joolian (spoiler: I pronounce that "JOOL-lee-uhn" even though I pronounce the planet itself like "Jewl"). I can definitely see Ker-BOLE, too.

The reason for my pronunciation of Dres as "Drayce" with a long-a is because I studied Latin for all of high school and most of college (classical languages was one of my majors), and that's how it would be pronounced in Latin (in the phrase "in media res", meaning "in the middle of the things", the last word's Latin pronunciation sounds like "race"â€â€and then I just slap a D on the front for "Dres"). And yes, I am well aware that the Kerbol System has nothing to do with Latin whatsoever. That's just how my brain works.

I know "Mun/Mün" (and therefore "Muhn/Moon") is a common point of contention, but until the tracking station and system map start spelling it "Mün" instead of "Mun", I stand by my short-U pronunciation. Besides, what could be more natural and obvious than "Mun rhymes with Fun because KSP"?

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Nova's official unofficial may-or-may-not-be-considerable-as-canon pronunciation list:

Eeloo: Ee-lue

Jool: "Tool" with a J.

Laythe: Like "Faith" with an L.

Vall: "Fall" with a V.

Tylo: Tie-low.

Bop: The sound made when I hit people who pronounce Laythe using two syllables.

Pol: Poll and Pohl have equal acceptance.

Dres: Drezz.

Duna: Doo-na, or if you're British, Dew-na.

Ike: Like, like "like".

Kerbin: Godfellow Trampoline Mangione Breadstick Defiler.

Mun: Like "moon", Muhn is also acceptable when the umlaut is misplaced or unavailable. I just call it "the moon", however.

Minmus: Min-musz

Eve: Eve, like the name, biblical figure, or album by The Alan Parsons Project

Gilly: Gill-E (like wall-e but with a gill instead of a wall)

Moho: Mo-ho.

Kerbol: Ker-bohl/Ker-bowl

Save for my original Lay-thee, we are more alike than not. I accept your reality.

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Here's my pronunciations, read carefully:

Apoapsis = Top

Periapsis = Bottom

Prograde = Forward

Retrograde = Backwards

Radial = Down

Anti-Radial = Up

Normal = Left

Anti-Normal = Right

See? It's not hard at all! :P

To get to the Moon, you wait until you can see it, then go forwards!

To get into a polar orbit, you go up from the Launchpad, then turn left! :D

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Mine are like this, in my native language though I might pronounce them a bit different.

How do you pronounce Eeloo? Ee-low.

How do you pronounce Jool? Joal, as in coal

How do you prononce Laythe? Laith, as in baith

How do you pronounce Vall? Vall, as in fall

How do you pronounce Tylo? Tie-low.

How do you pronounce Bop? Bop, like pop.

How do you pronounce Pol? Poal, rhyming with my previous Jool (coal)

how do you pronounce Dres? Drez, dre like in dress, rez as in resolution.

How do you pronounce Duna? Doo-nah

How do you pronounce Ike? Ike like like.

How do you pronounce Kerbin? Ker-bin.

How do you pronounce Mun? Mun, as in sun.

How do you pronounce Minmus? Min-mus.

How do you pronounce Eve? Eve, as in christmas eve.

How do you pronounce Gilly? Fish gill-ee.

How do you pronounce Moho? mo-hoe, mo as in hoe

How do you pronounce Kerbol? Ker-bol, like Pol.

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Diverted here from the apocolapsis and piri piri apsis thread.

But the discussion moved to Aluminum, and aluminium - to which I thought were two different things. Turns out they were right! Its the same damn thing, spelled different, and said different, but the means the same thing. Cheers! How you pronounce any of it is like I dont give a....

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I'm from deep in the heart of Appalachia, so I don't speeks them sames as youz ferners.

Kerbol - "Kerbaal"

Moho - "Mow"

Eve - "Purple En"

Gilly - "Gaaa-lee"

Kerbin - "Kur-Ban"

Mun - "Moon" (anybody says differently is one of them strange talking terrorist commie types)

Minmus - "Mighty Mouse"

Duna - "Ornge En"

Ike - "President Eisenhower"

Dres - "Potater"

Jool - "Green En"

Laythe - "Mill"

Tylo - "Tyler"

Vall - "Ball"

Bop - "Soda"

Pol - "Pull"

Eeloo - "Whoo Dog"

(Or something along those lines.)

Edited by Cydonian Monk
Forgot the Sun; And now that I think about it we'd probably drop the last syllable of Moho.
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Kerbol - CareBAll

Moho - MöHow

Eve - Houston we need a back up

Gilly - ギリギリギリ

Kerbin - CareBean ; Mr. James CareBean

Mun - THE Mün

Minmus - The MÃœN

Duna - Mua'Dib

Ike - Ike ça fait mal

Dres - rosa

Jool - Amper

Laythe - L'8

Tylo - TieLaw ; a.k.a. a pretty weak fighter ; )

Vall - Ant In a

Bop - A Lua Mr.Elvis

Pol - P¤l

Eeloo - i!loo

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There are hundreds of greek words in the english language. Do you propose to roll the 'r' in 'astro-' aswell? What about "aero-"? I'm not sure if this as reasonable as it first sounds....

'Astronaut' is an English word, while 'periapsis' is a technical term that is typically used in an international context. Furthermore, 'periapsis' has been transliterated from the Greek alphabet into the Latin alphabet according to the Latin pronunciation, so the Latin/Greek pronunciation is obviously the correct one.

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Kerbol = Kair - bol

Eeloo = E - loo

Moho = Mo - o (Yeah, screw the h)

Eve = Ève (/ɛv/)

Gilly = Gui - li or Ji - li

Kerbin = Kair - bin

Mun = Mun, with the french pronunciation of u (/y/)

Minmus = Minmus, with a /y/

Duna = Duna, with a /y/

Ike = Ike (Like Ice, but with a k)

Dres = Dress

Jool = Jool

Laythe = Lace

Tylo = Tilo

Vall = Vall

Bop = Bop

Pol = Pol

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