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Can't get Unity Part Tools to work!

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The way I combine Uv maps is to export them as separate images and then open them as layers in a 2d editing software and save that. The actual Uv coordinates are saved in the mesh file so the Uv maps don\'t have to be combined for them to work.

Oh, you mean I just map the separate parts, then export them all the use photoshop or w/e and merge the images? Sounds clever, although the first thing that comes to my mind is how the background of the separate images would be handled. I\'m not really familiar with photoshop :/

Also, I have to figure out a simple way to texture things; blender\'s UV maps are a series of lines with funny colour gradients, which make them hard to paint bucket...

Not to mention that stupid colour bug in the VAB...

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Oh, you mean I just map the separate parts, then export them all the use photoshop or w/e and merge the images? Sounds clever, although the first thing that comes to my mind is how the background of the separate images would be handled. I\'m not really familiar with photoshop :/

Also, I have to figure out a simple way to texture things; blender\'s UV maps are a series of lines with funny colour gradients, which make them hard to paint bucket...

Not to mention that stupid colour bug in the VAB...

I believe you should divide your work in two steps:

1) get confident with Blender modelling and UW mapping, and then in texturing (Photoshop, Gimp or whatever) until you get an acceptably good model that can be seen well in Blender (plus its collider node)

As other said, try keepong all the texture maps in a single image (a single PNG texture file).

2) once you are confident with Blender + texture program, start importing in Unity.

This way you can know whether you are doing something wrong in Blender or in Unity.


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OMG Thanks guys! I just random\'ed some stuff; I placed the part back into unity. Perhaps last time I forgot to assign materials in unity or something, but no colour glitches, no off-centre part icon, no nothing! Everything works now, solved!

Thanks man(s).

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As far as I can tell, the Unity part tools inbuilt colorings are troublesome to say the least. A lot of times, it will simply come out white (though occasionally they work). You might work on texturing them in an image application as has been suggestion. Blender 2.63 + Gimp 2.8 work together AMAZINGLY if you follow this dude\'s tutorials:

(Round One and Round Two). Use a combination of Blenders inbuilt paint plus quickedit/import export with gimp.
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Also, I have to figure out a simple way to texture things; blender\'s UV maps are a series of lines with funny colour gradients, which make them hard to paint bucket...

Make sure snap to pixels is on in the UV Editor Window. Inside Gimp (or whatever) do a select by color threshold 0 and select the transparent part. This will select exactly all polygons in your wrap. Use a combination of add/subtract - box, free, or shape select to cut out the portions you don\'t intend to paint bucket. Create a new layer and paint there. Reexport as something other than your UV Export.png file.

And to save yourself heartache, use Gimp 2.8 -> Windows -> Single Window Mode.

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Thanks AdmiralStewart. Okay okay, one last, and probably most troubling, question; how in the world does the stupid texture work? It\'s always a dilemma here: DAE importing messes up in the VAB. Unity Parttools screws up the texture.

I think the main cylinder body texture is being applied properly, however... those stupid caps. They\'re a triangle fan now, (anybody know how to make that the default in that blending thing?) however the texture.......... bah.

The first image is the result, after I dragged the texture into the materials box in unity. I don\'t know how you would do it otherwise...?

The second image is what it\'s supposed to look like: unmodified from blender; I moved things around to fit in the UV editor, then exported it. No changes after that.

EDIT: I added a third image, it shows the UV map inside blender.

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