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Multiple ModuleManager.dll files

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I've noticed that I have three versions of the ModuleManager.dll file, installed by various mods-- is it fine to let them be, or should I only keep the most-recent/highest-version-numbered one? (Do they interfere with each other, or work together?)

Edited by MaxwellsDemon
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Does it hurt anything if the older ones are left as-is?

I don't think so, as I've had 3 versions of the file in my GameData folder at a time before. I didn't notice any problems, but it's best to just have the most up to date version. If I'm not mistaken, the MM dll is backwards compatible with mods that were made with previous versions. For example, if a mod was made using 2.2.1 it will work with 2.2.5. Please note, I just pulled these numbers out of thin air - I don't know what the current version is off the top of my head.

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Update: Ran fine without the older ones-- not to mention, I'd been seeing a couple of 'module manager updating patches' superimposed on top of each other on the loading screen, and removing the old files got rid of that, so it's most likely for the best.

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