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On Ground Challenge 2015 - 1st Edition

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Welcome to the On Ground Challenge 2015 !


Hello ! My name is TheGeekno72, I'm a new (french, *ahem* #ThanksGoogleTranslate) member of this forum and for my first topic here,

I will launch an international challenge (on this forum and on the French version), the On Ground Challenge 2015! The challenge is to make the crossing of the only continent that connects the North Pole to the South Pole only Kerbin with a rover that will according to his capacity to win points! ... and the winner will receive the glory of having been the first in this challenge !

You can't use HyperEdit to begin the challenge, you need to travel by the space,

You can use MechJeb for the use of the autopilot system,

You can read the way to win points like delivery a plane and a rocket in your rover/mobile base.

Only by the ground, free path !

Points will be awarded in this way:

Finish! - Make the crossing: 250 pts

Bus stop - Kerbals capacity of 12 or more: 50 pts

Delivery :

- a rocket :

- In - 1 T: +25 pts

- From T + 1: 25 pts

- From T + 5: 25 pts

- More than 10 T: +25 pts

- Can go into orbit: 100 pts

- a plane :

- In - 1 T: +25 pts

- From T + 1: 25 pts

- From T + 5: 25 pts

- Being towed, off, rests, and is again remoquer: 100 pts

Dat Truck - Had a good design: 50 pts

Camera, action! - In video: 50 pts

faster, Faster, FASTER! - Top speed is more than 15 m/s: 50 pts

PS : There is the (beautiful) flag of this challenge :


link to KSP-fr : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.fr/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=3922

If you want to do it or say something about this challenge, leave a post here !

Translated by Google Translate

Drive carefully !

Edited by TheGeekno72
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Dude, this is a cool topic, however this REALLY similar to the Elcano Challenge, which is to circumnavigate Kerbin. Plus how are you going to get to the pole in the first place?, can you use Hyper edit, and why did you even set a route, not just say no crossing water? Cool idea, but could have used some research beforehand.

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Check the french language thread's scoring section. It seems to be that there are points available for either plane delivery or rocket delivery, and a bonus for re-usability (I think. It's a half guess. I don't know much french and it appears Google translate doesn't either.)

IMHO it sounds like a fun challenge with a different enough set of rules and circumstances from the Elcano challenge to stand on its own.

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The reason why I created this challenge is simply that I can not find enough rover (stock) mass transport and I would like to find one that is durable in all conditions (which can be found in this north-south crossing) but apparently the success is not at the rendezvous ... :'- (

Google Translated, of course.

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I've been messing with some prototypes but I've been having problems with wheels. I really want to make something faster than the 60m/s that will destroy rover wheels and that means jet or rocket propulsion and fuel limitations. If I make anything big enough to refuel itself, it has severe problems handling turns and every attempt I've made at a wider track has result in almost immediate destruction of the wheels.

But... I'm not out of ideas just yet!

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No parts limits, (but it's better if it's under more than 750 parts no bonus points for that) you send (by air or space) your rover at the north pole and you do the travel to the south pole. with a plane and/or a rocket and/or 12 kerbals for bonus points (look at the original post)

Drive carefully ! :cool:

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