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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I made a plugin for cases like that that adds modules to parts based on simple criteria, eg "CommandPod" or "CrewCapacity>0", you could try that for adding MJ to all commandpods.


Just put that under "KSP\GameData" and run the game once, it'll create it's config then under "KSP\GameData\PluginData\ModuleAttacher" where you just add "MechJebCore:CommandPod" to the end of the file.

You can ignore the two "demo" lines, if it can't find what it should add nothing happens.

You need to advertise your plugins more, they are really usefull :)

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docking autopilot - 9/10 - nearly perfect. - Docked first time, no problems at all, the reason for the 9/10, is that even tho the docking goes without a hitch, it is miss-aligned once it is docked. (While this may not be a big deal for some, for those of us who like everything lined up this is a big deal.)

Anyway, overall, a great job guys :) :)..

I didn't even know that MechJeb could do the alignment itself, i used the docking cam (from lazor) to rotate my pieces and line them up exactly.

Yes, because i'm one of those loosers that likes everything correctly! :P

BUT! (yes, we all like a good BUTt) if this rotation could be done automatically, even better! :D

MechJeb rules, no doubt about it! First mod i ever tried and the last i will ever uninstall!

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I just put the mechjeb mod on my rocket, but the mechjeb control panel not appear, I'm using KSP 0.19.1

what's wrong with my KSP ?

I have put the plugins on plugin folder and parts on part folder :(

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I didn't even know that MechJeb could do the alignment itself, i used the docking cam (from lazor) to rotate my pieces and line them up exactly.

Yes, because i'm one of those loosers that likes everything correctly! :P

BUT! (yes, we all like a good BUTt) if this rotation could be done automatically, even better! :D

MechJeb rules, no doubt about it! First mod i ever tried and the last i will ever uninstall!

I like big butt's and I can not lie, tra la la la la doopdey doo, dee de da de da deee. sorry sorry, couldnt help myself. Bad Mick.

That said, I like to have the station parts nicely lined up too. I just rotated the docking craft manually with Q, E keys. A bit finnaky but I usually got it good enough.

It would be nice to have it line up to something but till then I will cope.

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I'm having problems with MechJeb's blacklist feature. I tried to blacklist all autopilots as is described in http://wiki.mechjeb.com/index.php?title=Manual/Blacklisting_modules ,but now it does not load any modules. The side panel is just empty. Could someone please check this and confirm.


I tried to build MechJeb so that I could debug this myself, but I'm having problems with that also. I followed instructions described in https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/wiki/Compiling-MechJeb-2 and I get it to compile without errors, but the produced library is only 700kt as opposed to the over megabyte size of the original, so something is obviously missing. Could somebody please give detailed instructions on how to set up a development environment for MechJeb?

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ORDA automatically does the rotational alignment, which is why I still use it over MechJeb for docking. It seems to use much less RCS fuel too.

With RCS balancer turned on, RCS fuel usage becomes comparable.

Rotational alignment is still a significant point in ORDA's favour though.

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With RCS balancer turned on, RCS fuel usage becomes comparable.

Rotational alignment is still a significant point in ORDA's favour though.

I just updated MJ to 2.08.........looooooove it!

One question though, is there a manual or URL on the 'advance settings' on the RCS balancer?

I set the 'overdrive' to 0% because it seems to me that causes the RCS to become Turbocharged.....not wanted.

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I just put the mechjeb mod on my rocket, but the mechjeb control panel not appear, I'm using KSP 0.19.1

what's wrong with my KSP ?

I have put the plugins on plugin folder and parts on part folder :(

Which mechjeb are you using?? = if you are using the latest (2.0.8) I think you will find it will only work in ksp 0.2 (although I could be wrong)

ORDA automatically does the rotational alignment, which is why I still use it over MechJeb for docking. It seems to use much less RCS fuel too.

Yes, but another downside to orda I have found since 0.2 is that orda once placed on the ship cannot seem to be taken off it again :( - so when placing orda you have to make sure it's exactly where you want it.

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Heavy frame drop when the rendezvous autopilot hits "planing to match velocities at closest approach" i take it this is a known bug if not well now you know about it and if it is known is there a way to fix it?

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Vanilla KSP has come so far in flight command that I don't consider MechJEB as a required addon any more, but dang it... this SO needs to be a part of career mode technology tree when it is developed. The utility of this addon can be integrated into the game in so many ways!

What would r4m0n and team work on if the mechjeb functions became vanilla?

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I was trying to use MechJeb to transfer from Kerbin to Duna. It set up a manouver node which looked just fine, so I told it to execute it. Then, as it would be a long, slow burn with nuclear engine on a heavy ship, I went and cooked dinner.

When I come back, I see that it's burning more or less retrograde, where it should have been burning more or less prograde, so I'm in a steep descent towards Kerbin at some 80 km altitude. I just barely managed to fix it. If I had been a somewhat slower cook, Jeb would have been toast.

So, what went wrong, and more importantly, how to avoid it in the future?

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I was trying to use MechJeb to transfer from Kerbin to Duna. It set up a manouver node which looked just fine, so I told it to execute it. Then, as it would be a long, slow burn with nuclear engine on a heavy ship, I went and cooked dinner.

When I come back, I see that it's burning more or less retrograde, where it should have been burning more or less prograde, so I'm in a steep descent towards Kerbin at some 80 km altitude. I just barely managed to fix it. If I had been a somewhat slower cook, Jeb would have been toast.

So, what went wrong, and more importantly, how to avoid it in the future?

Is your craft multi-engine and docked so that both engines are pointed away from each other? MechJeb/KSP might have gotten confused and fired the other engine, so you thought you were burning prograde on the right engine, but actually you were burning prograde on the OTHER engine.

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Is your craft multi-engine and docked so that both engines are pointed away from each other? MechJeb/KSP might have gotten confused and fired the other engine, so you thought you were burning prograde on the right engine, but actually you were burning prograde on the OTHER engine.

Nope, all engines pointing properly backwards, and it was a controlled burn, it was not spinning or something like that. MechJeb had set the target on the navball about 20 degrees off retrograde.

Yes, I should have noticed that, but I have grown kind of lazy and trust MechJeb. Heck, with a ship manned by MechJeb and the real Jeb Kerman, what could go wrong?

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Nope, all engines pointing properly backwards, and it was a controlled burn, it was not spinning or something like that. MechJeb had set the target on the navball about 20 degrees off retrograde.

Yes, I should have noticed that, but I have grown kind of lazy and trust MechJeb. Heck, with a ship manned by MechJeb and the real Jeb Kerman, what could go wrong?

How long a burn did you need? Mechjeb will split the difference on burn time so if you have a long enough burn it could technically try burning close to your retrograde. You'll notice a manuever node is relative to the exact vector for that manuever node. If this is the case you will probably have to do several burns to make your orbit more eccentric before making a final burn to escape. You have to do this using a nuclear engine especially if you have a very heavy craft.

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That said, I like to have the station parts nicely lined up too. I just rotated the docking craft manually with Q, E keys. A bit finnaky but I usually got it good enough.

It would be nice to have it line up to something but till then I will cope.

Thank you, I never tried it that way before, I just finished docking 2 parts onto my new station doing it that way and it was easy.. (except when mechjeb stopped short of the station and just sat there until I exited to tracking station, went back set things up again and it finished things off :))

One thing I have been thinking of, maybe the developer could add an extra box to the docking window that lets you type in a degree for rotation, so say you knew your station was at 90, you could type 90 into the box and then mechjeb would rotate your ship to the 90 thereby lining you up.. - I thought of this when I went to dock my second ship, I found I was going to be upside down, so had to quickly hammer the Q and E keys to rotate the ship around LOL.

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I have a version with a box to force the Roll in the ASAS and Docking Autopilot ( and other change ). It works but you get strange manoeuver when you change the roll for more than ~60° ( the unmodified MJ2 does the same when you use the surf control ).


( src : https://github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/tree/raf04_sarbian )

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How long a burn did you need? Mechjeb will split the difference on burn time so if you have a long enough burn it could technically try burning close to your retrograde. You'll notice a manuever node is relative to the exact vector for that manuever node. If this is the case you will probably have to do several burns to make your orbit more eccentric before making a final burn to escape. You have to do this using a nuclear engine especially if you have a very heavy craft.

It was a 20 minute burn, from a 250 km orbit. What is the "safe burn time"?

Is there any rule of thumb for making this gradual change, and will MechJeb still work from an eccentric orbit?

Or, should I just add another fuel tank and a Mainsail?

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I have a version with a box to force the Roll in the ASAS and Docking Autopilot ( and other change ). It works but you get strange manoeuver when you change the roll for more than ~60° ( the unmodified MJ2 does the same when you use the surf control ).

Hmmm, sooo what you are saying is, that like for my last ship which was at 0, and I had to roll to 90° I would end up having Mechjeb doing strange maneuvers... hehehe might be interesting to see what it does LOL

I presume your version is based off build #56?

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